
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · Ciudad
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16 Chs

(15) Breakfast Time

Adalin walked into the kitchen to see Gilbert and his pack eating pancakes with the guild leader Dryver and smiled.

"Come on doc you need to eat. Your experiments can wait." Ryan walked in shoving Harley into the kitchen dining area.

"I wonder how octochain would react if I directly gave it food? Would it eat the food or become one with the food making it sentient?" Harley asked.

"Hahaha. You seem to be having fun Harley. I trust you're enjoying your studies?" Dryver smiled.

Harley paused and stared at Dryver for a second as he straightened his back and composed himself, "Yes of course. I'm making sure I'm useful to you my master." He bowed as Ryan stops shoving him and yawned as he gets two plates and sees Adalin and walked over to her handing her the plate full of pancakes.

"Morning! It's still a bit early for ya no? It's only 6 ish in the morning. You sure you don't want to go back to bed?" Ryan asked her.

Dryver deeply sighed and goes back to eating his food, "Go back to quirky doctor. I rather deal with that than prissy, pompous ass kisser. To vamp for my taste at least if you quirky doctor you actually seem more human." Gilbert growled drinking his coffee.

Harley just smiled as he stayed bowed, "I think after breakfast I just might take your offer and catch some more zs, but I'm worried it's going to mess with my sleep schedule for school." Adalin sighed and Ryan nodded as he heads to get two extra plates of food.

Vincent gives Gilbert a disapproving look and Vestali fidgets nervously as they eat their food quietly. Adalin deeply sighed and mentally pumps herself up as she walked over to them.

"Doctor Harley." Adalin called out and he looks at her curiously as he stands up straight and Ryan shoved a plate into his hands and than Ryan goes sits at the table to eat.

"Yes miss Pompey?" Harley asked.

"You were raised by vampires right? What was that like?" Adalin asked.

Harley paused as he stares into the distance and everyone in the guild seems fidgety, "Let's see... If I recall... I was in Uryl... there was a really bad war... Miss Erica and the mafia were fighting each other. My family and I were looking for shelter.... And than.... I believe I fell off Uryl to my death and suddenly I awoke as a hunter and sort of flew to save myself." Harley explained slowly as Adalin nodded listening to him carefully.

"I fell into the ocean and began to drown. As I tried my best to swim to safety. I was lucky enough to land near Prince Trent's castle. He saw me and with his vampire magic ran across the water and grabbed me than brought me into his castle, where the busy bees that is flock started tending to me. Measuring my body to get me the proper clothes, ushering me into a room to be changed and dried off, and than lead into Prince Trent's office." Harley explained smiling softly.

"Ah Prince Trent was the one who took you in than? Ha. He's an odd one, but I think out of most vampire Prince's one who's always strive to care for vampires and humans as it's good business as he would say..." Dryver shakes his head, "He was... shocked when his sire Prince Vaan had turned Riku's best friend into a vampire out of punishment causing Riku to lash out on the council." Dryver explains.

"My lord! You shouldn't be so quick to devolve such sensitive information!" Harley protested.

"Haha, but you have already spilled the beans, before me. So, I see no reason to keep it a secret among our friends here." Dryver beamed.

Harley turns red, "Forgive me! I shouldn't of opened my mouth!" He looks scared.

"No. It's fine. Eventually it will not be secret anymore. We won't have to wait to much longer to hold back the intel we know, so it's okay if some people know." Dryver nodded sipping some coffee, "But please continue your conversation. I apologize for interrupting. I'm curious to hear as you keep a lot of things to yourself." Dryver explained softly.

"I... I don't mean to my lord!" Harley looked unhinged.

Dryver puts his coffee down and gets up to hug Harley, "Hey now. It's okay. You can tell me when your ready. We are friends. I'm not your employer." Dryver smiled sweetly.

Harley shoved Dryver off him and looks at him hatefully, "YOU INSULT ME! You wound me! Don't you dare call me friend! Not since you brought that fcking leech hunter into our home and replaced my true alpha master?!" Harley screamed and Ryan jerked out of his chair.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Calm down buddy!" Ryan looked freaked out.

"If that's how you feel." Gilbert gets up as his pack looks at him teary eyed, "How about I beat the living shit out of you? If I win you get lost! I don't want no vamp lover in my pack!" Gilbert shouted.

Vincent stands up and slams his hands on the table, "Than! Fight me to! Because I am guilty as well!" He shouted and Gilbert looks at him in horror and sits down.

"Fcking hell. Fine! Whatever! I don't care!" Gilbert shouted and crossed his arms angrily.

Dryver looks at Harley and Gilbert sadly and looks at the ground, "I know things aren't perfect. It's going to be a bit rough getting used to Gilbert. But... I think... Gilbert needs you Harley. Gilbert has see so many bad vampires in his life. He can't even face his own father, who got turned into a vampire. So, I know I don't have the right to ask you, but... I beg you! Guide him! So he doesn't slaughter all vampire not worthy of death. Like our ancestors once did." Dryver clenched his chest in pain.

Harley calmed down and stares at Dryver and the others quietly, "I understand. Than... For that purpose. I will stay and fight on. To protect the good that I know... exists in them." Harley swears and Dryver nodded as he and Ryan takes his seat.

"Uh... sorry." Adalin winced.

Harley looks at her and shakes his head smiling softly, "This was bound to happen anyways regardless." He takes his seat to eat his food.

"Actually I think I'm quite grateful for you instigating and bring it up... I fear that otherwise it would feaster quietly and grow to be a violent fight to the death instead of just yelling.... Often times... problems just... need be pointed out to help us overcome them. I... I tend to be a bit to soft hearted to speak up when I see such things.... So, thank you." Dryver smiled at Adalin gently and she felt shy.

"Not even a hunter and they already doing crowd control! Haha! Humans are so cool!" Ryan beamed.

"Dryver is right. I.... I don't believe in a good vampire. I've never met one... but if there are some... than... as a hunter... I have a duty to spare them." Gilbert sighed deeply.

Vincent relaxed and smiled at his alpha, "Than.... Perhaps if you'd allow me. I'd at least like to introduce you to my vampire family that helped me reunite with my human family in Uryl." Harley looks calm now.

"Alright. I guess." Gilbert sighed deeply.

Adalin smiled as Dryver giggled happily at them making up and she feels as if she's done something weirdly important for them all. She just didn't like how Gilbert was so anti vampire to the point it was being rude and mean to Harley. That felt wrong to ignore. She wanted Harley to open up about his vampire experiences to maybe help Gilbert see that not all vampires are bad.

Yet, it seems the conversation twisted and this outcome seems better than she expected it to turn out. Gilbert is giving vampires a chance. She thinks that's all he needs to do and prays in her mind that he finds the sweetest and kindest vampires ever to show him that like all species there is no true evil in the world. The world is not black and white. There's a whole lot of grey and different shade's in between.

Traveling around the world with her father has at least taught her that. She's met so many different kinds of people and not always good one, but not always bad either. She confidently leaves the kitchen with her two plates heading back to the bedroom knowing the hunters are going to be okay. So, despite being just a simple human, she was starting to feel completely at home here with the hunters as if she's always supposed to be here with them to help guide them.

It was a funny and comforting thought, but she also wasn't sure if she could continue to do that task successfully or not. Than again maybe this is just something she's learned from her past lives and being with Owen. Understanding hunters and their emotional and mental needs, because maybe there was a time or several times she's had to calm down Owen, when he got too emotionally unstable or mentally shut down.

As she opened the door, she was greeted by a pair of panicked pink eyes that relaxed seeing she was safe, "Sorry. I took too long didn't I? I'm sorry." Adalin smiled.

Owen hugged her and snuggled her, "It's okay. You're here now." He started purring loudly and uncontrollably.

"We got panacakes!" Adalin gushed and Owen happily takes a plate to sit on the bed with her and eat.

"Best breakfast!" Owen chimed as he began eating it with her.

They finish eating and take their plates to be washed in the sink of the kitchen. Dryver helps wash their dishes along with everyone else's dishes.

"You look tired. Are you trying to not sleep or you're unable to?" Harley instantly is checking up on Owen.

"I slept a bit when Adel was getting me some breakfast." Owen explains as Harley gives him more medicine to help with his heat.

"Do you need sedatives as well?" Harley asked as Owen thinks about it.

Owen shakes head, "Not right now. I'm feeling pretty normal at the moment." Owen explains.

"Alright seek me out if things start getting worse for you." Harley heads to his doctor's corner to continue his research.

"Imma take my pack out to the town to shop and stuff. So we need anything for the guild?" Gilbert asked.

"Yeah! We do! I'll come with! Gives me an excuse to spread my wings." Ryan admits.

"I must stay here, but I know you all will be okay." Dryver explains.

"Oh… I kinda want to go see my dad and see if he's okay… but is that okay with Owen being the way he is?" Adalin asked worriedly.

"It'll be fine as long as he's close to us hunt masters and you. We can handle him if he suddenly gets to clingy with you or almost passes out." Ryan smiled.

"I'll be okay. Besides I'm sure Izzy misses you." Owen smiled nodding.

"Alright than. All of you come with me." Gilbert leads the way outside the castle to the beach, "Ryan you take Owen and Adalin. I'm not in synchronize with them enough not to accidentally drop them." Gilbert admits.

"But of course! I am Owen's personal hunt master after all. So I was planning to do that anyways." Ryan smirked.

Gilbert looks like he wants to say something, but shakes his head turning into a weird black spirit bat that wraps around his pack and himself and takes flight. Ryan laughed and let's his fire magic wrap around them turning into a bright flaming phoenix and takes off with them inside.

"This is really cool by the way! Can you teach me how to do this?" Adalin asked.

"Unfortunately it's a magic thing so unless you have magic than no." Ryan explained.

"I had magic when Rufus our Mystic's teacher awakened me." Adalin explained.

"Hahaha. Well… ahem… Only he can do that. We can't awaken magic users… That's a chaos magic ability. Well… maybe doc can find a way with his science…" Ryan explained.

Adalin nodded as they flew high into the sky up into the clouds to not be seen following behind Gilbert.

"Hold on. Imma cast shadow sneak on us." Gilbert tells Ryan.

"Alright! I'm ready for it!" Ryan flew next to Gilbert.

Gilbert focuses his magic around them it looks like a black mist has formed around them, "Stay close to me." Gilbert orders and dives toward the city below as Ryan dives with him.

Owen has to cover Adalin's mouth as she nearly screamed when they slammed into the ground and somehow phased into the shadows itself. A few people looked around confused thinking they saw something fall from the sky, but than continued upon their merry way, when nothing stirred. Slowly Gilbert phased them out of the shadows to take their shape in the alleyway away from non magical beings eyes.

The bat and phoenix forms vanished first and finally the mist dispersed allowing them to be normally viewed by everyone. Owen let go of Adalin's mouth as he held her as she gasped clutching her chest from absolute horror.

"My bad. I forget your a normie." Gilbert rubbed the back of his head wincing.

"Don't feel bad. He did it to us too. Freaking never forgive him either!" Vincent assured Adalin, who nodded.

"Haha. You gotta tell the normies everything you're doing or you're going to give them a poor heart attack!" Ryan chuckled.

"You knew what I was going to do! You should of told them!" Gilbert growled.

"I didn't want to waste my breath explaining things. Ain't my style." Ryan shrugged.

"Just give me a minute okay." Adalin tried calling down ad they waited for her.

"Let's split up than. I won't keep you. I'll take these two to their parents and show them they still alive and well and you can take this list and shop for me." Ryan chuckled handing over the list.

"You lazy son of b****!" Gilbert takes the list glaring at him hatefully, "Fine whatever. Go on! Get lost already!" Gilbert groaned as Ryan pats Adalin's back and leads her and Owen up the mountain side.

"Actually. I secretly do a lot of work for the guild. So, I'm not as lazy as I seem to be. I just like catching my breaks when I can get them." Ryan winked as he leads the way through the tunnel heading uptown.

"Yeah. I get that impression from ya." Adalin nodded.

Owen stayed quiet as it's kinda draining to speak. It's draining to even be walking and moving so much. Though not to bad, his true problem right now was he's feeling very protective of Adalin and very grumpy. It probably won't take much to irritate and make him snap on folk. Luckily, being around Ryan is helping Owen to just relax. Ryan has very chill and calming aura even as an alpha that Owen finds himself honing in on and just allowing himself to relax.

Adalin takes Owen's hand, "Are you alright?" She asked him.

"Being in heat and moving around is never easy, but I can tell he's tolerating it very well. I don't feel like explaining it, just try to imagine being sick and having to do things. That's close enough." Ryan explained half heartedly.

"Sounds horrible, don't worry. We'll make this quick." Adalin assured him.

Owen nodded and they passed the school, which luckily hasn't started yet, but does have some vehicles for the staff to set everything up inside beside it. Continuing their journey they pass the skating shop and the vases than continue their way up to Adalin's house. Barking and scratching can be heard as they approach the door.

"Izzy! Sit!" Adalin called out as she opened the door and the three of them entered the house.

"Oh thank god! You're back…. Oh wait…" Mr. Chiendame sees them and paused.

"Hi. Dad. Sorry dad." Owen weakly responses.

"Where's my dad?" Adalin asked.

"That a**hat left me on dog duty while he returned to work to fish in the sea!" Mr. Chiendame protested.

"Ah. That's not surprising." Adalin admits.

"I don't like dogs… no offense… but I've done what I can to take care of it. Are you alright my boy? You went into heat early…" Mr. Chiendame explained as Izzy finally threw himself into Adalin to be pet nearly knocking her over.

"I'll be alright. My hunt master is with me." Owen explains.

Mr. Chiendame nodded, "Can I go home now?" He groaned.

"Yeah. We can take the dog with us." Ryan pets the dog with Adalin.

"Thank god." Mr. Chiendame sighed in relief and heads over to put his hand on Owen, "Take care of yourself." He tells him.

Owen slaps his hand away growling, "Don't touch me!"

"Ah… ssorry!" Mr. Chiendame puts his hands up in surprise.

Ryan looks at them both in surprise and awe, "Mr. Chiendame. I think you need to come with us to the guild." Ryan tells him.

"Huh why?!?" Mr. Chiendame looks very confused.

"I think you've just been promoted to hunter status. So congratulations." Ryan clapped.

"What?!? No! I'm a human! I ain't no hunter!" He was freaking out.

"Is there a way to tell?" Adalin asked.

"Well… he kinda smells like booze to me… So I can't pick up on the scent of him being a hunter… but Owen shouldn't of reacted so strongly to his own father like that. It was almost as if… he felt threatened by his own father. Hunter's don't react that way to humans even in their heats." Ryan explained.

"He's a hunter… I can sense it." Owen nodded.

"Owen… you… I…." his dad looked lost for words and sighed, "I guess… It's not impossible…" he looks deflated.

"I'd like you to come back with us for doc to do some testing to make sure." Ryan explains.

"Alright… geez… I can't catch a break." He sighed.

The three of them and the dog heads back down town after locking up the house to return to the hunter's guild. As they were walking downtown past the school Adalin saw Mr. Chiendame absentmindedly rub his wrist which had a weird white burn mark in the shape of a falcon. Proving to her that without a doubt Owen's father is a hunter and a marked one, but has a weird white mark instead of a black one for some reason. She kept her thoughts to herself as she focused on holding Izzy's leash tightly afraid he might trying to jerking his leash out of her hand once more.

As of today it's 5:27pm on Dec 21st! I've been stupidly sick this whole week, but I posted on time at least in my USA time zone. For some reason the website time zone is like a day ahead of me and I'm not even sure how many hours ahead or behind. So that's a fun fact for y'all USA writers on here!

This story is a bit of a slow burner. Definitely more slice of life than my other stories. My other stories tend to have a bit more action in them, but I think it's a great start to really introduce you all to the complex and chaotic universe that this is. Because trust I like to try and not explain everything that needs to explain if I can help it, because so much has happened and needs to be explained throughout the entire story series just for you to understand the universe itself and it's crazy chaotic nonsense. So, I just go with what the most important things need to be explained such as hunters and their existence or their history. Like it's so nice to have one story that has a history class just so I can get you all to understand how crazy the universe building is.

Does it all make sense... ehhh? Maybe? I tried my best to explain it. Pay close attention to anything the Mystic Church members say cause that's actually cannon and goes into the crazy mythos side of the universe.

Otherwise just have fun reading this crazy high fantasy meets realistic fantasy universe. It's not meant to take seriously. It is literally pure chaotic fun for me mwhahaha. Hope you like it regardless!

Tealiah_Eddardscreators' thoughts