
Chapter Two

[Pick it up.]

Something, no, someone spoke in his mind as he stared at the sword floating in front of him.

He wanted to reach out, but his eyes caught someone standing in the distance.

Narrowing his eyes, the figure became clear, a medical armor with a sword, much like the one in front of him clutched in his hand.

He hesitated, his hand twitching forward but deciding otherwise.

[Pick it up.]

The voice spoke again, and the sheer power of it caused him to clutch the handle of the sword before he even realized it.

The weight on his body caused him to look down, seeing the same armor on his body.

Looking back up, The only thing he saw was a blade coming to his head.

He couldn't react, he was untrained, unprepared, startled.

The sword pierced, his flesh, his windpipe gave way, and so did his spine as the blade came out from the other side.

Jin-soo Died for the first time.


[Pick it up.]

Jin-soo gasped. clutching at his neck as his lungs fought for air that they didn't need.

He looked up, seeing the Knight charging again, his sword poised to strike. He fell back, as the Knight closed the distance.

He crawled back, legs kicking at the ground, as the knight brought his sword down on his head.

Jin-soo died again.


[Pick it up.]

Jin-soo gasped as he opened his eyes, looking at the knight charging at him for the third time.

He wanted to run. Run away as far as he could, get away from whatever was happening. This was a dream, he fell asleep and he would wake up soon.

Why wasn't he waking up!?

The knight brought his sword down again, and Jin-soo's fight-or-flight instinct kicked in as he jumped to the side, rolling on the ground.

Coming to a stop, he looked up at the knight again, as the armored man brought his sword up again and turned to him.

His eyes glanced at the sword still floating in the air next to the knight. The man took a stance and the boy got to his feet shakily.

The knight swung his sword again, this time, aiming for the shoulder of the boy in front of him, and Jin-Soo jumped to the side again. barely avoiding the strike.

Jin-Soo rushed to the floating sword, seemingly his only chance to wake up from this nightmare.

Grabbing the handle of the sword, he felt the armor appear on his body yet again and briefly staggered, falling to the ground again from the unbalanced position, and the sudden weight added to his body.

Standing up and shakily raising the sword at the knight.

That didn't last for long, the Knight slashed to the side, knocking the sword to the side and the opposing sword was headed toward his neck.

Jin-soo died for the third time.


[Pick it up.]

Jin-soo gasped, breathing out and grabbing the hilt of the sword again, the unfamiliar weight of the armor settled around his body yet again as he held the sword out to the charging knight, tip forward.

He... He had to do something.

He wanted to wake up already, he wanted to be done with this stupid dream.

The knight swung down again, and Jin-soo raised his sword. Having no training, no footing, no strength, the sword was thrown to the side.

Taking the desperate gamble, Jin-soo tackled the knight to the ground, the clattering of armor sounding in his ears as he scrambled to grab the Knights hand that was holding the sword.

Grabbing a hold of the wrist, he raised the knight's hand with both of his and slammed it down, managing to get the sword out of the armored grip.

The feeling of accomplishment did not last long, as a fist slammed into his head.

Almost getting thrown off the knight he used a hand to keep himself above his killer and with adrenaline rushing through his body, he raised his hand and slammed it down on the helmet, once, twice, thrice.

The only thing he got for his efforts was a small dent in the helmet.

The knight raised his hands, trying to get Jin-soo off of its body, but the boy grabbed the hand in desperation, raising one of his legs and standing up, managing to turn the knight on his back and slam his leg down on its back.

Grabbing the twisted hand with his other palm, he pulled quickly and suddenly, hearing a sickening snap ring through his ears.

Even now, the knight made no sound and just tried to get up with its only remaining functioning hand.

Growing desperate, Jin-soo looked at the nearest sword and lunged toward it. His armored hand gripped the handle and turned on his knees, seeing the knight trying to get to its feet.

His legs carried him forward, throwing his body forward from his kneeling position. By no small amount of luck, the sword lodged itself into the knight's neck, drawing blood that splattered on his face and dripped down the edge of the sword in his grasp.

He panted, looking at the Knight, horrified.

He... he just killed someone.

[Pathetic. Again.]

Jin-soo shuddered, his eyes closing involuntarily, and he was standing in front of the floating blade again when they opened.

The knight taking a stance across from him.

[Pick. It. Up.]