
Spearman Of Eternity

He was just a normal boy from the orphanage, who wished to go adventuring the world. He just wanted to become stronger, but he ended up with a big responsibility in the middle of his journey. follow the story of Adrian, a young spearman, with a bright future. ------------------------------ this is the first book I have ever written and released, I hope you will read it through and enjoy it. cover picture artist Prisky16

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Adrian did not get any time to think before the bigger demon smashed the hammer at him once again.

Adrian wanted to use the same ability once again, but it was not possible this time, as his body moved to the side on its own. The hammer then hit the ground beside Adrian, sending him flying into the wall of the arena.


He fell to the ground, kneeling. His body was in a lot of pain. He also started to wonder when those ten minutes were up, what he did not know though, was that he had only been fighting for a short 5 minutes.

The smaller demon saw this as a chance for him, as he charged straight at Adrian. Adrian of course saw this, and try putting his spear in front of him, but as he did that, he saw all the cracks in it and realized it would never save him.

Adrian closed his eyes and accepted his fate. 'I am sorry Johanna, I really wished we could have walked this life together!' This thought popped into his head, and not being able to live a full life with Johanna was his only regret.



To Adrian's surprise, he heard a loud loud explosion, instead of the slashing of a sword. He opened his eyes and looked at the place where the explosion had happened.

The demon had been smashed into the wall right beside Adrian, and beside Adrian, a wolf was standing. The wolf looked quite cruel at the moment, as all of the hair on its body was standing tall, and its mouth was bloody with an arm hanging out. This wolf was Adrian's partner, Innes.

"Thank you, Innes, for the save!" Adrian stood up again while patting Innes. His face once again revealed a cruel smile.

"You take the small demon, Innes, I will take the big guy here!" Adrian gained a lot of confidence with this help. Although his spear is about to shatter, he knows it is still good enough for a few more strikes before it breaks.

"GRRR" The wolf growled while nodding at Adrian.

In terms of pure strength through stats, both Adrian and Innes were far weaker than these two, their strength comes from their battle-hungy nature. Even if they are weaker in terms of stats, they are stronger in terms of fighting power. This is also why Adrian had evaluated himself as stronger than these demons individually before the fight.

Seeing the wolf that bit his arm off staring him down, the smaller demon was frightened. It knew that it was stronger than the wolf, but the sight of once own arm laying in the mouth of a beast was a brutal, cruel, and frightening vision. He might be a demon, but he is not immune to fear.

The smaller demon tried to run, but as soon as it took its first step, Innes appeared at his legs, biting into them. Innes took out a chunk of it. Blood sprayed everywhere, dying the fur of the wolf crimson.

This was kind of a mental attack, because even though it healed right away, the vision of Innes biting out a piece of its leg and eating it, was a cruel and frightening sight to behold. Innes was a wild beast after all, and it was a nature it would throw away, only towards its master and his people.

The bigger demon saw everything that happened with its fellow demon, and even though it was a lot braver, it was quite frightened too. Then looking at Adrian dashing at it also frightened it, as it had no desire of dying here.

Adrian used the skill 'Thrust' right when he got in front of the demon, aiming for the heart. As the demon had become frightened, it had also opened itself up to attacks. Before it knew it, a spear had been stabbed through its chest, and through the heart.

It threw up a mouthful of blood before it fell to its knees unconscious. Adrian had no plan of killing these demons, as they might have some useful information.

[You have defeated a greater demon lvl 26]

"NOOOOOOOOO!" As the smaller demon saw this, its face was filled with fury. It started to use the sword, and slash at Innes.

Innes of course saw this, as it countered it by dodging it all with its nimbleness. Wolves were known for their cunning, so Innes knew that it was not time to attack at the moment. Innes just kept dodging the barrage of attacks from the demon without any hardships, and Adrian only looked at this, and would not interfere unless Innes was about to lose.

The plan of Innes was to get the demon to expend all of its energy. When the demon then made an opening from being exhausted, Innes would go in for the kill.

A few breaths of time went by, when the barrage slowed down significantly, this did not escape Innes's eyes, as it charged in. It went straight in for the neck. Getting a grip on the neck of the demon, Innes bit down with all its might, sending the demon's head flying.


When the head hit the ground, Adrian was finally comfortable enough to sit down. The battle mood he had been in for this whole fight, had taken a toll on his mind.


His break did not last long though, as a huge explosion woke him up. He could hear the sounds of fighting from outside the arena. He went over to grab the spear that was impaled in the chest of the demon, but as soon as he grabbed it, it shattered to pieces. The stress it had taken from the fight was too much for it.

'What should I do now?' Adrian was not that shocked to see this, as he had seen the cracks earlier. Without his spear, he had lost most of his combat power, as he had never fought without it before.

'Well, I might still be of some use!' Deciding that there was nothing to do, he still went out of the arena, to help the capital with the fighting. Another thing that made it so he wanted to help, was that he needed to find Johanna.

"Innes, let us go, we need to help others!" Adrian looked to Innes, as he motioned for the wolf to join him. The wolf's answer was just a nod, as it moved with Adrian.

Right as Adrian walks out of the arena, two old men appeared where the demons were. They looked at the silhouette of Adrian leaving the arena.

One of the old men carried a spear and looked old and wise. This was of course Gary, while the other old man was his follower. His name was Joseph.

Gary had also been the man that had asked Adrian if he could hold out for ten minutes at the start of the fight. In the end, all he actually needed from Adrian, was only a one-minute distraction, since it was all he needed to kill the stronger demons.

When he arrived though, he saw how Adrian had been fighting. He thought it would be sad to interrupt as he wanted to see Adrian's true strength. He was surprised to see that Adrian had surpassed his expectations, but that was mostly due to the skill that he used to counter the demon's attack.

"Have you decided to take the kid as your disciple yet?" The old man Joseph asked as he could clearly see the shining eyes of Gary.

"Not yet, let us talk about it again after this disaster again!" Gary answered.

Although, he had almost already made his choice. All he needed to be completely sure, was to see his moral compass. If he went into the capital and chose to not help people in need, would he then be worthy to be Gary's disciple? The answer is of course no.