
Spinel’s New Start in Hell

It’s been 2? No, 4000 years? Standing in this garden, all alone as thousands of years went by. Was I doing this wrong? Am I playing it right? These thoughts haunted me, having come to a dreadful thought of my own- NO….I’m sure she’ll be back, hehe… Then all went black….

Dark_Abyssal · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Deep inside a once beautiful place of plants thriving with life. Now displayed decay and erosion throughout the entirety of the garden.

A lone gem stood, still as ever, waiting patiently as she stared into the sky, watching the stars light up for the many, many years she's been here.

'Pink…where are you..? Is the game gonna end anytime soon…? I…I don't think I like this game anymore….', I thought to myself.

I internally chuckled, of course she'd be back! I was her best friend after all! She'll be back, I'm sure of it! Then we'll continue to play in the garden again! J-just like old times…

Lips fading into a frown, I continued staring into the sky, not having anything else to do but watch as the occasional meteorite shoots by. It was the only thing I could do, until Pink came back of course…

My thoughts took a darker turn, what if she's not coming back? What if she got hurt and couldn't come? What if the warp pad was broken? What if the other diamonds did something?

What if she found new frien-

I forced myself to calm down, gasping for breath, and desperately ignoring the feeling of tightness welling inside of me.

'What are you thinking Spinel?! Get yourself together, you're her best friend! Of course she'll come back!', I thought to myself, completely disregarding the fact that this was the 1,001,381th time this thought has crossed my mind.

Something wet dripped down my cheek, as I did everything I could to hold myself from bawling.

'C-c'mon Spinel! W-what if she comes b-back right now and s-sees you like t-thi-', Choking back another sob, I shut my eyes, doing all that I could to block out these thoughts.

Guilt flooded through my mind, how could I? How could I think that she'd do something like that!? I was her best friend! What best friend would want to betray her trust like this….and think that she'd leave her all alone in this retched garden.

Then suddenly, I felt a searing heat, the surrounding area starting to catch on fire, as a shadow which was only growing as the seconds passed loomed over the garden.

I looked up, and my eyes widened at the massive looking meteor rapidly shooting towards me.

I froze, I didn't know what to do, if I moved then Pink would be disappointed with me that I didn't continue the game, but if I didn't do anything…then the garden…

My thoughts raced as I stared at it, getting closer and closer. I couldn't stop the game! Not after so long! B-but then the meteor!

Then when all I could see in the sky was the meteor and the flames started to burn my feet, I snapped out of it and desperately enlarged my hands shooting it towards the meteor, and trying desperately not to shatter.


And all went dark, as a piece of her gem shattered


"What was that!?", A knight clad in medieval looking armour shouted.

"It came from over there! Quick! Follow me!", another knight grabbed his long sword and rushed to the direction of the loud sound they all heard.

"Quick princess! We must evacuate at once! Men, guard the princess with your lives and ensure she arrives safely in the castle!", A knight wearing a more luxurious looking armour ordered.

""By your command!""

"Just what is going on?!" Shouted the princess as she was led towards her home. With knights surrounding her all on their guard.

As all this commotion was happening down at the courtyard, an old face showed itself staring out at the direction of the cause which was responsible for all of this ruckus. Stroking his beard as he turned his attention back to his book.

"I sense troubling times ahead….and it seems that this new occurrence marks the start of such times…I only hope we can work pass through it…", said the old man as he sighed.

If only he knew how wrong he was….

In the distance, a small crater was formed, as if something had hit the ground at high speeds. A person, with two pink heart shaped buns for hair and fair skin laid in the middle of it all.

A crimson red puddle getting increasingly bigger around her body. And with a few bones showing itself here and there.

Spinel forced open her eyes, not having any strength at all to speak with a strange red liquid in her mouth as some drops of it flowed down from her lips.

Darting her eyes around groggily, she saw healthy looking trees with strange creatures with what looked like wings flying away from her.

And as she started to hear a dozen footsteps marching towards her, her consciousness started to fade as she closed her eyes.

Before she went unconscious, all she could think was…

'What's happening? Where am I…?'