
The End And The Beginning

Disclaimer:- This story is totally fiction there is nothing real in it and the Beings, characters, Buildings, organisations and groups are fiction and has no connection to any real person, group, or organisation. if it coincides with some real life event or person then it's a total coincidence and I am totally new to writing as you can see in the synopsis so pls forgive me if you find mistakes or grammatical errors.

'...' for thoughts

"..." for talking


In the vast expanse of Darkness a ball of light is floating without any sense of direction for God knows how much time.

'Yeah that's me, My name's Tom and how I got here? it's a long story but let me tell you in short I am- or should I say 'was' I don't know how death works well where was I ah, yes as I was saying I was an orphan with a shitty start at life often bullied by my peers.

But atleast the Manager of the orphanage was a very optimistic and good person who thought everyone is good. I on the other hand can never be like him. He taught me how to read and write and even encouraged me to pursue my higher studies and follow my dreams and now because of him I became a successful person in my life.

He was my role model well after getting a good vacation from work I thought of doing sky diving I talked to an agency for that and then comes the day of the dive. I dove from ten thousand feet above the ground feeling free of all the tension.

BUT what do I see there?

any guesses?


well let ME tell you TRUCK-kun wearing sky diving gear with parachute opened on his back trying to hit me I tried to Dodge him But alas it was all for naught as people say ' It's impossible to save yourself from the greatest assassin ever known' .

Well here I am after dying in one of the weirdest ways possible floating without any sense of direction or of time.



(POV change to 3rd person)



"Pfft! HAHA HAHA HAHA WHAT THE HELL MAN HOW CAN SOMEONE DIE LIKE THAT!!?" an amused but Dominating voice came from the depths of the Darkness.

"WHO'S THERE!!?" Tom asked with a hint of fear.

" Well I AM MORTEM THE OMNIVERSAL ADMINISTRATOR OF DEATH AND BALANCE and note when I say this BUT NO ONE IS ABOVE ME IN THE WHOLE OMNIVERSE FOR I AM DEATH ITSELF Every being in the Omniverse is under my jurisdiction and judgement I can give them life or erase them and no one will question me apart from CREATION if he wants." Said the great MORTEM in his Majestic Voice with a hint of nostalgia in it.

"But where are you?? And are you R.O.B??" asked Tom like a Novel and anime fan he is with a little fear and hope evident in his voice

"No Dumbass I am not someone 'Random' as I said I am MORTEM THE CONCEPT OF DEATH ITSELF and every being in the Omniverse is under my jurisdiction EVEN GODS and other CONCEPTS I can erase them any time I want for 'I am Inevitable' " said Than- I mean MORTEM a little annoyed.

"OK Sir, But where exactly are you? It would be helpful if I could see you"

"Well I am in front of you just look a little above and you'll see my face"

"WHAT THE F*CK!!???"He exclaimed fearfully because he it or Him two purple stars or Eyes peering at him from the horizon like he was not even dust.Tom felt fearfully as if those eyes are gazing through his whole being.

"Ahem, So sir why I am here?and are you going to reincarnate me? Or am I going to Hell or Heaven?" Asked Tom after recovering a little from the trauma and avoiding eye contact, in a Hopefull but fearfull tone.

"Well Normally you would have but you my friend are a little special case since you got thrown out of your time line by Truck-kun and should have gone to the R.O.B that gave your contract to him. But luckily or unluckily you got into a wormhole and crossed to the Multiversal boundary and to the place where I was having a vacation. It's too much suspicious since truck-kun has 100% completion record"said MORTEM with suspicion evident in his Voice.

"Ok so what will happen to me?"

"Well YOU! will stay with me as my slave from today on until the end of the Omniverse"

"WHAT?!!!!!!!!, is there no other way!!!"pleaded Tom

"Got'cha!! HAHA HAHAHA you should've seen yourself there"

"It's No JOKE!!!!" Tom said with Anger

"Ahem, Sorry for that,

Ok since you have come here I will let you choose

if you want to you can reincarnate right away


choose to stay with me for a vacation before reincarnating


"Uhhhh... How much time is your Vacation????"Tom asked

"Well since I have been working from the Start of everything even before time started so a Billion years more of Vacation shouldn't be too much. Now can you choose?"

"Yeah, so I choose to reincarnate right away as it would be a little too much for me to stay for a billion years you know and do I get any wishes?"

"Well it's ok and since you died in an amusing way I'll give you 4 wishes with a memory clean up as complimentary"

"WHAT?!! Why would you clean my memories?" Tom confusedly asked

"Well it's not as you think, you will retain your basic knowledge, academic knowledge and plot knowledge if you go to a familiar fiction world but apart from that your all attachments will be removed as you know you wouldn't want to miss people in your own world after getting there, right?" MORTEM explained.

"Oh! Then it's ok"

"Now can you choose your wishes I also want to enjoy my vacation" MORTEM asked hurriedly

"Ok ok so can I choose the world I want to go to?" Tom inquired

"Yes, If you use your wish for it" MORTEM answered

"Then my first wish is to transmigrate to One Piece world"

"Done what's next"

"My second wish is to get a devil fruit with the powers of Ghost Rider without the sea weakness"

"Oh! You're trying to get more than one wish with that"

"Well I tried" said Tom dejectedly

"Well you don't have to worry about it since In your Spirit of Vengeance Devil fruit there is no sea Devil but the Spirit of Vengeance itself so no sea weakness"

"That's good, Now for the third wish I want Deadpool's Regeneration"

"Well that's quite the life saving trump card ,as complimentary I'll give you pain immunity"

"But then wouldn't it be dangerous because I'll not be able to feel pain"

"No since you'll know that you should feel pain in the harmed part but don't feel it or feel an itch Now tell me the last wish"

"My Last wish is to have a support system with just status, training program and quest function and it can't force me to do a quest and it will be fully under my command and not do anything I don't want it to like giving unnecessary quests that I don't want as I don't want to become a game character" Tom stated his last wish

"Ok Granted, and you're smart to choose a system like this because it's only helping you gain the power you want and not outright giving you the as given powers can be taken. Ok Now off you GOooo" MORTEM praised

"What? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" and like that Tom fell to One Piece




After Tom left an other entity entered the place with iridescent eyes as if the whole cosmos are in them.

"So did you send him here Big Brother CREATION?" asked MORTEM to CREATION with respect and familiarity in his eyes

"What do you mean? I don't know about anything" said CREATION feigning ignorance on the topic

"You know WHAT I mean don't you? as, If I remember correctly nothing can be hidden from your eyes after all the Omniverse is you and you are it's CREATION and Truck-kun doesn't make mistakes don't you know it Mr. Driver" MORTEM sarcastically said with a bit of annoyance.

"I still don't know? What are you even talking about?" Said CREATION still feigning ignorance with a small knowing smile on his lips.

"Ok don't tell me Now go! go away! and let me enjoy my vacation." Said MORTEM annoyed as he saw CREATION not wanting to tell him.


A/N:- Ok it's my first time writing so please have mercy on me if there are grammatical mistakes and advice and suggestions are appreciated and for now I'll try to upload 1 chapter per day and again advice and suggestions are appreciated.

Bye and Thanks for reading

Have a Nice day

The cover is AI generated*

Around 1.5k words in this chapter

Pls Donate some Power stones to this homeless squirrel pls 😭

-------------Squirrel Out.

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