
Soul Reaper: Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death Battle of Grunge In a massive open wasteland different banners could be seen raised under the moonlight, the Melios Royal family had their blue emblem with the Image of a lions head with a battle axe and sword behind it, standing at the front of the 4 million strong army were 3 imposing looking men on really Intimidating beasts. Derios what’s our plan of attack?, Philip asked a Middle aged man that looked to be in his early 40’s but was actually 2 centuries old already, he stood at 6’6 feet tall and had a muscular build, he was sitting on a pure black griffon called Hades that had fire as it’s mane and a metallic tail that glowed really red with fiery eyes and wings on its back, it stood at 7 feet while on all fours, he wore a black armour with red engravings to match the colour of his Soul Beast and he had two battle axes on his back one glowing red and the other glowing black I’ll attack from the front while you and Adisa attack from right and left, he replied while staring at the terrifying looking man at the highest mountain in the wasteland, it was none other than Uzeroth, The Harbinger of Choas, he was a man that stood barely 5’7 feet tall with a pitch black dragon behind him that stood at 20 feet making him look like an ant compared to it but the power coming off him was more frightening than the Dragon itself scaring the soldiers of the 3 kingdoms except for the veterans and the kings. Philip take your army to the left I have the right! Adisa said while marching his army, he is a tall looking dark skinned man with shining silver armour on him and a Golden spear on his back, walking beside him is his Soul Beast Snow, a 6’5 feet tall pure white wolf with blue fur on its paws with a long tail with a blue icicle at the tip, it emitted a chilling cold 100 metres around it making those close to it shiver like hell except for Derios, Adisa and Philip and some of their generals, Philip rode his soul beast a Pegasus with four wings that stood at 8 feet tall and had brown fur and a stony looking tail with a mace spike at the tip he named him Rocco because of the stony tail. ………… Standing far far away was a young man in his twenties wearing nothing but a simple golden and black robe but the obvious thing about him was his jet black and white hair and his ominous looking black and golden irises, he looked like a sage just sitting and enjoying the weather. Mazael what do you think?? Should I join the fight now he asked his Mentor and oldest friend, Well don’t you want to wait for your friends before you guys go join the fight Mazael asked back, They look like they need my help those monsters Uzeroth created look quite strong to my Soul Perception and they are outnumbered 3 to 1 even with the numbers of the soldiers. Standing up and dusting his robe he opened his mind link saying to his friends, “ Hey guys how long would it take you guys to get here” , a female voice replied back angrily, if only you had reduced your speed a little but you were too eager to kill monsters we should get to you in 5 minutes with our current speed, Alisha out!!! Hehe it’s not my fault I have to kill monsters and increase my soul bank and besides Uzeroth is my mortal enemy I’ll kill him no matter what, he said while moving at supersonic speed and seeing the battle starting in front of him. The sound of his flying made everyone look up and every soldier on the ground saluted and shouted together It’s Eros!!! The Soul Reaper!!! The Angel of Death is here!! Victory is ours!!!, with up to 10 million people screaming it was a magnificent sight and it made him happy that people saw him as a hero even though he had killed countless in the war all this time. Looking up Uzeroth couldn’t help but sneer as the one person who was actually a huge pain in his ass could be seen flying towards him in the blink of an eye I’ll make sure to kill you this time Soul Reaper!!! He shouted causing a little tremor all around the battlefield.

Adissababa · Fantasía
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10 Chs


Cutting through the void at super sonic speed with completely black blood leaking from plenty holes and cuts all over his body, a sight he has never experienced in a millennium or two because of his unparalleled strength.

"Damn I can't believe he betrayed me after centuries of friendship and love and I thought we were family" Mazael screamed which caused a star he zoomed past to blow up due to the power behind the scream further causing more pain to his body,

I have to escape to the mortal plane before they all catch up with me, looking back at the different streaks of colourful lights moving at the same speed he was and catching up real fast cause of his weakened condition.

Stop running and just accept your fate Brother!!

Brax called out to the one person he actually cared about a lot before something tragic happened that made him into his mortal enemy now, they both came from a forgotten and secret race known as Immortals who ruled all 4 planes aeons and aeons ago but were exterminated by all the races and beings of the Heavenly, Netherworld and Purgatory realm with the mortal realm not taking part due to how weak they are.

They were both orphans that were taken in by the Immortal King Davross, a man of immense power and the ruler of the Purgatory realm, the weakest of the realms except the mortal realm, but he was a man who through countless years of war had kept his kindness and had taken both boys in when they were very young as his students and later sons.

Why would you betray me after all we've been through!! Mazael screamed at him while still maintaining his speed, I never did what you think I did I was setup and I know you are responsible for father's death because he chose me to be the next ruler of the realm and because I became the strongest immortal of my age and that made you despise me

Can't you guys see it obviously! Or you just decided to go along with him! He said talking to the 10 generals behind him along with his brother on their soul beasts and closing in more for their attacks to get in, the first of the Generals Velios shot a huge red beam of soul energy that burned the same as the temperature of the sun forward, the speed is too fast to dodge from at this distance, so I have to use one of my trump cards he said while activating one of the properties of his Soul Reaper Battle Armour called Complete Annihilation that created a Supernova of Golden soul energy that completely annihilated anything in a 30km radius acting both as an ultimate defence and offence technique that he rarely uses due to how taxing it was on his soul core but it was well worth it because his pursuers are seriously injured now except for his brother and the first and second generals.

But he knew he was no match for them after being ambushed and severely injured so the explosion was just a distraction to activate his personal soul technique that allowed him to travel out of his Immortal body after it's been destroyed and to reincarnate which makes him almost impossible to ever kill but it comes with two major limitations one being it's a one in every 50,000 years use technique so once used it can't be used for another 50'000 which wasn't really long since he had an immortal body but the second limitation is why he never thought he would ever use it except as a last resort because he would only have barely enough of his power except he cultivated or used a forbidden technique he doesn't like using but he knew he was going to die so he had to use it to take his revenge no matter how long it took.

Activating his Soul Escape Technique, his body exploded sending his gold and dark soul core or orb through the void while closing it immediately, if someone could've seen the void, a bright little ball of light moving at an incredible speed could be seen cutting through to a planet called Earth.

"I can't believe I have to come to somewhere so weak it would take a very long time to get back to my peak" he said while looking at the small beautiful planet coming into his view, I'm going to go back no matter how long and destroy those who stabbed me in the back and take back what's rightfully mine!!! Mazael said out loud with unparalleled hatred and anger in his heart.



Year 1500AA( After Annihilation) this is when the 3 realms tried to invade each other to take control of the other and triggered a major war that caused major casualties on all 4 sides with the humans losing more due to how weak until an agreement was made.

In the Little garden of his family's mansion stood a frail looking boy on a wooden wheelchair trying his sword play even though it looked like he would pass out from another swing of his arm, but the determined look on his face was an impressive sight.

Why I'm I so weak!!! Eros said while swinging his sword with the little strength his body could muster, it doesn't matter I'll keep trying till I prove everybody wrong!!.

What are you doing cripple?, an annoying voice he's gotten used to asked from behind him, his older brother Orion asked, someone who he hated bitterly because of how he's always treated him since he was little.

He used to go through secret beatings and open humiliation from his brother and his friends and other children in the village but he had learned to ignore them but once in a while Orion always knew how to get to him.

Well you are not blind and you can clearly see what I'm doing idiot! he retorted back with a sneer to which Orion happily laughed at, and he knew that devilish laugh always happened before he does something wicked to me. Well let me see what you've learned then? Orion asked with a taunting smile that angered him even more to the extent that he said yes even though he knew he had no chance at all, his brother is a talented swordsman just like his father and was even far more better than he was but he wasn't scared still, that's what made him special as his mother always said.

How about we use real swords then instead of that stick thing to make it more fun? Orion said with a devilish grin which got to him more again, standing opposite each other, Orion didn't even bother to raise his sword, he just had it in his hands dropping to his side.

Well come at me then cripple!!! He screamed,

Rolling his wheelchair with one hand while throwing a short knife at his brother which was dodged effortlessly, he raised his sword high to strike but was stopped with ease and he felt a slash on both arms making him drop his sword and screaming loudly while holding his hands, but Orion wasn't done with him, a slash to the right of his eye blinded and left a vertical line on his face blinding his right eye but he still grabbed another knife to stab him in the thigh which Orion grabbed with incredible speed again while stabbing it into his shoulder and left thigh, Eros could see his sight getting blurry because of the massive blood covering his face and the blood loss he was experiencing.

Still Working on my writing so give me a chance or two if you can please

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