
270 Thousand Year old Great Beast is a Maid too!

Xue Long's royal carriage slowly arrived at Moon Pavilion. The doors opened and the prince came out with pair of his maids and Zi Ji, the Abyss Demon Dragon.

Only yesterday he has returned from his hunt for Spirit Rings but entirely of Heavenly Dou city already knows that he was Rank 77, that he captured a Great Beast which is a 270 thousand years old Dragon.

This kind of news travelled faster than the speed of light. So when the guards saw a dark purple-haired woman standing behind the prince. They instantly knew that this was a fabled Great Beast who can easily kill at least a couple of Titled Douluos with little amount of effort.

One could say that the respect and awe they have for the 10-year-old prince is an understatement! They wonder what he will do when he is 15 or 20 years old.

The sheer giddiness for the future is on a completely different level!

"What is this place?" 

"This is where you will learn the basics." 

"Hmm?" She looked curiously her instincts telling her that this place in no way is related to fighting or cultivation. Sure she can sense that the density of Spirit energy is way above average but… there is no sense of urge… it's more like a relaxing place.

"This is where you learn foundations to be my maid."

"...Maid? I will be your maid?" She snapped at him and quickly asked him.

"Indeed. What else do you think you can be?" 

"...Your bodyguard…" First thing which came to her mind.

"Already have one."

"...Then your mate." She said that quite cheekily. 

Making the pair of maids turn stiff. They made sure to look around to see if anyone from Spirit Hall was around.

"While you are incredibly beautiful. I have been training my future wife quite diligently. So no. You will be my maid. And I will personally train your combat abilities while my maid Trainer will train you the rest of the abilities you will need." 

She snorted with crossed arms after hearing that. So that blonde girl who is always around him is his mate?

"Not that it matters now does it? Since my future wife has to be good with these as much as my maids." He said with a shrug.

Now the Dragoness frowned. Realising that she needs to learn this one way and another.

Indeed she does, as Qian Renxue is indeed learning all the finer arts too. She won't going to be looked down on by the maids. 

In truth, the blonde angel girl is the most afraid of is the Tang woman. As Xue Long truly loves those elegant and refined ladies. And Tang Yuehua is all of it. The only reason why Qian Renxue is not doing anything so far is that she doesn't see the older woman trying to seduce her future Husband.

In a sense, it's a tight status Que that Tang woman doesn't even know it exists.

As the group entered the building their noses were assaulted by a multitude of aromas and sounds of musical instruments.

As they progressed forward they finally saw at least ten girls of different ages doing all sorts of things from playing musical instruments to practising walking…

"Do you know what they are doing?" Xue Long asked the purple-haired dragoness who was looking at this with a confused frown.

"Wasting time?"


This time the Fourth Prince rolled his eyes when he heard that.

"For a Great Beast who is older than my Family's empire, you sure have a child's immaturity."  He quite casually insulted the Dragon woman who blushed with embarrassment.

"What they are practising is discipline. To learn martial arts one needs discipline. But teaching someone discipline and martial arts at the same time takes an extra amount of time.

In a sense, it's a waste of time.

So instead we teach other useful things and learn discipline along the way. Dancing for example is useful in footwork, later on. 

Painting teaches concentration and hand movements. All of it eventually leads to learning martial arts." As he explained that both maids had realising look!

They all thought that he is teaching this because he wants his maids to know all of that! But there was a deeper meaning that he is preparing them to learn martial arts back then!

"...I see… so all this to learn how to fight?" 

"Indeed. Now move on or do you want me to smack you again?" He asked with raised eyebrow.

"...No. Fine, fine! I will be obedient. There is no need to threaten me!"

"It's not a threat, I am simply punishing you for lack of discipline. I expect you to learn it when you are here." He said that as he motioned for them walk towards the elegant-looking woman who was teaching her students.

Sure enough, she noticed the new arrivals and turned around. When she saw Xue Long she looked at him for a bit and then her eyes ended up on the dark purple-haired woman. 

'So this is her… a Great Beast. Never thought in my life that I will see one. This is over 100 thousand-year-old beast. If I didn't know any better I would say she is a human…' Tang Yuehua thought to herself as she looked at the dark purple-haired woman.

"Miss Tang it has been a while." Xue Long said that as he walked over to her side.

"Prince Xue Long it's good to see you again. My condolences. Prince Xue Qinghe was quite beloved in noble circles. It's quite a loss." The woman said with quite a genuine tone.

She saw how the Fourth Prince for a second looked quite angry but he hide it quickly after.

The elegant woman thought that he was angry because his older brother has been assassinated.

But, for Xue Long… he 'heard' it differently.

It was something along these lines:

'Your brother has been assassinated. How weak is that? He didn't even die in a fight but with a knife in his back. How pathetic is that?' 

Though, he didn't hold this against people who say their condolences. No. He is going to use this as fuel when it will be a good time to unleash his fury on Star Luo Empire.

Then he WILL go all out and shows them how dangerous Heaven Dou Empire can truly be.

"Indeed. It's a sad moment. Now let me introduce you to Zi Ji. She is 270 thousand-year-old Abyss Demon Dragon and my newest maid. I want you to teach her.

I will be staying here when she is training. To make sure she is listening to you." 

"...I-I-I dont—" 

Single gaze from Xue Long was enough to shut the complaining Dragoness down. She slowly nodded and accepted.

"In return, I will saturate your Moon Pavilion with more Spirit Energy and even use some of my Arthan's domain here as well. It should give some breakthroughs for your students who are working hard on their art." 

Hearing this only made Tang Yuehua sigh. She nodded at him with acceptance how can she say 'no' to him? Though she is somewhat intrigued to train a Great Beast like that!

"Fine. I will do it."

The fourth Prince nodded back at her and a few moments later pure gold radiance exploded from him and golden lotuses manifested and started to float in the classroom. 

The Domain of Martialdom was activated. Though people noticed that this was different from the last time they saw it. There is a feeling of change in the temperature and a slight sound of mountainous winds blowing in the background.

The first thing the Maids thought was that their Prince Domain is starting to evolve.

Though the reaction from the trained maids was that of the awe. This was the first time they saw the domain in use.

Same with Zi Ji who looked at this with a clueless look. What kind of domain is this? Most domains are either to deal damage, control the battlefield or in Bi Ji's case to heal. But this…

It is to help learn Martial Arts? 

Such a thing even exists? How deep is this kid's understanding of Martial Arts? To the point that he can unleash a domain to help others learn it?

As they watched the domain they saw Xue Long walk away and start doing his thing. That moment he forgot that he was in Moon Pavilion. To him that moment there was only Martial Arts and nothing else.

~~~~~~Spirit Hall~~~~~~

"Fufufu…Hahahaha! This is simply absurd! If this didn't come from Snake Lance I would have ordered the beheading of whatever sent me this!" Bibi Dong said that as she waved the report at the agent who delivered the report to her.

"This…" The agent looked extremely pale as she saw how the Supreme Pontiff looked at him. She was ready to kill him!

"Don't bother. You just doing your job. Now LEAVE." 

The agent quickly left as he felt limitless pressure almost slam into him.


"Oh, Xue Long… how more are you going to turn our world upside down? First, you reached the Spirit Sage realm before you even twelve and now you have a 100 thousand beast as one of your maids? 

I am more shocked that you beat one without using your Martial Spirit. Just how powerful are those arts of yours?" The last half she said while biting her nail. Jealousy and envy started to raise in her gut.

Why is that girl and not her!? Why does she have to be here and be this figurehead!?


She needs two more Spirit Rings with 100 thousand years for her second Martial Spirit. and one of these Spirit Beasts like that is with the Prince! But she knows better than just try killing it.

If the Deva Diamond Radiance is as Snake Lance has said she will die just from being exposed to it. Both of her Spider Martial Spirits have dark attributes.

Not to mention other Arts he developed according to that Martial Avatar. It could be deadly to her even more.

No. Fighting him is something she doesn't want at all. Not to mention all the Worships will join him alongside Qian Daoliu who is at the forefront to protect the Prince. 

That old angel dotes on the Prince just as much as he dotes on that girl.

That would be like fighting core Spirit Hall and her followers don't have that kind of power.

Bibi Dong closed her eyes and leaned her chin on the back of her hand. 

No. The direct approach is not an option. She needs him on her side. Even if it means she won't going to be Empress. No… that is not important anymore. Godhood is what she wants.

Those three Meditation techniques are what she needs. Even if it means being taught by the Prince directly. She can accept that!

However… how she could approach him? She is Supreme Pontiff! Her status is something that is getting in her way.

'An event? The tournaments are a few years away… should I make the excuse that I am going to Heavenly Dou Empire to inspect the Spirit Temples? That could work but that is just a weak excuse. Star Lou Empire already is complaining that we are taking sides. 

Not that it means anything but having a huge portion of the continent being in dissatisfaction would affect the flow of resources.' 

As Bibi Dong was contemplating the cons and pros of this she decided to reread previous reports on the meditation technique Snake Lance has sent her.

The purple-haired woman tried this many times over the years but the only thing she has learned from the meditation is to clear her mind. And honestly, it did few wonders on her temper but that's about it.

Which she is already satisfied. As she is learning this method from paper and it already affects her. This just tells how powerful this meditation is!

'Xue Long… Can't wait to meet you personally. I want to see personally witness your knowledge and theory on cultivation. How it is greater than THAT man's?!'

Some anger flashed over in her purple eyes. As she remembers that man! For a few seconds, her eyes turned red before she calmed down quite quickly. The meditation technique is impressive. Even if she is stuck in the first stage according to the Snake Lance report.

And it's even a cheap knock-off. It did help her with her anger issues!

For now… all she could do is wait for the right moment to meet him!


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Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.

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