
So I Reincarnated in Naruto?

I was just a regular guy when I found out I was reborn in Naruto. I'm still not shocked, but... What? Is Jiraiya my father?

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8 Chs

Uchiha Coumpound

"Argh!" I winced with deep remorse, plunging forlornly into the pages of my diary. It had been a considerable period since I was abruptly thrust into this new unknown world.

That agonizing feeling of emptiness had taken hold of me, mercilessly dominating me for an entire week. It was as if I questioned the very reason for my existence in this inexplicable place. Why the hell was I thrown into this world? This question, which I had buried deep in the recesses of my mind for so long, suddenly resurfaced, simmering in my psyche.

Had I truly experienced death? The memories of what happened remained like tattered and diffuse fragments in my mind, slipping through my grasp like elusive smoke.

I combed through the pages of my diary diligently, searching for notes from my former self, the one who now seemed to be losing his identity, making way for Kazue, the heir of the legendary Sannin.

And as my eyes found one of my oldest entries of the year, I was enveloped in deep and reflective thoughts:


Age: Eleven Years 

Period: Post Third Ninja War



1. **Rise to the Rank of Jounin Before the Main Events of Akatsuki in the World of Naruto**:

  - The knowledge I bring from my previous world is my greatest weapon. I have to improve quickly to stand out among the ninjas and reach the rank of Jounin before the major plot unfolds. Constant training, pestering Jiraiya for new jutsus, and seeking challenging missions.

**Lose the Fear of Assassination


2. **Save Hiruzen - Reevaluate the Strategy**:

  - Hiruzen Sarutobi is a central figure in this story. He will be crucial in maintaining the stability of the Leaf Village and the ninja world as a whole. However, saving Hiruzen may be a delicate challenge. Perhaps it would be more effective to subtly influence his decisions rather than direct intervention.


3. **Sasuke? Kill him? Help him?**:

  - The question of Sasuke Uchiha is complex. Monitoring his development will be essential. It might be useful to guide his choices, keeping him away from the path of revenge and hatred, but without necessarily killing him. The key here is to balance his actions to avoid the worst possible outcome.


4. **Jiraiya - Prevent His Death**:

  - Jiraiya's survival is vital for obtaining crucial information and forming future allies. Finding a way to prevent his death will be a priority, whether through early warning or direct intervention. I won't deny it; I might have grown attached to that old man.


In addition to these main objectives, I must remember to exercise discretion and caution in my actions. My knowledge of future events is a powerful advantage but also a tremendous responsibility. I can't risk creating temporal paradoxes or causing drastic changes that could destabilize the ninja world I now call home. Therefore, patience, careful planning, and adaptation will be my greatest skills in this dark and intellectual challenge that lies ahead of me.

5. **Naruto????**

-Naruto is an enigma. Why is she a girl? Moreover, will I have to deal with a girl pursuing Sasuke to the ends of the earth? Killing him might be the best alternative in this scenario. Or perhaps being a spectator in this theater, who knows if there will be some Uzumaki Uchiha offspring wandering around?


I meticulously closed my diary, exhausted, with the weight of each goal imposing its presence on my already burdened shoulders. The burden was overwhelming, squeezing my soul into a amalgamation of challenges.

Next, I carefully sealed the notebook with an intricate web of fuuinjutsu, responding solely to my chakra. It was a safeguard designed to prevent curious eyes from intruding into my world. Nightmares involving the Yamanakas were becoming a constant companion, a haunting shadow that tormented me.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips, echoing in the room as I scrutinized my surroundings with a sharp gaze. "What a mess!" My eyes roamed the organized chaos, a faithful reflection of my own tumultuous essence.

It had been a long time since I dared to venture beyond the confines of my home. The mild depression that had gripped me led me to avoid social interactions. The anxiety of approaching the fateful day of the series was like a storm, ready to unleash upon me.

And then, bursting through the door with a bang, came Jiraiya. "Hey, Kazue. How's it going, my young man?" the Sannin said with a concerned, hazy look.

"I'm... fine. Nothing noteworthy," I replied cautiously, my mood leaning towards the darker side of existence.

Jiraiya rested his hand thoughtfully on his chin, an expression of suspicion shading his countenance. "I've been scolded by Iruka and Sarutobi because they reported that you haven't been attending the academy," he said, modulating his voice to a calmer tone. "Don't tell me you got rejected by a girl?"

"Just part of that turbulent puberty phase. You know how it is," I joked, forcing a laugh in the presence of the wise old man.

He shook his head, understanding. "I get it. But today, you're going to class. You need to flirt with some girls to dispel this fog that surrounds you," Jiraiya advised, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "And what's that smell?"

"A smell?" I looked around, seeking an explanation, before shrugging. "It's nothing."

"My Kami, Kazue! That's pure fart!" exclaimed the Sannin, triggering a fit of coughing. "You need to get out of this room urgently!"


It was a sunny day in the Leaf Village, and we were in the midst of intensive training. The fox in question was determined to master the infamous Rasengan, a technique that, in her hands, would become a formidable weapon.

The fragile Naruto from the beginning of her ninja journey was no longer visible. She was dedicated to learning how to control her chakra and think strategically in battles. There was no room for uselessness in this world, especially in S-rank missions.

Hinata was showing remarkable progress with her Gentle Fist, thanks to Naruto's positive influence. Her self-confidence was flourishing, something unusual during the classic phase of the story. The idea of seeing her defeat Neji, the talented member of the Hyuga clan, seemed possible.

As I did push-ups, Hinata called me with a hint of anxiety in her voice, "Hey, Kazue-kun, do you think we'll be on the same team?"

I stopped my push-ups and looked at her. "Unlikely. Typically, a ninja team consists of one woman and two men, probably due to the majority of males in the combat ranks of the Leaf Village."

The two of them looked at each other, a certain apprehension in their eyes. The shift in dynamics between them was becoming more evident.

Hinata's father had initially been suspicious of us, believing we could be bad influences. But he had witnessed his daughter's transformation and, in some way, accepted that she spent more time with us, which was a surprise coming from him.

Naruto interrupted her training upon hearing our conversation and came over to us with a stern look. "I won't forgive Iruka-sensei if he separates us!" The idea of being separated from her friends made her uneasy.

In an impulsive gesture, Naruto hugged Hinata and began to hold her affectionately. It was a scene I had always imagined witnessing in this life. Perhaps puberty was starting to affect me, making it harder to deal with the emotions that arose in me.

Hinata blushed with all the affection. "Naruto, what are you doing?" she asked timidly, though she seemed to be enjoying the display of affection.

"I'm making the most of the time we have together because when we become ninjas, we might be assigned to different missions, and I'll always remember these moments," Naruto said, playing with her friend.

"Kazue-kun, what's with that perverted look at the two of us, dattebayo?" Naruto seemed to have noticed my dreamy expression.

I coughed to disguise my distraction. "It's not like that at all! I was just thinking about my training."

"Hmph!" Naruto replied suspiciously. "I know when you're thinking perverted things. Your dad used to make the same face!" She looked at me with that teasing look and said, "When are you going to kiss me, Kazu-kun?"

Hinata turned so red that she fainted right there. It seemed that the question was too much for the shy Hinata.

I was genuinely surprised by Naruto's question. "Ero-Sennin is really influencing you, I don't want you near him anymore." Deep down, the idea was tempting. Would I be responsible for taking this girl's innocence?

Under the scorching sun of the training field, Naruto unleashed her anger and released Hinata, angrily heading towards me with steps that seemed to echo like those of a giant about to crush me. Her gaze, sharp as a sword's edge, surprised even a seasoned seducer like me.

"So, you don't want to, huh?" She shot, her anger evident, her pouty lip revealing the marks that seemed to come to life on her now agitated face. "Am I ugly?" She fired her questions like arrows, aiming directly at my understanding.

"Calm down, Naruto! I never said anything like that. But if you want it so much, I have no choice," I murmured, holding her by the shoulders and guiding her to lean against a tree. I stared at the delicate and smooth face of the young girl, an expression of conviction mixed with anxiety. One of my hands began to rise toward the graceful curve of her neck, while the other positioned itself firmly on her waist.

"Wait, Kazu. I was just kidding—" she tried to say, but puberty spoke louder than my reason, and I prevented her from speaking further.

The blonde closed her eyes, embarrassed and beautifully flushed, her face tinged with a deep red. However, she didn't seem to resist my advances, allowing herself to be guided by the impulsiveness of her emotions. The pout on her lips betrayed her inexperience in the kissing department. For now, I chose to ignore her mouth and, with calculated boldness, gave her a small nibble on her ear. An expression of surprise and pleasure formed on her face, mixed with a touch of shyness.

These were situations where the lessons from my past life were a guiding light. It would be embarrassing to act like a cliché and be timid in this situation.

I felt the stifling, hot air emanating from her breath. We were so close. Deep down, the growing guilt of what I was about to do began to bother me, but it was too late to back down.

Just as I was about to seal our lips, I started hearing a voice rapidly approaching, like thunder announcing a storm.

"What the hell are you two doing?!" Iruka appeared, abruptly interrupting the scene. His irritation was palpable, his voice echoing like distant thunder. "I don't want to see inappropriate things happening on the training fields."

The blonde quickly pushed me away, her face flushed with embarrassment. "We weren't doing anything, sensei!" She replied, hands covering her face, clear body language indicating a desire to distance herself from the situation.

Iruka put his hand on his face and let out a deep sigh, as if trying to calm the storm that was brewing. "I thought you, Kazue, would be a good influence on her. But it seems I was wrong. The Hokage will be completely surprised by this, Naruto." Iruka cast an accusing glance in my direction.

It was evident that he saw Naruto as a daughter, and I was being labeled as the villain leading her down a dangerous path.

Hinata, who had slowly recovered from the surprise, looked at us and realized Iruka's reprimand. She brought her hand to her face and blushed again, recalling the reason for her fainting.


There we were, in the precious interval that separated the classes under Iruka-sensei's tutelage. I felt the weight of time slipping through my fingers, the relentless countdown drawing us closer to the crucial formation as genin, a milestone in our lives looming on the horizon. The room was filled with youthful energy, and I, leaning back in my chair, allowed myself to relax, stretching my legs on the table while absorbing the lively conversation echoing around me.

In an unexpected turn, Kiba threw an intriguing idea into the mix. "What do you guys think about spending a night in the ghost coumpound? They say it's haunted," he proposed, his eyes shining with uncontrollable daring. A momentary silence hung in the air, broken only by our surprised gasps.

Shikamaru, always the pragmatic skeptic, raised an eyebrow disapprovingly. "Haunted? Do you really believe in that nonsense?" he questioned, with a hint of mockery.

"We'll only find out if it's true if we go there, right?" challenged Kiba, seeking support in the glances of Naruto, Chouji, Hinata, and Shino, hoping to find some glimpse of approval.

Shino shook his head slowly. "The Uchiha coumpound is strictly forbidden territory. I doubt we'll be able to get in there."

Chouji couldn't resist giving his opinion. "I don't like ghosts. Just thinking about it, my stomach starts to complain."

Naruto, invariably drawn to adventures, got excited about the idea. "I think it's a great idea! We need some action, don't we? Right, Kazu?" She turned her gaze in my direction, pulling me into her wild schemes.

I sighed deeply, reluctant. "Count me out, please. I have enough problems to deal with in this hectic life," I muttered with a brief grumble, trying to avoid the impending adventure.

"You guys are no fun," Kiba declared, challenging us with a thump on the table. "I've found an unguarded way to get into the Uchiha coumpound. Besides, we'll only be considered adults when we become genin. So, we're free of troubles. Or are you afraid?" he taunted, challenging our egos.

"I'm not afraid. I'm in!" declared Chouji, slapping his hand against Kiba's in acceptance.

Naruto enthusiastically joined the chorus. "Yes, let's do it!"

"Haaa!" sighed Shikamaru. "I have to keep an eye on you all, or you'll mess things up," Shikamaru finished, joining the group.

Naruto wasted no time in pressuring Hinata. The girl looked down, a trace of sadness in her gaze. "I can't go. My father wouldn't allow it, and if he found out, I would be forbidden to go out with you guys."

Naruto shrugged with a hint of disappointment. "It's a shame, Hinata." Turning to me, with teary blue eyes, she cast an irresistible look. "And you, Kazu?"

"Me? Of course not..." I began to argue, but her eyes with a touch of a sad puppy captivated me, and I quickly gave in. "Alright, alright."

A smile lit up her face, triumphant.

Kiba took command again, cautioning us to keep Sasuke unaware of the venture. "Let's not involve Sasuke in this. He'd be furious if he found out what we're about to do."

Shikamaru agreed, casting a meaningful glance at Ino and Sakura, the two who relentlessly pestered Uchiha with their love. "Avoid Sakura and Ino, or they might tip him off."

"So, we'll meet tonight, right?" Kiba asked, concluding the meeting. "Bring blankets, backpacks, and snacks."

Chouji added with his characteristic concern, "And kunais. I don't know if they'll work against ghosts, but it's better to be safe than sorry."


Night had fallen over Konoha when we gathered at the designated meeting point. With blankets, backpacks, and even some kunais, we were ready for our adventure in the Uchiha coumpound. A shy moon, obscured by clouds, cast a faint glow over the eerie scenery.

Kiba led the expedition with enthusiasm and bravado. "Come on, guys, it's time to face our fears!"

We followed Kiba as he led us through a winding and dark path that led to the ghost clan. The twisted trees seemed to lean threateningly over us, and the wind howled as if echoing the Uchiha's lament who once inhabited that place.

The nighttime sounds heightened our tension. Every broken branch and every owl's hoot made us jump. Shikamaru muttered to himself, "This is a terrible idea."

Arriving at the secret gate of the uchiha clan, Kiba with his fist raised prepared to open it. The door creaked terrifyingly, as if protesting against our entry. We entered the forbidden grounds, and darkness enveloped us.

The interior of the coumpound was like a labyrinth, full of narrow corridors and mysterious doors. As we progressed, we heard disturbing whispers and laughter that seemed to echo through the stone walls.

Having fought Sasuke here had already been somewhat strange. Now, under the constant night, it made everything worse. In a world where Edo Tensei was a reality, I didn't doubt the existence of spirits.

Naruto was on edge and stumbled over a loose stone, making a loud noise. "Sorry, guys! It was an accident!"

"That doesn't help, Naruto," I whispered in response, feeling my heart race.

As we explored, the atmosphere in the Uchiha coumpound continued to grow creepier. Doors creaked on their own, shadows moved on the walls, and we heard unintelligible murmurs.

Suddenly, quick footsteps echoed. We looked at each other, our eyes wide with pure terror.

"This isn't funny anymore!" exclaimed Naruto, her voice trembling.

Chouji seemed on the verge of fainting. "My stomach is leaving me!" he said as it growled like an old car.

Shikamaru in a skeptical way, finally admitted, "Maybe we underestimated this place."


The storm arrived suddenly, as if the sky itself were angry at our audacity. The heavy clouds poured torrential rain, and thunder echoed through the Uchiha coumpound. We were drenched to the bone in a matter of seconds, and any trace of fun turned into pure dread.

Kiba looked around, searching for shelter. "Quick, guys, we have to find somewhere to protect ourselves from the rain!"

We ran desperately through dark corridors until we found a slightly ajar door. Kiba pushed it open, and we entered a dark and dusty room that seemed untouched for decades.

"This will do," announced Kiba, looking relieved that we had found shelter.

Chouji huffed as he looked around. "I hope it's not haunted."

Shikamaru seemed equally suspicious. "I don't think we're in a position to be picky right now."

The room contained old and dusty furniture, with enigmatic paintings on the walls. There was a large fireplace in the center of the room, but it seemed to have not been used in a long time.

Shino was silent, lurking at every corridor he saw in our direction.

Naruto was visibly nervous and approached me. "Kazu, I don't want to be far from you. Can I sleep near here?"

With a understanding nod, I agreed. "Of course, Naruto. I'll stay here with you."

The storm outside roared, and the sound of raindrops hitting the windows was eerie. The rest of the group was setting up camp and getting ready for the night. Chouji was busy devouring snacks, even in the midst of fear.

"Chouji, do you eat even in a situation like this?" Kiba asked, looking at him incredulously.

Chouji shrugged. "Nervousness makes me hungry. And, well, if I die here, at least I want to die satisfied."

Shikamaru sat in a corner, watching the shadows on the wall. "All of this just makes me think that a ninja's life is not as simple as it seems."

Naruto and I settled near the fireplace, trying to warm up, while I tried to chase away her fear. As the storm raged outside, we began to hear strange noises in the house. Creaks, whispers, and dragging footsteps.

"I can't take this anymore," murmured Naruto, grabbing my arm.

I tried to stay calm, but the atmosphere was becoming increasingly eerie. The paintings on the walls seemed to come to life, showing dark faces and eyes that watched us with their sharingan.

"Kiba, I think you were right. Maybe this place is haunted," I admitted, looking around with apprehension.

Kiba nervously chuckled. "Well, at least we have a group of ninjas here, right? If something shows up, we'll take care of it."

And so, as the scary storm continued outside and mysterious noises echoed through the house, we huddled together, ready to face whatever it was that decided to haunt us during the night.

We were drawn into the sinister atmosphere of the Uchiha coumpound, and each of us began to share scary stories.

Shikamaru began with a lazy tone, as if he were telling any story. "I've heard that the Uchiha were so dedicated to ninja arts that they sometimes practiced forbidden jutsus right here. They say the souls of those who failed to master these jutsus still haunt this place."

Kiba shivered and looked around. "And the Sharingan eyes? They used to use that creepy hypnotic jutsu. Who knows if there's still a ghost with blood-red Sharingan around here?"

Shino as the most enigmatic among us spoke with his calm and controlled voice. "The Uchiha also had many secrets. There are rumors that they possessed mysterious artifacts and forbidden books. Some say that some of these objects may still be hidden somewhere in this coumpound, waiting to be discovered."

Naruto clung to my arms, cleared her throat nervously before sharing her own story. "I've heard that Sasuke Uchiha used to wander these corridors at night. He was always obsessed with uncovering his family's secrets. Who knows, maybe even he left footsteps around here."

Chouji, who was about to fall apart from fear, stuttered, "I-I heard that the Uchiha practiced cannibalism... when they wanted to gain extra power... Don't look at me like that, I'm just telling what I heard!"

We looked at him with surprise and horror, but Chouji quickly laughed. "Just kidding, guys! It's not true, it's just a legend."

The atmosphere was getting heavier, and all of us felt growing restlessness. Shino as a master of stories leaned forward, his dark glasses reflecting the faint light from the fireplace.

In the midst of the suffocating darkness of the dusty room, Shino took a deep breath and began his story with a heavy tone that sent chills down everyone's spine.

"Do you want to hear the creepiest story about this place?" Shino whispered, his deep voice echoing in the eerie silence. "It's about the Uchiha Massacre, an event that turned this coumpound into a stage of unimaginable horrors."

He continued:

"years ago, the Uchiha clan, entangled in conspiracies and mistrust, fell into an abyss of betrayal and hatred. Itachi Uchiha made the terrible decision to exterminate his own family. It was a night of massacre, spilled blood, and screams echoing through the corridors of this place."

Our eyes were fixed on Shino as he spoke, petrified by the gruesome tale unfolding.

"But what makes it truly terrifying," Shino continued, "is the belief that the tormented souls of the Uchiha who died in that massacre never found peace. They say their spirits wander through these corridors, haunted by betrayal and suffering."

The sound of the storm outside seemed to echo the anguished sighs of the tormented souls, as if nature itself mourned the tragedy that had occurred there.

"Some claim to have heard whispers in the darkness, voices uttering meaningless words, as if the souls of the Uchiha were trying to communicate with the living," Shino went on. "And when night falls and darkness reigns, they say it's possible to see red eyes glowing in the shadows, the same Sharingan eyes that once belonged to the Uchiha."

Our eyes were wide, and the silence in the room was deafening. Shino had painted a picture of unimaginable horror, and his weighty and macabre words echoed in their minds.

"When they unearthed part of the Uchiha clan, do you know what happened?" Shino sighed as he watched our reactions. "All of them were without their eyes, as if their attachment to them was so great that their souls took the Sharingan with them to the afterlife."

"Of course, they're just legends," Shino concluded, but the tone in his voice made it clear that the idea of tormented souls haunting the Uchiha coumpound was something he took seriously.

The storm outside continued its fury, and we huddled closer, feeling as if we were being watched by invisible eyes and haunted by the bloody past of that place. The night dragged on, heavy with the oppressive presence of the stories Shino had shared, and all of us anxiously awaited the dawn that would free us from that dark nightmare.

And then we closed our eyes, with the flickering flame of the fireplace as our only source of light. Naruto refused to leave my side.

It had been a long night...