
Solo Leveling: ReNix

Floating at an endless void in the valley of the dead, tears slowly floating away from her face. She had sacrificed her life for the life of millions of other in her country, it was her choice. A life with the man she both hated and loved at the same time, so that others could live. It was her choice, it was her that had made that choice, but she couldn't help regret her choice. Until, a chance appeared before her. A chance to rewrite the fate she couldn't have changed, all within a single word. "Would you take the chance?" ---- At first, I wanted a rewrite of my SLJTEO FF, but then I got this instead. I don't know how to express how much I planned for this that I even forgot about the origin book, LoL. Anyways, go straight dive in! Ah, finally! I had begun to create my own covers!

Nakamura_Shun · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Vacation/Fourth Servant!

The rest of the still cold afternoon was spent in cuddling with two very warm wolves! It was such a nice feeling to have something so soft to cuddle with in bed!

Mom called me outside once it was 4 though, got to eat dinner and all that stuff. Not that I am complaining though, curry is life! And curry made by mom is the whole of reality!

"Hehe." I chuckled to myself as I swing my legs back and forth under the bedside. I was currently checking out my levels, stats, skills, and other stuff that I manage in my panel.

<< Name: Akutagawa Kira | Gender: Female | LVL: 56 | Titles: Chosen One, Aberration | HP: 2,200 | SP: 2,200 | MP: 3,420,950 >>

<< Class: Stellar Sorceress | STR: 21 | SPD: 26. | SNS: 21 | DEX: 29 | VIT: 22 | INT: 136,838 >>

<< Skills: {Swordsmanship: 4}, [Basic Magic: max}, {Advanced Magic: 6}, {Stellar magic: 3}, [Cooking: 3], {Heaven's Chosen: Max}, -{<-[Stellar Parallax: Max]->}- >>

<< Current Star Servant(s): Zenith, Yoru, Shiro >>

<< Current Stat/skill points: 440 >>

Hoh! Those are just my natural stats without any alter, I am now as strong as 200 humans multiplied by five! As I have guessed, if I keep growing older in age, I will get stronger!

I amassed all my stat points that I had through all my level ups, and managed to save up that much, huh? Well, thinking that I only spent a total of 120 skill points, it's reasonable.

Since I was at the age where I could now properly hold the sword, I thought that it was time I start practicing swordsmanship, and so I bought a technique from the system and started practicing.

For the total of one hundred and fifteen skill points, Dawn-Breaker, a swordsmanship style which consists of 12 stances, one must have extreme aptitude and dexterity to even hope of practicing it.

The reason for that is because of the skill needed to fluidly connect and rotate between the 12 stances and form the blade dance that came with fully mastering the technique.

This was the technique that I had used to kill every giant in the Tokyo apocalypse, except that one abnormally strong bastard of course. The thirteenth stance consumes life force in exchange of power.

It was the main reason I had died in my last life; I had consumed every once of life force I had, but in the end, I wasn't strong enough, but I will change that very fact!

I clenched my fist as I stared at the window. "Things will be different this time around." I spoke with confidence to myself. This was the reason I had stocked up on stat points.

In any case that I needed to use my life force; I would dump every single stat point I have stocked up into my vitality stat, and I would last longer than ever, I would continue to fight till I beat every opponent.

Mom and Dad entered the bedroom as I quickly lied on the bed and pulled the sheets up. "Goodnight." I muttered quietly as my parents smiled at me. "Goodnight, sweetheart."

Dad turned the lights off as I turned around, erasing my mind of thoughts and closed my eyes, crickets softly sang their songs as I slowly drift away in my dream, falling asleep.

The next day morning, I was met with the strange feeling in the ambient mana in the air, I opened my eyes to see what was happening, the mana in the air was slowly getting corrupted by the cold.

"Weird, why is it behaving that way? Is it because it's adjusting to the mountain's cold?" I spoke to myself as I sat up and got out of bed. I folded the sheets and tidied the bed as I walked out.

I was met with my parents drinking their cup of morning coffee while sitting on the table with loafs of bread as breakfast. I rub the sleep out of my eyes as I sat down on the table.

"Morning, Kira-chan." My mother smiled as she greeted me. "Good morning, Mom, Dad." I greeted them as I took a single loaf of bread. "Do we have any jam?" I asked as I bit down on the bread.

Dad chuckled. "Fortunately, knowing you, we brought some with us." He put the jam on table as I opened it and got a tablespoon and spread the jam on the bread. "Thank you very much!" I muttered as I bit down on the bread.

I finished my breakfast as I got dressed up in a thick winter jacket and comfortable running pants. It was rigid cold outside, so I had to. "Mom, Dad. I'm going to explore outside."

I spoke as I put on my sneakers in the genkan and left out the door. I was met with the abnormally cold atmosphere. Why was it so cold? Isn't it supposed to be late spring? "What an aberration."

I inched my way around the small house first, and then to the surroundings. "The mana in the air is getting corrupted by the cold, and is making it even colder? But where does the cold even come from?"

Let's start by analyzing the ambient mana, what really is corrupting it? I magnified my perspective on mana as there, I saw it. Smaller, rigid mana was sticking to the ambient mana.

It was changing the ambient mana's state, it was changing it to accommodate itself. Something or is doing this unconsciously, its far to erratic and wild to be controlled, as if it was freely flowing.

"But where does this mana come from?" I made a large wave of my mana pulse, as it travelled across the isles of Japan, even reaching to some countries, and I sensed multiple, billions of differing mana signatures.

My mana freely erupted from my frame as it examined every single particle of mana as far as I could reach. My mana was still and harmless, but very judging when it meets outside mana.

Using this method, I could trace where such frigid mana could come from. I sighed as I kicked a random pebble beside me. "Gosh darn it… This was supposed to be a vacation!" I rambled.

There was an A-rank gate in this mountain, still undiscovered, and was about to break in a dozen hours later. And I had to destroy it if I wanted to continue my peaceful vacation in this mountain!

"Zenith, Shiro, Yoru." I called as a large being behind me overshadowed me. "Come with me, we're going dungeoning." I got up Yoru as Zenith bowed her head down. I jumped up and held one of her ten crown-like horns ornate on her head. "Let's go."

Meanwhile, the said child accompanied by two stuff toys was destroying a dungeon right now. An arrow struck down as it suddenly stopped midair. "…You dare?" A cold version of my voice rang out.

The arrow suddenly shook as it struck the ground hard and scattered snow. "Shiro, fetch that elf's head for me." I spoke with an authoritative voice as Apex let out a feral growl in response.

The ice elf perched on the tree let out a victorious grin as Shiro suddenly flickered out and he started falling, which confused the ice elf. Only when it felt the pain that he realized what happened.

His chest down had been bitten off by Shiro. Shiro bit the elf's hair as she made her way over to me. Shiro let go of the head as it rolled over to my feet. I stared at it with no emotion as I looked towards Shiro.

"Good, now get a head-pat." Shiro happily skipped over to her and received her reward. I got on top of Shiro as they continued towards where I thought where the boss was.

As we continued deeper into the snowy forest of the red gate, they were met with several fox monsters. They weren't that strong and were easily killed off by Zenith, Yoru, and Shiro.

But what I didn't expect was a fox monster of 3 tails, snow like fur with ice blue accents appeared before them, its eyes were of blood red, the mana radiating off it was astronomical compared to the other residents of the forest.

"Now that is a servant, I desire…" I let out a wicked smile as I looked at its frame that was seething with rage. "Zenith, would you mind turning that fox into a corpse for me.?" I spoke.

"Not at all, Okami-sama." Zenith spoke as she unfolded her wings, like a rod to lightning, thunder sparked from her body as she opened her mouth, channeling lightning to breath upon the fox.

The fox got alarmed by the sudden spike of mana as it unleashed a storm of ice and glaciers towards us. Zenith let go of her breath, as utterly destructive lightning of gold and violet struck out.

The lightning easily blasted through the field of ice and glaciers and pin-pointed snipped the fox as a thunderous sound erupted upon the icy forest. I ignored the commotion as Zenith approached the Fox.

The fox stood up as it conjured more ice projectiles at Zenith, which she just zapped out of the air with her own lightning magic. Zenith flapped her wings as a burst of wind erupted.

Snow scattered into the air and created a smoke screen as the fox got even more alert, when it suddenly dug on the ground and lay flat, narrowly evading a swipe from Zenith's serrated tail.

Zenith popped out of the snow as the fox blasted ice magic at her. Zenith spread her wings and used them as cover as she raced towards the fox with speed unnatural to her size.

The Fox dodge to its side as Zenith pivoted to the right and made a full spin, hitting the fox with her massive wings. The fox let out a feral growl as it jumped at Zenith's back, aiming for her blind spot.

The fox succeeded with getting on Zenith's back, "But Zenith had learned too much that it wasn't even a blind spot now." I spoke as Zenith's tail whipped towards the fox.

It pierced the fox square in the heart with minimum effort as Zenith flicked her tail another time; the fox rag-dolled on the ground as it lay on the ground still breathing. "Zenith…"

I spoke as Zenith turned towards me. "… could you please not leave your opponents still alive after a fight?" Zenith bowed her head as she apologized. "I apologize, Okami-sama."

I turned my attention back to the fox; it was still breathing with extreme pain. "Not that I mind you be sadistic with your victims though, just finish them off properly next time. Now would you please?"

Zenith opened her maw to reveal violet and gold lightning sparking inside her mouth. She released the withheld breath as it showered the fox with lightning enough to vaporize a B-rank awakener.

What was once a majestic creature lay that of barbeque. "How distasteful of me." I spoke as I let out a mad grin. "Well, only those who are crazy are the best after all." I added.

"-{<-[Stellar Parallax: Max Output]->}-." I muttered quietly as I watched the corpse swarm with my aureate mana. A faint silhouette of a fox appeared in the curtain of mana particles.

The mana burst out to reveal a fox of pure white accentuated with azure emphasis upon her ears and around her ice-like jeweled eyes to the tip of her once three now six tails.

"You shall be called; [Glaze]. After your frosty powers." I spoke in an august tone as the Glaze bowed down to me and spoke in a hypnotic voice. "Thank you, Okami-sama."

I let out a smile. "Ohoh? There is mana laced within your voice, you're a spirit speech user like me? What a fruitful encounter." Blight nodded her head. "Now, transform into a smaller form."

"Hah?" Glaze was confused by the sudden request. "Just do it!" I shouted as Glaze let out cold sweat while transforming into a small fox. I ran towards her and picked her up.

"O-Okami-sama?" Glaze squeaked out as I nuzzled up to her. "So warm!" I exclaimed as I continued to hug her, while the other three stared at our interaction blankly. "Hahhh…" Vertex sighed.

We got out of the dungeon as I ordered Zenith and Glaze to dematerialize, while Shiro and Yoru transformed back into stuff toys, and so I brought the two back home.

I went in and closed the door as I changed shoes. I made my way to the living room, where I was met with dad and mom. I made out a smile as I skipped over towards them.

"I'm back, Dad, Mom." I greeted as I sat down on a chair beside the bookcase in the living room, to which they responded with their own smile. "How did your little adventure go?" Mom asked.

"It was fun and fruitful to say the least." I answered curtly as I picked a book. "Oh, would you mind telling us why then?" Dad inquired as I nodded my head.

"Well, firstly, I got to see varying different things, of which was a fox! It was beautiful to look at." I explained the story, minus some of the greater details of what happened.

My parents knowing about me slaughtering monsters wouldn't really help, would it? Right now, no, it would only bring me more trouble than anything. The part where I got to see multiple things is true though.

Red gates only spawn in high-ranking gates from B to S rank gates. And among those three, by a rare chance, only 2~5 percent of those gates ever become red dungeon gates.

Mom stood up from her chair as she went to the kitchen, "I'm going to prepare lunch," Mom spoke as I let out a hum of satisfaction. I wonder what Mom will cook.

Let's snap out of my train of thoughts for a moment. I turned my attention to the book I picked up from the case and read the title. "A little cat's adventure around the world."

I flipped the book open as I read the first paragraph. One day, the little cat was adventuring with her brothers and sister. As they made their way through the high-rise city, they had to pass through and old and creaky bridge.

Her brother and sister passed the bridge fine although it was unstable, they managed to get over the bridge. But she, when she walked over, it collapsed suddenly without any clear warning!

She tried to run towards the other end, but she ended up failing. Ah, she fell to a dumpster. The garbage had softened her fall, but she was in no condition to be moving.

The little cat had found the city under the high up city above, but she was met with hostile little orange monsters! She had run away and safely– "Lunch is ready!" Mom shouted from the kitchen. It seems that the story is for another time.