20 Announcement: I Am Taking A Break

Yes, I am taking a break. Sadly. I don't want to do this but I don't have much a choice. I am behind on my classes and have to catch up. But I didn't just want to stop writing without giving an explanation as to why I stopped. I hope anyone who reads this understands why I have to do this. I won't only be pausing this book, but my others as well. I already announced it on my other novel "To Be An Assassin" and I have to announce it on my other novel. I didn't want to do this and I was hoping I wouldn't have to. But I thought about it and I camr to the conclusion that I have no choice. I have to put academics first. I love writing more than anything, but I have to do this. Thank you to all the people who understand this. I will try not to take a long breaks, but I'm not sure how long I will be taking. The next chapter I post will probably be when I have stopped the break and have started writing again. If not, it will be an update as to how I am doing and how much longer I may plan on keeping the novel on pause. Thank you for all the love and support I have received. Don't worry I won't drop the novel I am just taking a break.

I hope each and every one of have a good day~!!

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