

Dr Ashwariya Raichand - She is the doctor who saves lives but her own life is upside down. Her parents died in a car crash when she was just 10 years old. But her father brothers didn't let the NGO' s worker take her away and raised her as their own. And they have never ever let her feel that she was an orphan until one day . That day everything changed. Kilian Knight - A man of his words and figure which is feared. People like to stay away from him because becoming his enemy is the last thing which anyone wants. A betrayal from his best friend has shaped him like this. He has the perfect life which is the dream of millions, a multi-dollar company, a loving family and a troublesome sister. Everything is in place until love decides to knock on his door of heart! Let's dig in and find what twists and turns their life took? Did their road of love had ups and down or was it smooth like butter?

WriterQuilt1605 · Ciudad
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14 Chs



I woke up to find myself entangled with Ashwariya. Her soft body was pressed against mine and her head was on my chest.

Yesterday night was pure bliss and I have locked that moment in a safe place of my heart. Sofia satisfied me to the core and has become my drug. A drug from which I would never recover nor I want to. I wanted to do it for a long time but I refrained myself because if she is ready then only we would take that step of our relationship. But now it has happened and it felt surreal. I think I have satisfied her well as the nail marks on my back are proof of it.

And yesterday when I learned that she is a virgin, I was on cloud nine. Although it doesn't matter if she was a virgin or not, the fact that I am the first person to see her masterpiece of body like this made me so glad and I also will be the last person who will see her like this. No other man except me is allowed to look at her like the way I do.

Then I felt Ashwariya stirring and I immediately closed my eyes so she thinks that I am sleeping. I half opened my eyes and peeked through to find that she was blushing and then covered her face. How fucking cute!

I then opened my eyes and greeted her good morning.

"You are awake!" She questioned me.

"Yep! I was awake so that I could admire the beauty which is sleeping in my arms!" I said and then I saw her cheeks turning into the darkest shade of red.

"How can you be so blunt!" She said and swatted my hand which was on her waist but instead I gripped her waist and pressed against my body.

"I can be anything you want!" I said and then bent over to capture her mouth for a kiss. She responded it with the same passion and fervour. We broke the kiss when we were short of breath.

"This is how I want to start my morning!" I said and again she rewarded me with her red cheeks.

"Okay! But can you pass me your shirt which is on the side table!" She asked and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I am sore so that's why I need to take a hot bath so I can relieve myself that's why I am asking for your shirt because I want to wear it and go to the bathroom!" She said.

"You don't need to wear it as it is like I haven't seen anything and second let's bath together!" I said and I scooped her in my arms.

"How can you be so shameless! And we can't bath together!" She chided but nevertheless I carried her to the bathroom and we both dip ourselves in a warm bath. And all the time Ashwariya was blushing and I teasing her. And I also made sure that her soreness fades away.

Then I wrapped her in one of my towel and she got ready in one of my t-shirt and her leggings. Then we had breakfast and I had to drop her to Sofia house as she had to go to hospital and then I left for my office but not before a goodbye kiss.


Life is a pure bliss for me. I have finally found someone who loves me because the way I am. I have finally found someone who accepts me with all my flaws, no changes demanded. I have been never so sure about someone as I am of Ashwariya. And one day I am going to make her mine under the presence of family and everyone. And that is for sure as I will never let go of her and will love her till eternity.

And about us everything is going smooth. Although how busy our schedule is we find time for each other. We never discuss work and love to keep our felling intact.

And now I am going to meet Ashwariya as she has called me to meet her. So I am heading to Sofia villa. After five more minutes I finally reached and then I parked my car and headed toward the door and rang the bell.

It was Sofia who opened the door and then greeted me.

"My brother is so wipped in love that he is impatience to meet his lady love!" She teased and I rolled my eyes at her words. Then I headed toward Ashwariya room. I knocked three times then I heard I come in.

"How are you?" I asked as I sat beside her and then pulled her into my lap. I saw her cheeks getting flushed.

"I am fine and how are you?" She asked but there was something aloof. Then I noticed that she was fidgeting her finger. There was definitely something wrong. I then cupped her face and made her look at me.

"There is something wrong with you! Is there anything troubling you?" I asked.

"I want to tell you about something but promise me that we will discuss before taking any decision!" She said and now I have started to get worry.

"What do you mean by that!" I asked, getting impatience with worry. Then surprisingly she took my hand and kept on her belly.

"Kilian, I am pregnant!" She said and this gave me a total four hundred fourty volt shock. But when I realised that I am going to become a father and we are going to have a little bundle of joy, my heart burst with happiness and joy. And then I picked Ashwariya in bridal style and spinned her.

"Ashwariya, we are going to become parents! I will be the father and you will be the mother!" I said yelling with joy. My happiness knew no bounds.

"Yes! Kilian we will become parents!" She said , happiness laced in her voice but then I saw tears strimming down her cheeks. I made her stand on her feet and wiped her tears away.

"What happened, my love! Why are you crying if you are happy?" I asked her.

"Kilian, they are tears of happiness so let them flow! But Kilian I am worried because whenever I get happiness it gets snatched away from me!" She said and I saw fear clouding her eyes.

"Don't worry! As long as I am there I will not let any bad thing happen to you!" I said and wiped the tears away as more came out of her eyes. She nodded and I then claimed her lips and poured all the emotions in it. We broke the kiss when we were short of breath. And then we heard knock on the door.

"If both of your lovey dovey moment are over then please come down as I have prepared the dinner and set the table!" Sofia said as she peeked her head inside and then I felt Ashwariya hiding her face in my chest. Then Sofia left and we both headed toward the dining hall

"So how did you take the news of her pregnancy?" Sofia asked as I sat down.

"I feel like I am on cloud nineth! My happiness know no bounds!" I replied.

"See! Didn't I told you that that you are worried for nothing? " She said to Ashwariya.

"Who wouldn't be worried? After all we didn't decided to have a baby!" Ashwariya said and she was right. We didn't decided but when it had happened and also we can't forget the happiness that little angel will brings into the house. But I also believe that couple should discuss before taking any decision regarding it as having a baby is not a play thing. It comes with great responsibility. People should be mentally prepared and if they are not ready then they shouldn't bring children into this world and abandon them.

"I understands you! And I also know that the path of parenthood is rocky and full of up and down and we will make mistakes but I also know that we will manage to sail through it !" I said took hold of Ashwariya hand and gave it a squeeze.

"So whipped!" I heard Sofia saying and I rolled my eyes. She excel at passing comments and teasing others especially me. She never leaves ant opportunity when it comes to me. And I also saw Ashwariya cheeks acquiring red colour.

"Aren't you also whipped!" But Sofia countered back and then she turned toward me and said "you know that she is so lost sometimes in dreaming about Dr Ethan that I need to shake her vigorously to bring her back from her thought land"

" And they both also can't keep their hands off to each other!" Ashwariya added with a wink.

"Shut up and you both also belong to same category!" Sofia replied back and then their bickering started. If I hadn't intervened it would have never came to the the station of stop.

Then we all ate our food and not to forget that with some teasing and small bickering too.

"So when you both tell this good news to mom and dad?" Sofia questioned.

"What good news?" We heard someone saying and we craned our neck to find our parents standing behind us.

Holy Shit!


I was driving to my mansion and today I winded up my work two hours before as I am going to surprise Sofia with a date. She informed me that she was not feeling good so she took early leave from hospital and is now resting at our house.

And also in these two weeks many things had happened. Ashwariya had moved in my mansion to live with me. We both were finding difficult to make time for each other and plus she was pregnant so we decided to live together. At first she was hesitant because of Sofia but then Sofia shooed her away. I am just joking. Sofia cleared her doubt and she moved with me. And also Sofia didn't searched for any oyh6house mate as Dr Ethan and she lives together in her villa now. They both too don't get enough time to spend with each other. So living together is a great option.

After fifteen minutes of driving I reached my mansion. I parked my car in the garage. I had bought a beautiful dress for her which I am going to make her wear today. Then I went straight towards our bedroom only to find it empty. She might be in the library as she is fond of story books. But I decided to get fresh first and then go for her.

It took me another twenty minutes to get fresh and then I headed for library. But I the library was also empty. Where she can be? Might be in lawn as it's her second favourite after library. But she was also not there in lawn and then I decided to inquire house staffs .

"But sir, madam hasn't came home till now!" The staffs said but Ashwariya clearly messaged that she is at home. I inquired security guards and received the same response. What the hell! If she didn't reached home then where did she go?

I then dialled Sofia to inquire Ashwariya may be with her but I received a negative response. And in fifteen minutes my parents, Sofia and her boyfriend, Ethan came to my mansion.

It took us one hour to find that Ashwariya has been kidnapped as it was clearly seen in hospital parking video. She was going toward her car which I gifted her six days ago but before she could sit in it a van came in sight and a man came out and took her along with him.

"If I get hold on that bastard I will make his life worse that hell!" I said and I wasn't thinking straight so I took a vase and slammed it on the wall.

"Mr Knight, your anger is going to make the situation more worse so you need to calm down first then only we will be able to find out the solution!" Ethna said and he was right. But thought of something happening to Ashwariya was not making me think straight. But then I heard my mobile phone ringing. It was number and I was going to decline it but police chief, Mr Olian Rodriguez stopped me.

"May be it's the kidnapper!" He said and I pay heeded to his words and picked the call. He also advised me to put the phone call on speaker and signalled his men to track the call.

"How are you Mr Knight?" A creepy voice said and I think I might have heard this before.

"Who are you? And why did you called me?" I questioned.

"Oh I am someone whom you know or I could say your whole family knows and I am also someone on whose hand your dear girlfriend life is!" He said and that made me think. But then Sofia kept hand on my shoulder and I craned my toward her to find her staring at my phone.

"Samuel? Is it you?" She questioned and then it striked me that why this voice was familiar.

"Oh ! The phone is on speaker! But by the way Sofia how are you!" He spurred making me feel like vomiting.

"So you have kidnapped my Ashwariya! Why the hell did you do that?" I yelled at him as I lost my temper. How dare he lay his filthy hands on my Ashwariya.

"If I was you I would have kept my tone on check! And how are you feeling now? Away from your lady love!" He questioned.

"What are you implying?" Sofia asked before I could.

"It's simple! Give me my Sofia and I will give you your girlfriend back!" He said and then it dawned on us that he wanted Sofia so he kidnapped Ashwariya so he could have her as she was protected by bodyguard and he couldn't lay a finger on her. How could I can be careless! Why didn't I thought that something was fishy when he disappeared just like nothing! Why didn't it struck me that he could have used Ashwariya against us all!

"Have you gone nuts! I think you are forgetting that with whom you are messing with!" Dad said and he let out humourless chuckle.

"Oh! I know with whom I am messing and I think that you all underestimated me! I get what I want either by hook or crook! So think about your answer as I will call after two hours and if it's a no from your side then prepare for a funeral!" He said and disconnected the call before I could say anything.

Fuck! Everything is messed up!


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