
The Richest Man Somewhat Alive

Rex stares at himself in the mirror, winking with his left eye to make sure it is his. "What the actual hell. Who are you people anyway? What is a White Eye?"

The man sitting down at the round table stands up, "My name is Mr. Fish, I am the owner of this bank, as well as multiple other banks in the dungeon. Just a few more banks and I will be eligible to rank up to the owner of the Central Bank."

Rex shocked, drops his jaw to the ground, he picks it up quickly. This man is almost legible to own the bank that owns all the other banks. In conclusion, he is insanely rich. To think I would find someone so rich on the first floor is mind boggling to me, Rex thinks as he wipes the sweat off of his forehead.

"Why would a man such as yourself want to see a new Tier 3 Adventurer like me," Rex asks Mr. Fish, who touched the ball of fire making it multiply to more balls of fire, lighting up the whole room.

Rex could see a shaded monocle over Mr. Fish's left eye. He wore a blue vest with a long sleeved button up shirt underneath.

"Why? The answer is simple, you are a new adventurer who has become a White Eye. That means you are eligible to join my guild and make me- I mean us, more profitable by clearing the floors."

That's right, Rex thinks, guilds get a gold bonus for members clearing floors. The Adventurer's Guild caught on to this early on and recruited people right off of the streets decades ago, now they are one of the richest guilds.

"So you want me to join this White Eye Guild of yours, right," Rex asks Mr. Fish.

Mr. Fish smiles, "Of course you have to pass an initiation first, we can't let anyone in. Now show me your Sagik."

"What is Sagik," Rex asks.

"Its my name for your soul's special ability. There was never an official name so I just gave it this name. You do know of a soul's special ability?"

"No, I've never heard of something like that."

Mr. Fish inhales then exhales deeply, "Mai, can you explain what Sagik is to our new recruit here."

The bank teller, whose name is Mai, walks up from behind Mr. Fish to right next to him, she bows at Rex. Her eyes still closed, she clears her throat, "Sagik is the soul's special ability. The ability is the combination of using your magic with Soul Mana instead of mana and the personality of your soul."

"For example," Mr. Fish interjects, he stands up pushing his chair back, he stretches his arm in front of him. He opens his hand, within a second a rock appears in his hand. "I have Earth magic. To show you my Sagik, do you have something of value on you," Mr. Fish asks Rex.

I have no idea what he can do, I shouldn't give anything to him, if something was valuable to me why would I give it to him, Rex thinks.

"No, then I guess, I'll be taking your life."

Rex's heart drops, "What do you mean by my life?"

Mr. Fish drops the rock on the table, Mai then hands him a card that he puts face down on the table. "Mai's Sagik allows her to trap the lives of people she meets into a card. You were already in a card the moment you showed her your ID."

Rex begins to sweat, he looks down at the card, then at Mai, who has a wide grin on her face. These people are evil, Rex thinks, I have to be careful and grab my card before they can do anything to it.

"I wonder what will happen to you, if I rip this card in half."


Rex jumps at the table, trying to grab the card as fast as possible. However, Mr. Fish is faster than Rex, he picks up the card with ease and backs up from the table in the same motion. The table falls over as Rex lands on it, he lays on the floor as blood leaks from his nose. Damn it, that is what I get for going to a hospital that only charged 5 gold for healing, I hate bad healers, Rex thinks.

He looks up at Mr. Fish who is holding his card, Mr. Fish turns the card over showing the front, which has 'Rex Tamashi' written on it. "How much do you value your life?" Mr. Fish lets go of the card, and claps his hands together with the card in the middle. Rex closes his eyes tightly waiting for something to happen to him.


The sound of gold coins hitting the floor opens Rex's eyes. "Wooooo! Look how much you value your life, is that about 20 thousand, or 100 thousand gold," Mr. Fish says. "It just keeps on flowing. Mai! Mai! Get the gold bags! Looks like I can buy another bank."

Rex blinks his eyes repeatedly, "Huh, what is going on?"

Mai laughs hysterically, holding her stomach as she does, "You..just... got tricked. You actually jumped on the table. Then your nose started bleeding. That is too funny!"

"Mai! Hurry up and get the gold bags, I think the gold is stopping right about now."

"Right away," Mai says with a chuckle in her words. She walks to the back of the room, suddenly a door appears and opens. It shined with magic as she walked through, closing the door behind her. Rex sits up pinching his nose together, tilting his head forward.

"Here," Mr. Fish hands Rex a handkerchief, Rex accepts it and cleans up his nose. Mr. Fish drags his chair closer to Rex and takes a seat on it.

"How old are you Rex Tamashi?"

"I'm 18."

"18.. I remember when I was 18, it was around when this God Tower turned 10."

"You're older than the dungeon! But you look like you are in your twenties."

"Listen Rex, here is some advice from one White Eye to another. Focus on improving your control over your soul instead of getting used to that body. Sooner or later you will probably move to another body. The only thing that will remain of you as a person will be your soul. Not even your body will be yours," Mr. Fish says staring at his hands.

"Can you train me to control my soul?"

"Hell no, I have money to make."

"I'm back," Mai says as she walks through the magical door that appeared again, she walks toward Mr. Fish holding gold bags.

"Great timing," Mr. Fish says, grabbing the gold bags from Mai. "From today, you two will form a party and go up to the tenth floor where our Guild House is at."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Wait! Rex doesn't like parties.

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts
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