In the year 2500, Dylan, an orphan with a mysterious power to absorb and manipulate energy, becomes embroiled in a battle for resources between Earth and Mars. After discovering the existence of the advanced Martian race and the hidden legacy of a god-like being called the Builders, he allies himself with Cassandra, Lena, and Eos, a group of rebels fighting to protect the solar system from those who seek to misuse its power. Together, they face numerous challenges and make startling discoveries about the true nature of power, destiny, and the consequences of their actions. As Dylan's powers grow, he must grapple with the moral and ethical implications of wielding such immense power. In the end, Dylan realizes the error of his ways and uses his newfound abilities to recreate the solar system and atone for his past actions. As the sole being to remember the events that transpired, he assumes the role of a god, forever changed by the experiences and lessons learned throughout his journey.