
Chapter Forty Two

* Nick *

I felt my world spinning as Maleficus holds my shoulder, feeling the changes in the environment that we are currently standing in. I could never get used to this kind of power that only the old wizard of the Langston Palace posses. However I am grateful for the help, it would take time to locate Emma if I were to rely on my wolf's ability alone.

"Is this the right place Maleficus"

My voice made a slight tremble as I look at the old man and then into the vast sand of the seaside. Cottages are built in a line along the side of the ocean, the seawater creating a loud noise as it hits the shore. It reminded me of the islands owned by my father and the trial that my brother has endured in a place like this, however, this is a public place.

"Yes your majesty, she temporarily resides in one of those fully furnished cottages."