
Soul Fusion System Awakening

Moments after being beaten and forcibly sacrificed on the altar of a mysterious tomb, Rama discovers an unfamiliar power awakening within him. This power grants him the ability to harness and use the skills of Supernaturals - the monstrous beings that threaten human existence within the city walls by absorbing their Soul. Making him able to use their ability as his own. Armed with this newfound power known as [Soul Fusion], Rama seeks vengeance against those who callously discarded him like garbage. However, there's a deeper secret to this power. Soul Fusion turns out to be a power harbored within his very soul - an ancient power that played a significant role in The Great Supernatural War. A parting gift from both of his parents. The once underestimated and scorned E Rank Hunter now possesses something that could make him the strongest. How will Rama's journey unfold? What is the true mystery behind Soul Fusion? And how will he endure when he realizes that his enemies aren't limited to the Supernatural realm, but also in human society? Another threat soon will unfold as well. The race of Vampires, Werewolf, Even Angels and Demons. Are the Supernatural beings that will be involved in Rama's journey? ~~~

Diyen_Pi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
206 Chs


The next morning finally arrived. Alysia woke up feeling refreshed, even though she had only slept for three hours. This was due to the ancestral breathing technique she practiced before sleep, which eliminated all her fatigue.

She got up and headed straight to the bathroom. Her shoulder-length black hair shimmered in the sunlight streaming in from the window beside her.

Once in the bathroom, Alysia swiftly shed her clothes and turned on the tap. She let out a small sigh as she felt the cold water cascade down from above, running over her smooth body, save for the scar on her back.

Alysia's physique was quite muscular, but it didn't detract from her feminine charm. She was slender with well-proportioned curves. Her arms and legs were long, making her agile and providing an excellent reach when wielding a sword.

At least under this cold water, Alysia could find some peace. In just a little while, a significant event in her life would occur, and she couldn't help but feel nervous. She would have to face her father, or more precisely, the man who had adopted her.

"Alysia, you there?"

It was her mother's voice. A soft and concerned voice called out to her, causing Alysia to turn towards the door.

"Is something wrong, Mom?" Alysia asked. She was her adopted mother as well. However, she treated Alysia like a daughter, not like her father, who treated her more as a warrior bearing the family name.

Her mother, Anna, didn't hesitate to enter Alysia's room, even though she hadn't asked for permission. Alysia didn't mind.

"Oh, you're in the shower," Anna said. "I just wanted to say... that you don't need to feel nervous. You can do this, Alysia."

Anna knew the immense burden that Alysia had to carry. Her father's expectations were enormous, especially for an 18-year-old girl like her. But Anna also understood that she couldn't do much to help.

"Yes, Mom. Thank you for saying that," Alysia replied with a smile. "I'm sorry, but I have to get ready now. I can't talk to you."

"It's okay, honey. I just wanted to say... I'm sorry I can't do more to help you."

"It's alright," Alysia said.

Afterward, Anna left Alysia's room. A few minutes later, Alysia had finished showering and dressing. She emerged from her room with her sword in hand.

There was a vast open field behind the Larkspur family mansion. The field was so expansive that it could accommodate multiple squads at once if Zane, Alysia's adopted father, decided to hold joint training sessions here.

The young girl's heart raced faster as she stepped onto the open field. She gripped her sword with palms that had started to sweat.

'Calm down. You've learned everything well and trained hard. Everything will be okay.'

As she stepped out from the shade of the house's roof, Alysia spotted Zane standing with his back to her. He stood tall with his hands behind his back.

Her father was a highly respected figure among Supernatural Hunters. However, there was one weakness that made him feel lacking - the fact that he couldn't have children after Anna miscarried their first child.

That's why they adopted Alysia, intending to groom her as the heir to this renowned Hunter family. Consequently, she had to become a worthy daughter to carry that title.

"I'm here, Father," Alysia said.

Zane turned his body to face Alysia. He was a man with dark brown skin and a stern face. His hair was jet-black, except for the streaks of white that extended backward from his temples. His eyes were a deep green, and he always seemed to scrutinize those he spoke to.

"Are you ready?" Zane asked in his deep voice.

Alysia nodded. "Yes, Father."

"Let's begin, then," Zane said, nodding in approval. He stretched his hand to the side, and a butler approached him, handing over a sword with a white scabbard.

Alysia drew her own sword. It was a plain short sword specially crafted for her by Zane. Zane unsheathed his sword as well. They both locked eyes for a few moments before Alysia lunged toward Zane.

A thin azure mist almost invisible to the naked eye enveloped Alysia's body as she stepped forward. This magical power enhanced her speed. In the blink of an eye, Alysia was in front of her father, swinging her sword.


However, Zane could still easily parry the blow. Alysia, seeing this, felt that Zane didn't even need to exert serious effort to fend off her attack.

Gritting her teeth, Alysia made a lightning-fast spinning motion and swung her sword from the other side. Once again, Zane managed to block her sword.

'Is that it, Alysia?' Zane thought as he effortlessly countered Alysia's desperate attacks. He was starting to feel disappointment growing in his heart.

Alysia noticed Zane's speed starting to decline. 'This is my chance!'

She thrust her sword with full force. However, what she struck was just an azure mist that dissipated as soon as her sword touched it. From within the mist, Zane darted toward her and swung his sword.

Alysia's eyes widened, and then...


Fortunately, she was still fast enough to parry Zane's strike. However, Zane continued to ruthlessly attack her with his sword, which was shrouded in a thin azure mist. The clash of their swords echoed across the open field relentlessly. Azure mist flashed continuously from Alysia's and her father's swords. Yet, neither Zane nor Alysia had fallen.

This left Zane slightly impressed. The disappointment he had felt earlier was fading as he watched Alysia's movements.

Alysia cried out, and the azure mist around her sword became even thicker. She made a wide swing with her sword.

'It's too obvious. You still have a lot to learn,' Zane thought.

He reversed his sword and prepared to strike Alysia's exposed face with the flat side of his blade. Zane gritted his sword as if holding something back when directing the sword toward her face.

However, something unexpected happened. Zane's sword only pierced through the azure mist Alysia left behind. Then suddenly, from below, a sword shrouded in mist appeared.


Zane tilted his head back just in time, so the sword only grazed his chin. Zane then jumped back. Instead of looking angry, he smiled and looked at Alysia.
