
Jaxon & Grogu

[MC will not be overpowered possibly ever, though he will eventually become very powerful, he will grow and learn, this isn't a story with an instant god-like MC]

In a room filled with boxes, floats a large silver egg-shaped pod. Standing to the side of the egg is a young boy around ten-years-old.

The boy has pitch-black hair, green eyes, fair skin, and wears a mixture of black and white robes,

Knocking on the pod before pressing a button that causes it to open, out pops the head of a small green creature.

"Come on Snot-Goblin, time to wake up", taking a piece of dried meat from his pocket, Jaxon offers it to the baby.

Grogu makes a hand motion and a small squeak-like noise before eating the food given to him.

[Author's note: Just like in the TV Show, Grogu won't actually talk, he'll talk through the MC like a translator]

The baby's angry reply causes the boy to laugh, "Aww, does the little baby not like being made fun of?", he says the voice of a baby, annoying Grogu more.

Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of gunfire outside the main door.

Quickly closing the pod and covering it with a tarp. Jaxon stands in front of the pod and takes something out of his clothes.

'Apologies, master, i promised i would only use your weapon in emergencies but i need to protect the little guy', with a click, a green laser shoots out of the hilt.

Using the single lightsaber form he knows, he spaces his feet evenly from each other and points his lightsaber directly in front of him.

The sound of blaster fire stops, after a moment of silence, the doors open, he's greeted by a Mandalorian and a droid he is unfamiliar with.

Silence lingers in the air, the bounty hunters were sent after two targets, but one of them is currently holding a deadly weapon against them.

The droid interrupts the silene when he tries to shoot the boy only to have his shot reflected back at him, straight through his head, he was dead before he hit the ground.

The boy looks at his next opponent, a real Mandalorian, "I've only read about your kind from books, warriors without equal, that could stand against the Jedi in a war that lasted years"

The Mando holds up his left hand in a sign of surrender, and he puts his blaster away, "I was sent here for a child which I'm guessing is you, and a fifty-year-old man"

The boy chuckles at his comment, he doesn't take his eyes off of his opponent as he opens the pod, revealing Grogu, "Here's your old man"

Before the Mando can talk, he's interrupted by the boy, "who sent you?"

"The Empire", his words were met with a powerful force that throws him into th wall behind him.

As the boy holds his glowing sword to the Mando's throat, he gives the warrior a bright smile, "That sounds like a wonderful idea, take me to the Empire... I wanted to say take me to your leader since that sounds way cooler but i doubt you work for them permanently... this trips going to be fun"

Putting away his lightsaber, he clicks a button on Grogu's pod which causes it to follow him, "Let's go Mando, I'm hungry for some real food, and your buying"

Hours pass by, they walk through various caverns and caves to reach the Mado's ship.

Walking in silence, Mando watches their surroundings like a hawk, Grogu chews on some dried meat, and Jaxon annoys both of them by making random noises from whistling to clicking his fingers.

The Mando suddenly stops walking, looking behind him, he sees only the green baby, the boy has vanished into thin air.

He hears the sound of the boy's lightsaber, Following the sound of battle until he turns a corner and sees the boy standing above the corpses of two Trandoshian bounty hunters.

"Boy! you shouldn't have fought them by yourself, not to mention the fact that your a kid and shouldn't be killing people", he says in a demanding voice that causes the boy to glare at him.

Jaxon puts his weapon away before looking towards the Mando, "Let us get a few things straight, my name is Jaxon Aryn, padawan to Grand Master Yoda, I may be a child but I've killed several times in the name of survival"

"I was sent here by my master, not long before you got here, to look after this child, and i intend to do just that"

"You are not my father, and you are certainly not my protector, so do us both a favor and play babysitter for the kid while i take care of any trouble that comes our way, clear?"

The Mando listens to the boy's every word but doesn't give him an answer.

Continuing their walk to his ship, after another hour of walking they come across the Razor Crest... or what's left of it, the Jawas are currently taking it apart.

As the Mando takes out his rifle and starts annihilating the poor Jawas, Jaxon takes this time to meditate.

Sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, he repeats the mantra that he takes pride in.

"There is no good without evil"

"But evil must not be allowed to flourish"

"There is passion, yet peace"

"Serenity, yet emotion"

"Chaos, yet order"

"There is no Dark Side, nor the Light Side"

"There is only The Force"

Opening his eyes, his emotions are tamed, his resolve renewed, he watches the Mando throw a tantrum over his ship.

Looking over towards Grogu, he gives the boy a cheerful smile, "looks like it's time to barter with the Jawas"

The snot goblin gives him a smile in return.

[Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter]