
So I'm a Klaxosaur, So What?

When you enter someone else's life, is it with a good intent or a bad one?

MiracleWorm · Derivados de obras
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4 Chs

Shameless thief

The small lizard went ahead to one egg and looked at it. His posture changed into standing straight on his hind legs and putting his front legs on akimbo while his head looked sideways.

'Hmm, how do I break it cleanly without making a mess?'

Then he sniped his fingers.

'Oh, I know.'

Having found an idea he proceeded to take some stone and wrap it around his long tail. Swinging movements were practiced a few times.

'Good, that should work.'

Positioning himself in front of an egg he made a fast 360 spin and tried to decapitate the upper part of the egg.

But that only resulted in a hollow sound and the lizard running around in pain looking at its tail that throbbed rhythmically.

'Uuuurgh...' sniffing lightly he glared at the egg. These guys were much harder than they looked.

Or at least it was him having not enough strength.

His health also decreased by 1 point after receiving that pain. And as if to mock him the egg moved lightly sideways in the direction he had aimed towards.

A clear angry tick appeared on the lizard when he noticed his attack only made it move slightly.

'You think I will give up that easily!? Just you wait, you damn egg!'

Taking the stone again the lizard slammed whiplashes on it like a spamming kid on a keyboard until a certain skill appeared.

[Skill "Iron Tail LVL 1" acquired. No Skillpoints used.]

That was of course the right thing to happen. The stone was bashed to smithereens and his tail was now throbbing even more.

Some small tears appeared under his eyes before he looked back at the egg.

'Now it's your damn turn!' That the egg is so much harder than a stone proved the monster's biology being much sturdier than whatever he knew from his old world.

With a smooth swing and his mind on cleanly opening that egg soon bore fruit. The eggshell just plopped open and when the lizard came crawling up he could see a greenish golden liquid inside it looking back at him.

His nose twitched a few times and he held his nostrils in disgust.

'Bargh, this stinks!!!'

[Skill "Acute Nose LVL 1" acquired. No Skillpoints used.]

'Thanks for telling me that. As if I haven't noticed it myself. Come to think of it. Was it always so easy to gain skills? Why is there no skill points expenditure?' Now the lizard was confused.

[Mental Boost LVL up. Mental Boost LVL. 4]

Staring at that pop-up made the lizard mad. The system was mocking him! It clearly said something along the line "Oh, you finally noticed that".

'Tsk, so it is different. And I do feel like my head is getting clearer from some weird hazy state. Right, there was something about quests or something. I do not remember there ever having been quests for the monster?'

Looking at the interior of the egg again the lizard only put that thought aside and put some of the stuff on its hand. It was vicious and sticky at the same time. And the smell was just horrendous.

'Please taste better than you look and smell...'

Putting a portion inside his mouth he soon got a shock through his body. And the reason for that being that it tasted as rotten as it smelled. The Lizard looked a little bit bad until that feeling vanished and he had enough courage to swallow it up.

'Figured as much...Kumoko also had a hard time with that. Are all these eggs may be rotten and that is why no parent is looking after them?'

[Quest completed. Level up. 1000 Skill points awarded.]

'Hmm!?' Suddenly his skin started shedding and fell off from his body to the ground. 'Well, this feels amazing. There is so much strength coming from my body now, hehe.'


Small Baby Klaxosaur LV2 Skill Points: 1500


HP: 52

MP: 78

SP: 38


Offense: 18

Defense: 18

Magic: 26

Resistance: 18

Speed: 35

'I see...Each level gives me 500 points, 6 attack, 6 defense, 8 magic, 6 resistance and 10 speed? What a weird distribution. Well, time to use that one skill to make me into a literal fridge!'

[Activating Omega Predator.]

Suddenly the mouth of the little lizard started to be surrounded by black miasma which enlarged its mouth and especially its teeth into a hideous long monstrosity that swallowed the whole egg in one bite.

[Aquiered Skill "Overeat LVL 1". Stored "Randanel Egg Embryo".]

'What!? They are actually still considered alive? Nooo! I ate...urgh I am getting sick' Shock came over his mind after thinking about the stuff he just ate.

'Well, whatever. Now I can devour all of them without having to worry about being satiated. Like that, I will always have some food while walking around in this dungeon.'

It didn't take him much time to go into a whatever mode.

And as he planned, the lizard went on with its task.

Time trickles down fast when you are completely immersed in something.

That also included eating your fill from the all-you-can-eat buffet that was right in front of him. Each egg also gave him an abundant amount of EXP.

Well, maybe not much but for his current evolution, it was well enough to boost him to LVL 13. He even had to wonder how he was able to gain EXP from mere 100 or so eggs. They were after all barely any threat to him.

And even after being at this level he still hasn't gotten a prompt for an evolution. That somehow bothered him a little.

With those gains, not even the smell stopped him from eating everything inside this cave.

What surprised him was the number of adults of Elroe Randanel visiting the nest after he finished eating the last egg.

Looking at those other lizards the little Lizard smiled. Come to think, he needed a name, no? Well, Nokon should be alright for now. It was as simple as Shiro.

'Appraisal. Let's see how strong these guys are....'


Elroe Randanel LVL 12

HP 240

MP 68

SP 214


Offense : 120

Defense : 78

Magic : 30

Resistance : 47

Speed : 132


Poison Fang LV4 • Poison Claw LV4 • Cooperation LV9 • Night Vision LV7 • Poison Resistance LV4


Nokon could only stare and glance lightly at his own status in comparison.



Small Baby Klaxosaur - LV13 - Skill Points: 7000 // Nokon


HP: 312

MP: 494

SP: 172


Offense: 84

Defense: 84

Magic: 112

Resistance: 84

Speed: 145


'I need to bolt it fast!!! There are like 30 of these bastards! And with their cooperation that high I am as good as dead if they catch me. Nigeroooo!!!'

The only thing those Randanel saw was a speedy dark gecko fleeing towards some crevices inside the ceiling after walking up the wall.

Their loud cries of agony were heard from quite a distance and later they would run amok in the upper stratum to find the murderer of their children. It didn't even matter what happened to all the other monsters in that matter.