7 The Escape, And Dog?

"Wake up my brothers and sisters." She spoke in a loud tone, while walking towards us, she looked from emma to darrius, when she looked at me a smile grew on her face. "Stay back!" I yelled, she didn't listen and continued to walk towards us. I swung my sword but it was a useless tactic I knew I would at least have a chance of survival because of my amulet but emma and Darrius didn't, "Go! Get Lanni and my skeletons!" I swiped at the way of the door, and they reluctantly nodded, when they exited back through the entrance the woman in front of me frowned, as if she expected a different outcome. I looked at her confused still holding my sword firmly "how come the king of corpses protects such weak humans, let alone them being alive." She spoke

[Supreme being, The Father Of Death calls for you.]

"What?" I grabbed the handle of my blade tighter as if, I was clinging on to life… she sighed and spoke "Come, we will give you answers." As the words left her mouth 4 red eyes a piece could be seen as the eggs began to stretch open, and break the things that came from the eggs were tarantulas, tarantulas the size of a baby some grew to different lengths, some born with deformities, unfortunately the ones with deformities didn't last long for the other slings would start pouncing on the babies ripping them to pieces and eating them.

The hairless slings stared at me intensely almost like they were anticipating something. Either way the worst case scenario is that I'd die and use all of my souls, so i'd rather take the slight chance of getting knowledge of my abilities besides seeing as what the babies just did to there own kin being irrational would just get me killed so obviously I'd go. I followed the woman into a web silky web enclosure inside the enclosure was all brown and white with blood splatters here and there.

Within the enclosure were 3 people, one was the spider man from earlier another was a man with an abnormal looking fang, while his other one was normal, and the strongest had to be a woman, or a spider? The top half of the woman was a human while the bottom was a spider, her abdomen seemingly bigger then a toddlers bicycle she looked at me in shock as if she had seen a friend in me she approached me, and I flinched. But she didnt stop she just reached her had out to me and touched the side of my face. I had mixed emotions half of me was weirded out while the other half was scared to death "My old friend… why have you come to pay us a visit." Honestly I had to no clue as to what she was talking about but I decided to play along "My friend, I have lost my memories and don't know how to get them back, Please. Share your wisdom." i said, she looked at me interested "You 'WERE' the king of the undead. We suffered a great loss in a battle, and my abdomen was ruptured, My children went searching for help and found you… unfortunately it was to late for me... But not for you, you gave me a second life, and I have sworn my absolute loyalty to you." the woman from earlier looked suprised, it couldn't be because I was a king she already knew that, was it because her mother swore her loyalty to me, or whoever 'I' am. I was so confused but didn't want to go against her, her appearance worsened my arachnophobia.

After we had talked for around 10 minutes she asked, "Will you stay here. With us, my king?" Not wanting to stay here nor gove the wrong response I told her "every year." "Pardon." she spoke "every year I will come to visit you. Wether it be once twice or even 10 times, I will visit." She sighed but agreed "Don't leave without these things either." When she said that Darrius and Emma dropped from the ceiling half engulfed in webs I thanked her and we got the hell outta there!

Coming back up through the entrance with Darrius and emma on my soldiers I reflected on what had just happened. Even though we didnt get the recluse fang, we still got a reward, to keep are lives, I also got some information about… me? Past me? Whoever 'I' was, I didn't even know at this point. But the air that was so refreshing was short lived as It was cancelled out by the smell of death, I looked towards the way of the mall, past the parking lot, and ran, I threw Emma and Darrius into A dumpster, near the side of the parking lot, although It was disgusting it was a great place to hide. Not only could there scent be blocked but the near houses and stores somewhat covered the dumpster.

On my way into the mall I heard Lanni scream so I pulled out my bag of lightning and applied mana. I snuck up the stairs, bag on my thigh and pulled out a lightning bolt, only to be met with a smiling Lanni and a dog?

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