
Uchiha Itachi

The exhausting first day of school was finally coming to an end. During that time, I had the privilege of personally meeting Shikamaru and Chouji, two icons from the series that had long filled my imagination.

The fan's satisfaction that engulfed my being grew with every exchanged word. Shikamaru, with his sharp mind, proved to be far beyond his tender age, and the rapport that quickly developed between us in the first shared words indicated a promising relationship.

"I had never contemplated the possibility of multiverses," exclaimed Shikamaru, resting his hand on his chin, his eyes fixed on a distant point. "A reality devoid of chakra, perhaps?"

I smiled readily in response to Shikamaru's profound thoughts. "Who knows, maybe a reality where they are watching us, recording every step we take," I teased, challenging Nara's keen intellect.

"No," he scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "That's already impossible. Imagine, huh!" He shrugged, expressing his skepticism. "How could such a thing exist? And more importantly, why would they be watching us?" Shikamaru questioned, with a disbelieving smile. "You're quite crazy, Kazue."

"We have to question, Shikamaru. We must question," I concluded, maintaining an ironic smile on my face.

Then, silence hung between us for a while, with Nara lost in thought.

"But, Kazue, think about it," he began, gesturing with his hands as he searched for the right words. "If there really are multiple universes, then every decision we make creates a new branch, a new reality. It's like a cosmic Shogi game."

I nodded, fascinated by his reasoning. "It's as if every choice we make triggers an explosion of new realities, each with its own narrative. Like a female version of yourself."

He frowned in disgust. "That's too much... our parents would have to... no!" he finished in disdain.

"Consider the possibility, my friend."

Shikamaru nodded, seeming even more immersed in the discussion. "And what if we could somehow travel between these multiverses? Explore other versions of ourselves, or..." He fell silent, lost in his own thoughts. But as the end of the class indicated that we had to head home, we concluded the discussion.

So far, things seemed to be proceeding as expected, with only subtle changes that could perhaps be attributed to my own presence in this world. Sakura and Ino, of course, harbored an intense fervor for Uchiha Sasuke, a phenomenon that did not go unnoticed by me. The spark of jealousy smoldering in my chest was undeniable, even when I tried to hide it from myself.

However, Naruto, always unpredictable, chose to ignore my presence, refusing to wait for me after classes and abruptly cutting off our attempts at conversation. The enigma she represented challenged my understanding, an enigmatic contradiction that intrigued me deeply. Moreover, Hinata, whose attention seemed focused on Naruto for most of the class, offered an intriguing curiosity. The idea of Hinata harboring an attraction to another girl was as unusual as it was fascinating, provoking inner laughter as I relished in the human drama around me.

As other classes came to an end and students began to leave, my eyes caught the imposing figure of Itachi Uchiha, searching for his younger brother, Sasuke. An intimidating aura surrounded him, as if a deep abyss opened up between us. The implicit threat in his actions recalled the tragic fate that awaited the Uchiha clan, a tragedy of which I was aware but unable to alter. Intervening in this dense tangle could result in my own demise, as facing Itachi, Danzo, or Obito was not something I dared to consider.

Despite the strength I displayed, the lessons of the ninja life were already beginning to outline their ruthless reality. My expectation of arriving in the village and emerging as a prominent jounin was being tested by the thread of experience. I now realized that battle transcended mere brute force, requiring strategy, cunning, and the ability to make quick and precise decisions amidst chaos.

The question of death also weighed on my thoughts, a dilemma I had never faced in my previous life. I was not a psychopath, I didn't have the experience of taking lives, and this new reality of imminent killing was a terrifying shadow. In the world of ninja, there was no room for hesitation; the fear of killing could easily translate into my own death or the loss of those I valued. At times, this existence felt like a punishment, a harsh lesson about the unexpected challenges life could throw at you.

I was the boy, or a twenty-year-old man, who had dreamt of reincarnating into an anime world, but the harsh reality contrasted with that fantasy. There were no easy shortcuts, and the idea of being born powerful and fearless was nothing more than a utopian wish. The stories my father told me, the accounts passed on to me about the reality of ninja, revealed that even the most skilled could fall due to a lack of vigilance, in a single moment of inattention, a fatal weakness could be exploited.

I watched Naruto, a vivid example of that hidden fragility beneath the luck. Her survival so far was nothing short of incredible, especially considering her relationship with Kushina. It was intriguing how no alarms were raised among the people, as if the surname was a mere coincidence or perhaps a reflection of collective ignorance.

The night descended, enveloping the scene in shadows of darkness. My training with clones was reaching a crucial point, a crossroads where the evident results eluded me. My dependence on Jiraiya to advance was becoming increasingly apparent and uncomfortable. The reality of my situation, still as an aspiring genin, restricted my access to many vital tools and techniques. The temptation to accelerate my progress, by forging my own path and deviating from the main plot, was real, but the uncertainty of this uncharted territory paralyzed me.

Although the view of the future remained my trump card, the possibility of losing it haunted me. Intuition and knowledge would be my weapons if that happened, but this uncertainty represented a tangible danger. My recent mastery of the Rasengan, achieved after years of effort, prompted internal reflection.

I wondered if my difficulty was a sign of my own inadequacy or if, in fact, the jutsu was notoriously challenging. However, I understood that replicating the technique Naruto-style was beyond my ability due to the limitations of my chakra.

The lesson was crystallizing: surviving in this turbulent world always demanded having an ace up one's sleeve and shrewdly managing scarce resources. The conclusion was clear, solidifying with each revelation and battle I experienced. Furthermore, cultivating allies and forming connections was essential; I recognized that I couldn't face all challenges alone. My hope rested in building strong relationships, and among potential allies, Naruto emerged as a central figure. I hoped fate would put us on the same team, envisioning the opportunity to train her and harness her remarkable chakra supply, a valuable addition to my ever-evolving skill set.


Time flew by since the start of our journey at the ninja academy, and now we found ourselves facing a complex study assignment about the renowned events of the Second Ninja War. Under Iruka-sensei's guidance, pairs were formed for this task, and, to my surprise, my partner was none other than Naruto.

Although her impulsive actions could sometimes give the impression of recklessness, I saw this assignment as a unique opportunity to contribute to her intellectual development. I wished to encourage her to delve into reading and explore the historical events that shaped our world more deeply.

In anime battle scenarios, it's common to see characters delivering their attacks with fervent shouts, especially Naruto, creating an intense emotional spectacle. However, I was determined not to let that theatrics seep into my own reality. I fully understood that in a battle where lives were at stake, subtlety and deception were crucial aspects. The prospect of a kunai coming my way didn't exactly excite me.

And so, I found myself in front of Naruto's house. Traditionally, I had maintained a respectful distance from this chaotic setting she called home.But, I felt it was time to enter this legendary place.

The door swung open with force, and Naruto emerged with her characteristic energy, as always. Her enthusiasm had the peculiar ability to envelop me, even when I was immersed in my most serious state.

"Kazueeeeeeeeeee!!" Her vibrant greeting echoed through the room.

A peculiar realization came over me as I observed her face... something I couldn't let go unnoticed. "There's something on your face..." I provocatively commented, hoping to trigger a reaction. I enjoyed playing this way, especially when the mood was in our favor.

"What?" she asked, displaying a genuine innocence that somehow always caught me off guard.

"Let me see... I think it's a touch of cuteness," I declared as I lightly pinched her cheeks, eliciting an adorable blush.

"Don't try to tease me!" she attempted to look angry, but the smile playing on her lips belied any attempt to appear serious.

I genuinely smiled in response to her reaction. "Well, we have an important task ahead of us."

Entering the interior of the house, I was confronted with the true anarchy reigning in Naruto's room. Even I, someone who took pride in a certain degree of disorder, would have trouble surviving in that environment.

"How are we going to accomplish our task in a place like this?" I asked, genuinely perplexed.

"What? Everything is organized for me," she responded as if she were describing something completely normal.

The overwhelming mess swept over my senses like a chaotic hurricane that had wreaked havoc on everything in its path. Paint dripped down the walls, creating chaotic and abstract patterns, while the once-pristine sofa was now torn, its insides exposed like wounds from a fierce battle. Oh, my God! My unpleasant sight was drawn to a container of ramen, forgotten in some remote corner of the chaos, its essence slowly decaying in a time-worn bowl.

But it wasn't just the presence of spoiled ramen that disturbed my senses. No, that was just the tip of the iceberg. Cups and plates were scattered indiscriminately in every corner of the room, as if they had been thrown by an invisible and chaotic force playing hide and seek.

As I ventured deeper into this infernal scene, consternation grew within me. This wasn't a house; it was a dump, a hideout of disorder and neglect. My eyes caught toys, trinkets, and relics that were once, at some point, childhood treasures. But, now they were punctured, broken, and torn, as if they had been victims of a raging behavior, a silent rebellion against the world cruelly reflected in its toys.

I couldn't believe that this small apartment, which had once been a cozy refuge, was now so inadequate for this untamed brat. This impulsive fox needed urgent lessons in order and responsibility. Damn Hiruzen! Don't make me lose my respect.

"We'll need to clean up this mess before anything else. I don't intend to be locked in this chaos," I declared.

A sharp look was directed at me. "You're so boring! Sometimes, Old Man Hiruzen sends someone to clean up, so why should I do it?"

"Maybe one day, when you think about getting married, you'll realize the importance of keeping things orderly. After all, I doubt I would accept such a disorganized partner," I teased, allowing an inner smile at the game.

"Just because you said that, I'll cooperate," she conceded, shrugging her shoulders in an apparent show of reluctance.

That small victory was mine, and I relished the feeling of making significant progress with her.


The end of the day was finally approaching, and a feeling of exhaustion was taking over me after hours of uninterrupted work. The task of tidying up the room, which initially seemed like a simple chore, had dragged on into the afternoon, and I was on the verge of giving up on any further productivity.

"Wow, I can finally find my things again," Naruto remarked, her eyes scanning the now organized room.

"I'm glad to hear that. When you come back here, I hope you won't find any mess," I replied, aiming for a more orderly environment.

Her lips curved into a pout. "I'll only keep it tidy if you help me!"

"Okay, I can come here from time to time to help," I agreed, almost feeling like I was making a deal with a spoiled child. Life was definitely not following a straightforward course.

I stretched my arms in a long, lazy yawn. "Now, let's start Iruka's assignment."

"Yeah!!" Naruto's enthusiastic response echoed through the room, filled with excitement.

And there, in the corner of that room, we launched into our intensive study. I tried to focus on the details of the events of the Second Ninja War, but the young blonde seemed more inclined to complain about the task than to truly engage with it. Her lamentations were starting to grate on my nerves, testing my patience.

"Kazueee-kun, I think that's enough for today. If we continue, I think I'll dream about this war," she mumbled, in a last-ditch effort to convince me to give up.

I continued to pretend I hadn't heard her, a strategy I had honed over time.

"Masterrrr-kun, don't pretend you're not listening to me!!" Her voice reached an unbearable volume, making me wonder if even a Zen monk would withstand this for long. Even Buddha, with all his wisdom, would struggle with such an intense presence by his side.

"Alright, alright! Let's take a break," I finally relented, allowing her momentary victory to bring relief.

"Phew! Finally, I was almost going crazy!" she sighed in relief. It seemed that studying was not at the top of her list of favorite activities.

"What do we have to eat?" I asked, distracted by the rhythmic sound of my hungry stomach.

"Hmm, I think I only have ramen." Her response didn't surprise me. It was as if that was her only culinary option.

"That'll do," I affirmed, getting up to prepare instant noodles. I knew it wasn't the healthiest option, but hunger had its own rules over my dietary choices.

"Kazueee-kun, why do you keep sticking around me? Don't you think I'm a monster?" Naruto asked, her voice carrying a touch of sadness.

That question caught me off guard, shaking my certainty a bit. While I had never seen her as a monster, or even cared about the presence of the Nine-Tails, her direct testimony of suffering added a deeper dimension to my perspective. She was alone, helpless, and I was the only friend in her life.

My eyes met hers, and I offered a comforting smile. "Haven't I told you already? I decided to be your friend because I see someone worth being around."

"I don't want to lose you, Kazue-kun. I'm afraid of being alone again. Rejection is a deep pain, and you are the only light on a path that seems dark to me," she confessed, her words filled with sincerity.

Hearing those words stirred something within me, something I hadn't experienced before. Seeing tears in her eyes, the genuine fear of losing me, awakened a dense array of emotions. I looked at her and offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Naruto. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."

The tears in her eyes vanished, replaced by a radiant smile that momentarily disarmed me. I wondered if I was trapped in some kind of genjutsu because everything around me seemed to be going according to plan. But only Naruto seemed different from the original. This discrepancy between what I knew and what I was experiencing was becoming increasingly unsettling.

The night had fallen, and fatigue was taking over me. It had been an atypical day, emotionally intense and full of moments that challenged my view of the world. The will to study was nearly extinguished; what I wanted now was to relax and immerse myself in some quiet reading.

"Are you leaving already?" Naruto's voice sounded, laden with anxiety. "You could stay here and sleep if you want. Please."

I let out a sigh, debating internally. Building strong bonds beyond Jiraiya was a risk, as loss became a painful prospect. I had felt this pain before when my best friend died in an accident. We were inseparable, and the pain of loss still echoed in my memory. Losing someone due to my own failure was something I preferred to avoid at all costs.

"You're already seven years old, Naruto, you can sleep alone," I stated, my voice filled with concern. Looking into her eyes, I noticed almost-tears, an expression of vulnerability that made me hesitate. "Alright, alright! But I don't want to hear any whining, okay?"

She wiped her eyes, and a bright smile spread across her face. The sight of that expression was enough to soften even my deepest concerns.

I approached and arranged the logistics, summoning a shadow clone to bring a futon for sleeping. Fatigue was setting in, my body was calling for rest, and this sudden offer seemed like a blessing I couldn't refuse.

The view of the village lights sparkling beyond Naruto's window provided a serene touch to the scene. My eyes closed, and my body surrendered to the welcoming embrace of sleep, while my mind grappled with all the doubts and uncertainties that accumulated with each step I took into this new world.

What an exhausting day. I need some rest...


Under the gentle caress of a morning breeze that made the tree leaves dance in harmony and the scorching heat of the sun painting the sky a radiant blue, the birds sang a joyful and contagious symphony. Each trill was like a perfectly tuned musical note composing the morning melody. The cicadas, with their constant rhythmic chirping, added a background layer like soft percussion, elevating the expectation that the day would be simply perfect in every way.

And as I woke from my dreams, an idyllic scene quickly transformed into an unexpected one. I opened my eyes, and amidst the contours of the shadows cast by the sheet on the futon, I realized I wasn't alone. Someone had infiltrated my sacred sleep space without any invitation or permission.

"I can't believe this, Naruto," I grumbled with a tone of incredulity mixed with a good dose of indignation as I pulled the blanket to reveal the source of my morning surprise. There she was, like an artist in the midst of a magic trick, hidden under the sheets, a mischievous smile on her lips.

She stretched slowly, like a feline awakening from a long nap, and fixed me with an innocent look, as if her presence were the most natural thing in the world. "Good morning, Master-kun!" she greeted with joy, as if the situation were not a blatant transgression.

"Please, in the name of all ninja gods, explain to me what led you to invade my sleep territory," my voice echoed with a mixture of exasperation and surprise as I cast an incredulous look at the situation. Her attitude was like a blend of audacity and cuteness, something only she seemed capable of pulling off.

She laughed gently, like a breeze caressing tree leaves, and shrugged with an innocent expression, as if her actions were completely justified. "Well, my bed was kinda... spooky, you know? And here, on your side, it seemed like the safest place in the world," she explained as if it were a perfectly logical survival strategy. It was hard not to give in to the charm of her explanation.

Containing a resigned sigh, I realized that getting more deeply involved with this girl would certainly lead me down emotionally tortuous paths. "But, understand one thing, my mischievous friend, my futon is not a universal refuge against fear," I said with a touch of warning in my voice.


In the landscape painted by the golden dawn, the air was thick with exhausting tension. Itachi's dark gaze met mine, marking the imminent beginning of a confrontation that could shape our destinies. The wielder of the Sharingan stared at me as if I were a mere ant, completely insignificant in his eyes. The red pupils remained unmoving, unactivated, emanating a silent threat that hung over the surroundings.

The perpetrator of the tragedy in his own clan stood before me. This was one of the rare opportunities where I could face Itachi without the immediate threat of death. I needed to make the most of this opening, no matter the circumstances.

The situation I found myself in was a direct result of my audacity. By challenging Sasuke's brother, I had pushed him into this confrontation. Initially, he tried to ignore me, seeing me as a reckless youth looking for trouble, but I didn't give up. It was a matter of testing my own limits, of finding out which of us was the true genius in this world.

"The time has come, Itachi! I want to find out which of us, the master of the Sharingan or the son of the legendary Sannin, is truly the most powerful," my words were filled with controlled anger, though my hands trembled slightly. Knowing that the Sharingan could pick up on the subtlest nuances of fear, I couldn't show any hesitation now.

Advancing with determination, I lunged towards Itachi with my kunai. The imposing presence of the Uchiha giant evoked an intense blend of fear and courage. This battle was a chance to assert my superiority, but also a risk of facing a terrifyingly skilled opponent.

But as I approached, something seemed off. Itachi remained still, as if my charge were insignificant. I realized it was a trap when I was just a short distance from him: I had fallen into a genjutsu.

"I can't believe you're trying to deceive me with illusions," I declared, redoubling my concentration to break free from the control that imprisoned me.

A subtle smile curved Itachi's lips, a sinister appreciation for my resistance showing through. He also raised his kunai, preparing for the impending physical confrontation.

Determined, I lunged at him, engaging in a frenzied taijutsu battle. The Uchiha's agility and dexterity were impressive, an overwhelming force that challenged my courage. My struggle to land a blow on him seemed futile, a mere reflection of his true strength. Before he could land a fatal blow, I used a substitution jutsu.

One of my clones grabbed Itachi's leg, while another appeared in front of me, launching a series of taijutsu attacks. A punch aimed at Itachi was dodged, and he countered with precision. My clone held on but succumbed to a blow that made him disappear in smoke. I seized the moment to emerge from the shadows, aiming my kunai at his neck.

"You're mine!" I proclaimed with a mix of exhaustion and triumph.

However, Itachi's eyes remained calm. "I think you've mistaken something."

In the blink of an eye, he was behind me, kunai pointed at my neck. His speed was overwhelming, a brutal reminder of his superiority.

"So I lost? At least I managed to make you use the Sharingan," my smile reflected a combination of exhaustion and satisfaction.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The outcome was predictable, but confirming it firsthand was essential. The idea of being defeated by Itachi, even in just one confrontation, carried a certain honor with it.


"Kazue, what happened to your face?" Shikamaru asked as soon as I entered the classroom.

"I had a fall down the stairs, there's no need to worry," I replied.

"I thought you got into a fight or something," the Nara Clan member commented, his voice carrying a disheartened tone that could infect even the most spirited spirits.

"Class, please take your seats, the lesson is about to begin," Iruka interrupted, displaying clear irritation at the commotion emanating from our class.

The previous day had been a true emotional rollercoaster. The confrontation with Itachi had served to remind me of the extent of my need for growth. That man was a formidable adversary whose power surpassed my current abilities.

As my thoughts wandered, Naruto entered the room, fashionably late as always, and was scolded by Iruka.

"Hey, Kazue-kun," she greeted me with her characteristic smile. "What happened to you? You're all bruised up."

"It was a fall down the stairs, my own carelessness," I lied deliberately. I had no interest in sharing my problems and anxieties with others.

While talking to Naruto, I noticed a glance from Sasuke in my direction. Had the Uchiha discovered our confrontation? Normally reserved, he was someone who kept his emotions to himself, making this observation surprising.

"What's Sasuke looking at?" Naruto asked, noticing Sasuke

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