
Chapter 12 Highway To Hell

|3:00 AM|

Four people can be seen waiting at an empty bus stop. Percy brought the gang to the closest bus stop near the camp. They were sitting on a bench under a light that would sometimes flicker, giving a spooky atmosphere.

Percy was staring at the map trying to figure out where the first pearl exactly was, and although they had a map, it was not very specific. At most you would be able to tell what state it was in and the name, but no nearby locations. "Anyone have any idea where this garden is at?" Percy asked turning to his friends.

"Why dont you just ask Google?" Said Grover rolling his eyes. "My phone broke when we were running from the minotaur." Percy said. "Maybe the bus driver knows?" Annabeth brought up. While they were discussing how to get there Lucian sighed to himself. "Its in Atlantic City, and it's a worn down building with many statues. I can get us there once we reach Atlantic City." Said Lucian with his eyes closed and leaning his head on the side glass.

They all look at Lucian curiously. "How do you know where its at?" Asked Percy. "Because that's where I lived for all my life." Replied Lucian with his eyes still closed. The three were shocked and wanted to ask more, but the bus arrived. The bus pulled up and hissed at a stop, then a louder hiss as the doors opened. "Bus to Atlanta?!" Called out the bus driver. We nodded and stood up from our seats with our bags and climbed in. Grover payed the bus driver and we sat all the way in the back. The bus was completely empty as they were the only ones crazy enough to take a bus to Atlanta at one in the morning.

Lucian sat at the farthest seat on the right side of the bus. He had the window seat as Annabeth sat next to him, Percy and Grover sat in front with Percy on the window seat. Percy and Grover turned around to face Lucian. "So you lived at the Garden emporium with your mother?" Asked Annabeth. Lucian nodded as he rested his head on the window. "That's so weird, what are the odds of the pearl being in the place where you lived all your life?" Said Percy.

"Actually, I think it's on my mother. I remember seeing she had a bracelet with a shiny pearl whenever she would read me stories." Lucian said feeling tired. "So your mother has the pearl? Why would she have it? Does she know what it's used for? You never did tell me what your mothers name was." Annabeth was staring at the sleepy Lucian for an answer. "Her name is Medusa." Lucian said annoyed at all the questions, he just wants to sleep damn it!

What came after was total silence, which made Lucian happy. He opened an eye lazily and saw that the three of them had their jaws touching the floor. Lucian closed his eye and prepared himself for the shouting. """WHAT!!!""" They all screamed at the same time. Lucian winced at all the noise. "Be quiet, talk like normal people."

Annabeth was the first to ask questions. "Medusa as in the snake queen? The woman who can turn people to stone just by looking at her eyes?" Lucian nodded. "That sounds like mother, she has the most beautiful eyes." Everyone almost fainted. "You've seen her eyes?! How are you still alive?!!" This time it was Grover to react. "Your mother killed my uncle Ferdinand!" Lucian opened his eyes this time and looked at Grover. "I'm sorry for your loss. But mother Medusa doesn't turn people into stone anymore, at least not for a while now."

"Wait but how are you able to look at her eyes?" Percy asks, Lucian just shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know, ever since I was a baby I was unaffected by her curse. I guess that's what made her take me in and raise me." Lucian smiled as he was reminded of the fun he would have with his serious mother. Lucian was actually really happy he would get to see her again, even though it has not been a week since he left.

"Whatever guys, dont worry. You'll get to see her soon. For now I'm going to get some sleep, I'm tired." Lucian closed his eyes and fell asleep, leaving the three to think about things. They couldn't all help but think 'BUT WE DONT WANT TO SEE HER!'


|3 hours later. 6:06 AM|

The bus came to a hissing stop and popped its doors open, allowing the group to get out. The bus driver was actually nice enough to directly bring them to the garden, although it took some persuading from Lucian, luckily the bus driver was a girl.

The bus driver left while the three kids walked into the store. Lucian was all smiles as the other three were on their guard, now that they know Madusa lives here they were scared. Grover tried to lighten the mood and went up to a cooler. "Haha check this out, they got free sodas." Grover grabbed onto the handle. "Dont open that." Said Lucian. "Why not? I'm thirsty." Grover opened the lid displaying a family of rats squeaking and squealing away. Grover screamed and shuts the lid, wiping his hand in the prosise. "Told you." Lucian said as he smiled.

"Come on, follow me. We dont want mother Medusa thinking your trespassers, she might turn you to stone." Lucian said as he walked further into the store. "I thought you said she doesn't do that anymore?!" Said Percy. Lucian shrugged his shoulders. "She might have changed while I was gone."

"Hey guys look at this!" Annabeth said as she went toward a fountain and stuck her hand in the water, picking up a handful of coins. "Gold Drachmas." Is that what they were? Never really payed attention. "Here, they could come in handy." She handed them to Percy.

I dont really see how they could come in handy, but whatever. "Come on, we need to find mother." I start walking as they follow me. They look at all of the different statues that were scattered around the garden. "Look at all of these people. Lucian how could you live in this creepy place? Didn't you ever get nightmares?" Annabeth asks. "Honestly, I sometimes did. I would sometimes wander the garden looking at all of these people and wonder what there story was. Some nights I would get nightmares, but then they would go away. You get used to it." We continued to walk when suddenly a woman came out of nowhere and grabbed Annabeths hand.

"HELP ME! PLEASE HELP ME! SHES COMING!!" She screamed. Annabeth was trying to calm the woman down but she just kept crying and speaking at the same time, making it hard to understand her. But one thing is for sure, she is terrified. Must be mother Medusa, but has mother Medusa really gone back to turning people to stone?

"Calm down, leave this place and never come back. The exit is that way." I pointed toward the exit of the store. The woman saw the exit and looked like she has found salvation. She ran as fast as she could toward the exit, but then suddenly turned her head toward something that was out of their sights. She immediately froze in place as she turned to stone. Soon a woman came out from where the lady who turned to stone was looking at. "Shield your eyes!" Screamed Annabeth. Grover, Peecy, and Annabeth quickly closed their eyes as the woman scanned over them. Lucian looked at the woman in the eyes. "Hello Mother."

Just started reading the Percy Jackson book yesterday. I'll try to incorporate what's in the book as much as possible. As for Grover and Annabeths characters, I apologize for you book fans. I can offer an explanation for Grovers current personality but I dont want to change the way Annabeth looks. I feel like that would mess with the immersion of the story. If you guys REALLY feel bothered by it then Vote in the comments if you want her to have her books appearance or movies.

bamjrrcreators' thoughts