
Stargazer [Star Wars Fan Fiction]

Star Wars fan is reincarnated in galaxy far far away with no clear reason. With no cheats and pathetic control over the Force at best, armed only in knowledge of the future to influence galaxy he decide to become navy officer. My first time writing. I want to write a novel but decided to start with fanfics, and I love star wars so I will to start here. For now It’s only prologue , if I see that Somone is interested I will start publishing in maybe two weeks. English isn’t my first language so if you see some error comment, I will try to correct it as fast as I can.

zkijk · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Chapter 1


22 BBY - 2 months since the start of the war

/ Chapter 1 /


Venator-class Star Destroyer, over 1 km long starship, great carrier, good command ship, and in my personal opinion awful star destroyer, with a crew of 7400, only around 10% of them are clones.

Caminoan creations on board mostly take roles as starfighter pilots, marines and ground pounders.

I pity them really, born to betray and be discarded, once known as the wrath of coruscant and defenders of democracy, and not even be rewarded with citizenship in the Republic … in the Empire. 

Before me opened the doors to the Champion bridge, stars took my attention for only a moment before I redirected my gaze upon one of these people, my first in command, or at least on someone that supposed to be one.

,, Captain, it's good to see you, I'm assuming that you want a status report on the resupplying process, am I right? "

Before me stood a clone with a shaven head in a grey navy uniform, an officer cap, and a professional but friendly smile.

I just stood there and studied him in silence. 

,, Emmm… Are you all right Captain?"

,, Yes, I am just trying to remember if someone informed me about the commander of 112th transferring to my command, as my first no less, the hell are you doing Blaze." 

,, How ?! How can you just recognize all clones at a glance, I trained his mannerisms for 4 days, I even shaved my hair!"

Force, the answer is force, another perk of my connection to it, I am keenly aware of everyone around me and their emotions. It makes me unable to mistake someone's identity if I meet them at least once. I don't know if all force users feel the same, it makes it easier with the clones, but I can't tell him that.

,, Blaze, you may look all the same but you somehow are the ugliest of all the clones "

A choir of muffled chuckles sounded on the bridge, mostly from clones who knew about the prank attempt and paid attention to our conversation. As for Blaze, he wasn't amused.

Behind me opened the door again and I heard the words of commander pretender.

,, Captain, Lieutenant I'm here to report…"

,, Shut it Blast, he recognized me, instantly." 

I turned and watched as my true first took off helmet painted in color off 112th, red and started shouting match with the owner of said helmet.

„That's because your shit actor, clancer would be a better actor than you."

„No, I'm not, he just has some superpower or secret ocular implant that can distinguish us or …"

„No, you just can't play a role even if your life depends on it!"

„Ok, that's enough BB." I stopped them as I invoked their collective nickname they hate and somehow the rest of the crew love. "You both know that pretending to be officers in the army is worth of court marshal, I'm pretty sure that excuse that ''I'm an officer in the said army isn't an excuse good enough'' so why?"

„Oh please," Blaze said while rolling his eyes „We know you. You wouldn't do something so petty just because of a prank"

„I wouldn't but Jedi might, you don't know him."

„Jedi?" I didn't need my force sense to believe Blaze's genuine confusion.

„You don't know?" I asked equally confused.

„It's actually her, I was informed that she was landing before coming to the bridge."

„You were informed and I wasn't?"

One of the nonclone officers manning a console shrunk himself as I glared at him.

„Will someone explain to me what is happening ?" asked Blaze.

„Aaa that would be my second prank today."

„Blaze, today is the day when Jedi is to assume command of my squadron and your legion."

„A…And she's already on board, I...I wasn't informed." The clone commander's fear was shortly replaced with fury as he pointed at the first officer. „You, It's your fault, why didn't you tell! Give me back my armor, I need to change."

„I might have forgotten to inform everyone, I was too busy repainting all star fighters, someone painted them all red and wrote on them Blazer Blazers" Blast answered with a smile as if he didn't care. 

I smiled at their bickering. I pity them really, born to be manipulated. In the future, I will do a lot of things that I'm not proud of, among those things I regret how I will use clones the most. If you two read this in the future, I'm really sorry, I will try to repay it to not only you but all the clones.

Entrance onto the bridge opened again and our attention fell upon two visitors.

First human woman around 40 with long brunette hair in Jedi robes, and a human girl around 13 maybe 14.

I could feel Blaze's fear and Blast's glee, but my attention was on the presumed Jedi master, a woman that later I would nickname BBB, BIG, BAD, BICH


POV Kandra Denu

To say that I am completely calm would be a lie, I'm not nervous I am just…

,, You are anxious."

,, Yes master, I…I don't want to embarrass myself."

I turned off the datapad with information about the crew of Champion and troopers of the 112th, and looked at my master. Next to me sat a knight of the Jedi order my master, she seemed to be completely calm.

I couldn't comprehend how she is taking command of nearly 50,000 people it's her first time with such obligations, but knowing her she might simply do not care. 

,, You don't need to worry, they are just soldiers, all under our command." She said with a dismissive attitude. 

O my force, she simply does not care.

,, Kandra, you are a Jedi, remember your training and they will remember theirs."

Jedi, not a commander.

,, Yes, master."

,, We will be landing shortly, Master Jedi." The shuttle pilot informed us through the intercom. 

During landing process conversation was absent, I observed that my master wasn't a big fan of landing when she wasn't at the helm. When we landed my master stood up equally silent and moved to the exit, before following her I decided to check my appearance one last time, for whatever reason there was a mirror transported with us and a couple more reasonable things. 

My black hair was tied in a ponytail from and padawan braid, I wore a tight black tank top that showed a little of my belly and thigh black pants, on my legs I wore high boots also black with short heal, on my waist lays dark belt with my light saber.(help I can't clothes )I like black what can I say, I shrugged at no one in particular.

I was looking good and yet a scowl visited my face. 

I'm short, they will think I am a kid. Can't do anything about it, I won't wear high heels to the battlefield. Disheartened by my own shortcomings, pun intended, I followed my master.

As we disembarked from the Nu-class Shuttle, I witnessed the enormity of the Venator main hangar, wherever I looked people were doing something, there were even AT-TE walking around.

One of the clones walked up to us (mostly to my master), clearly to greet us. He was wearing regular clone armor, with a similar paint job to other clones around.

On his chest was one red dot in a place where his heart should be and his right arm was painted red. What distinguished him from the rest of the clones was one red vertical stripe in the middle of his helmet running the entirety of his helmet interrupted only by his visor.

,, General" he saluted,, I'm Captain Pad, I'm here to guide you to the bridge, welcome on the Champion."

,, At ease, Captain" my master said as nonchalantly as ever ,,I was expecting Captain but not you, where is Captain Stargazer?"

Clone trooper Pad visibly is anxious after this question even in his armor. Well, at least I'm not the only one.

,, Aaee Captain is currently on a bridge, we are currently resupplying and the new crew needs supervision."

,, Well, guide us then." 

We followed Captain through the corridors of Star Destroyer. I see the gazes pointed at us and hear murmurs of the crew. They were already judging me, so I straightened up and tried to present a visage of the completely calm Jedi that I am (not).

As I was paying attention to the crew, my master paid attention to the ship itself.

,, Many of the corridors are freshly painted, I also saw that many of the starfighters in the hangar were painted not long ago, is the entire ship in a similar state." My master directed the question at our clearly uncomfortable guide.

,,Aaa that's because Commander Blaze and Lieutenant Blast, they really care about maintenance."

,,And Capitan Stargazer isn't?"

,,He is, it's just Commander and Lieutenant take care of everything before the Captain orders anything."

,,Hmm … Kandra" My master turned to me a little more quietly ,, If the opportunity arises try to figure out what kind of person Capitan Stargazer is."

,, Yes, master." Ok, that shouldn't be so hard, he's not a Sith so I can feel him out with a Force and he isn't that much older than me.

As we walked onto the bridge and Captain Pad left I saw a bridge full of officers, but my attention was on 3 people in the middle who clearly were in a heated argument a moment ago. The first clone was in trooper armor similarly painted to the others with the difference that his entire helmet and his left fist were red, presumed Commander Blaze. The second clone was in a gray navy uniform with Lieutenant insignia on his chest, I guess this is Lieutenant Blast.

Finally, I focused on a young man with Captain insignia he was wearing a similar uniform as a Lieutenant but without a cap which showed his neatly cut black hair he had piercing gray eyes and a handsome face… very handsome.

NO!!! You can't think that Kandra you are a Jedi.

In turn, his eyes were focused, on my master, I'm here to you know.

,, General" the three of them saluted. ,, I am Captain Tharn Stargazer, on my right is Commander Blaze, and on my left is Lieutenant Blast, welcome on the bridge of the Champion."

,, Greeting I am Jedi knight Amina Janrand and this is my padawan Kandra Denu" When my master introduced me I bowed,, It's good to see you Captain, but I expected you to welcome me on board in the hangar."

,, Excuse me, General, I wasn't send any information about your identity so I simply deduced that you weren't overly interested in pleasantries." He said with a polite smile. I think I will like him.

I tried using Force to sense his emotions and… I…I couldn't, I could bearly realize he was there, I could sense everyone on the bridge except him, it was as if he didn't feel emotions.

,,Hmm, if I may ask how old are you Captain."

,,I'm 21 ma'am"

,, A little young for the position of Squadron Captain, don't you think?"

,, After the Geonosis Republic established a true military force, not just a judicial enforcer, and started to mass produce starships someone needed to staff them, I belonged to planetary defense forces where I already commanded ships under fire. I was too young for the rank of admiral but I was a great candidate for command of the squadron. As for my age do not worry I am not a child, it would be absurd for any organization to send children onto the battlefield." he redirected his gaze on me. I don't think I will like him.

My master will like him even less.

,, Very well then, if you could report when will squadron be ready to depart"

This time answered Lieutenant Blast ,, In around 3 hours ma'am."

,,In the meantime, we have time for a holo meeting with the rest of the squadron commanders and a more in-depth briefing." Captain continued.

,, There is no need for that, ready squadron for immediate departure after resupply is complete. Commander, we need to talk about the legion command ladder in private, if you could guide me to my quarters." My master command.

,, With pleasure ma'am" and he wasn't lying, I could sense true joy in him as he guided my Master out of the bridge, for whatever reason I could also sense dread from Lieutenant.

When they left, Captain looked at the door with disbelief, as for Lieutenant he …

,, I will kill the fucker!!!"

I felt anger.

-Author Note-

World count: 2162 

I wanted to write more but the chapter was already long.

I decided to write this fanfic, I will try to post at least 1 chapter a week, but most chapters will be 2 in 1, first from the perspective of Tharn in the book and second from perspective of another character.

Tell me what are your thoughts, and if you see any errors comment and I will try to correct them.

I will try to update the synopsis in a few days because right now they are so-so.