

The camera hummed with anticipation, capturing every detail of the eerie, mean-looking monsters lurking in the shadows. The stage was set for a performance unlike any other, and I couldn't help but feel a chill crawl down my spine as I realized it was my moment to shine. I gazed down at my trembling hands, knowing that the world was about to witness something extraordinary.

"Room," I whispered, my voice carrying a chilling undertone. As the words left my lips, an azure aura-like field began to emanate from my body, expanding with an otherworldly grace. Its size was bewildering, stretching out for hundreds of meters, far surpassing what I had seen in the anime.

Inwardly, I marveled at the sheer magnitude of my newfound power, but I masked my amazement with a calm demeanor. "This is...nice," I mused softly.

as soon as I said that before me, an otherworldly sight unfolds—towering, shadowy creatures, enormous as trucks, emerge from the abyss. Cloaked in fur, their bodies seem a fusion of wolf and demon, a chilling hybrid. Jet-black fur shimmers with a crimson tint under the moon's pallid light. These beings possess an uncanny, almost demonic aura, their presence exuding malevolence.

Their eyes, fiery and piercing, fixate with an eerie, haunting intensity. Their maws reveal obsidian fangs, dripping with some ominous substance, a grim testament to their predatory nature.

These colossal creatures move with an unsettling grace, like apex predators, their every step sending tremors through the ground. It's as if the very earth shudders in their presence. Their forms suggest an amalgamation of primal ferocity and unearthly might.

In a heartbeat, they sprinted towards me, moving with a speed that defies all reason. They materialized in the air before me, covering more than 200 meters in a second

"Hunter Haneul, be careful!" The chairman's warning reached my ears, but I knew there was no reason to fear.

What followed left everyone in shock. Without so much as flinching, I remained rooted in place, the wolves freezing in their tracks almost as if time stopped. In the blink of an eye, their monstrous forms disintegrated into thousands of pieces, their severed hearts suspended in the air before me, aligned neatly in a row. And then, as if to punctuate the surreal moment, they exploded into a crimson shower that painted the scene in a vivid, surreal hue.

The power coursing through my veins was nothing short of exhilarating, and in my frenzied state, I let loose. Without a moment's hesitation, I vanished from my initial position, reappearing in the distance. Even Chairman Go Gunhee was left dumbfounded, unable to keep up with my lightning-fast movements. I had already materialized amidst a swarm of enemies, but little did they know that what they were witnessing wasn't speed; it was the manipulation of space itself.

[News Station]

Outside the gate, the broadcast studios buzzed with activity as every news station covered the unfolding events within. The main broadcast commentator's voice resonated through the airwaves, adding a layer of tension to the atmosphere.

"I am proud to announce, dear spectators, that the two most powerful guild masters in the nation are here to comment on the live feed and on Hunter Haneul's daring undertaking of the dungeon alone," the commentator declared.

In the studio, a sleek and futuristic setting surrounded the two guild masters. They sat comfortably on a plush sofa, facing a holographic transmitting device that displayed the live broadcast in vivid detail.

Hunter Baek Yoonho, the master of the White Tiger Guild, leaned back with an air of arrogance. He wasted no time in expressing his disdain. "I think the idea of a new S-rank hunter with no experience trying to tackle a high A-rank gate alone is ridiculous. He's simply jeopardizing his life with such a foolish task."

Hunter Ma Dongwook, the guild master of Fame, nodded in agreement. "Hunter Baek is absolutely right. Even with the two of us and a well-prepared team of A-rankers, attempting such a task would be incredibly risky, and many would be risking their lives."

The commentator interjected, "We'll just have to wait and see, I guess. What will our new S-ranker show us?"

Just as the two guild masters were about to continue their discussion, a jaw-dropping moment occurred.

"Incredible! In less than a second, he took out twenty A-rank monsters without even moving!" the commentator exclaimed, his voice trembling with astonishment.

The studio fell into an awed silence. Hunter Baek Yoonho and Hunter Ma Dongwook were left speechless, their minds racing to comprehend the impossible.

And beyond the studio, the spectators at home were equally stunned, their disbelief mirrored in the shocked expressions that had replaced their initial skepticism.

[Main Pov]

In the heart of the dungeon, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded as Haneul's extraordinary power reached its zenith. The very atmosphere quivered with anticipation, and the battleground itself seemed to bow to his unfathomable abilities.

The monsters, once menacing and indomitable, were now mere playthings within the confines of Haneul's "Room." As they were transported into the heavens, they hung suspended like grotesque ornaments against the dark canvas of the sky. These were not ordinary creatures; they were formidable A-rank monstrosities, their existence once synonymous with terror.

Within the boundaries of Haneul's spatial manipulation, their strength and ferocity dwindled into insignificance. Like puppets on invisible strings, they awaited the maestro's command. It was here that he harnessed the very essence of the universe, bending the laws of space and time to his whims.

As the grand performance unfolded, the monsters began to twirl and tumble in a nightmarish ballet. Their colossal frames were sliced into minuscule fragments, limbs and monstrous appendages swirling in a chaotic maelstrom. It was a macabre display of annihilation, a grotesque symphony orchestrated by Haneul's will alone.

The air crackled with energy, each moment building toward an explosive crescendo. In a blinding flash, the monstrous conglomeration erupted into a radiant burst of light and sound. The shockwave rippled through the dungeon, shaking its very foundations.

When the dust settled and the echoes of destruction faded, nothing remained of the once-feared monsters. They had been reduced to naught but memories, their existence obliterated by Haneul's indomitable power. In the heart of the dungeon, amidst the remnants of the battlefield, the boss remained the sole survivor of the cataclysmic ordeal. The chamber that had once resounded with the cacophony of battle was now an eerie, desolate space. Haneul, the lone S-rank hunter, stood amidst the aftermath of his devastating display of might.

As Haneul reached the entrance to the boss room, his gaze fell upon a colossal iron door adorned with cryptic inscriptions. It stood as the final barrier between him and the last remaining monster, an ominous sentinel guarding the culmination of this epic battle.

With unyielding determination, Haneul launched a mighty punch at the door, unleashing the full force of his newfound power. The impact sent tremors through the chamber, and a deafening clang reverberated through the dungeon. The iron door, once impervious and foreboding, now bore a massive dent—a testament to Haneul's unwavering resolve and strength.

Behind him, Chief Go Gunhee followed closely, his silent presence a stoic testament to the gravity of the situation. He had witnessed firsthand the awe-inspiring might of the S-rank hunter and the cataclysmic power he wielded. 

Thank you for the 20 power stones guys :3 then today I am gonna try my hardest to give you two chapters

Also give me some tips for the fight schene and if I can make some stuff better

MeagerWritercreators' thoughts
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