

In a world of magic, anything is possible. How your soul animal is decided is by the traits from your parents. If you get both dominant traits from your parents you have the same soul animal as them. If you get both recessive traits from your parents you have a different soul animal.

It shows your character, your personality, what you are. Who you are. You may not even realize what your soul animal is until years, but everyone has a soul animal. A new, shy kid comes to school, their soul animal could be a sheep and bully could be tiger or other predator. It's called playing with your prey.

Soul animals gives you their features. Only few can transform into their soul animal at a young age. This a sign that your child is strong, usually stronger than usual. It could take years to learn to transform into your soul animal, yet still possible. Your soul animal is a part of you no one can take it away, no matter what.

Though, sometimes you can be born without an soul animal. In which case you would have to go to a prophet or a specialized doctor. They would announce if your child had an hidden animal or none.