
Sovereign of the Karmic System

What would you do if you could control and use your Karma? What if your actions could be repaid right away? Not an obscure and distant promise anymore. Follow Daniel's story as he uses his karmic system to cultivate, cheat, gain and become a sovereign in his world.. and beyond.

SometimesITalk · Fantasía
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691 Chs

An Equalizing Force

"A deity facing mortals.. There is a limit to how broken I'll permit the multiverse's balance to become." Said a disembodied voice that resounded throughout the whole universe. One that did not only shock the champions that were in fighting positions, but also their opponents, Daniel and Elijah.

Following this simple sentence was the appearance of a woman with short black hair, and dressed in an overly long, almost transparent white dress. She had materialized in the space above the soon-to-be battlefield, from which she stared at the two invaders with an aloof expression that betrayed the slight anger present within her voice.