1 Chapter 1

Gaaaah, What happened? I am in some sort of dark place with... well the closest thing they looked as was marbles, but that didn't matter right now.

The last thing I remember is rewatching game of thrones for the sixth time, trying to find the exact moment the show died, there was nothing better to do in the quarantine other than that or watching anime. I even read the books to get any hint from them, Which were so awesome that they made me appreciate the first six seasons even more and despise season seven and eight more than I thought humanly possible.

The conclusion I reached is that it died right after Jaime released Tyrion from his cell the day before he was set to be executed. Show Jaime unlike his counterpart in the books didn't tell Tyrion about Tysha, thereby completely destroying the point of Tyrion's character. The scene right after put the lid on the coffin, by making Shae the one to start the violence, in a very unrealistic way, allowing Tyrion to have the excuse of killing her in self-defense.

Things snowballed after that from Melisande resurrecting Jon Snow to Cersei remaining in power after blowing up the Sept of Baelor to the Iron born making a fleet faster than a Steve from Minecraft can to the characters teleporting and Gendry's ascension to become The Flash of Westeros etc...

The show where no one was safe. The show that had actual consequences was ruined.

I remember right after that going to the supermarket because I forgot to buy this week's groceries. While going there, I saw some kids laughing and exclaiming 'Karen' while videoing with their phones an old lady that was telling them to put their masks on, next thing I know I felt a large force hit me and blacked out.

... I was hit by a car, wasn't I?

The worst part is that I know that those kids will probably film my dead body and put it on Tiktok while that old lady will probably call 911.

Hah, So this is it, Huh? I'd like to think that I did something good with my life, But I know that's a lie. I didn't help anyone in a really significant way or inspire anyone, I didn't become successful in life, and neither did I leave a legacy that would immortalize my name in history. I was just another drop in the ocean of the nameless that roamed the river of life.

Woooow, Dying really opens your respective, doesn't it? The only thing left is to find myself iseka--...

"Zyhys oñoso jehikagon Aeksiot epi, se gis hen syndrorro jemagon." the voice of a woman called in the darkness.

(We ask the Lord to shine his light, and lead a soul out of darkness.)

Wha-- what the hell?? Who is there???

"Zyhys perzys stepagon Aeksio Oño jorepi, se morghultas lys qelitsos sikagon." The voice grew louder, clearer, and somehow I think I understand the meaning behind it even if I don't understand the words themselves.

(We beg the Lord to share his fire, and light a candle that has gone out.)

What are you saying? Wait, I think I know this language, it seems familiar as if I heard this chanting before.

"Hen syndrorro, oños. Hen ñuqir, perzys. Hen morghot, glaeson." The voice turned a pitch higher. growing louder and louder.

(From darkness, light. From ashes, fire. From death, life.)

Okay, what is happening???

Suddenly, A fire sprung from the darkness. looking at it, it showed... The Wall... moving into the castle black it showed me Melisandre trying to bring back Jon Snow...

"Hen syndrorro, oños. Hen ñuqir, perzys. Hen morghot, glaeson." The voice grew louder.

Oh, No. Oh, nononononoononono. I am not going there, pick someone else. At least, here I don't have to worry about being turned into a wight or burned by a dragon or possess by Bran or flayed by Ramsay or any of the other bullshit that the H.P. Lovecraft fan G.R.R.M. wrote into that world that the show never bothered to mention.

"Hen syndrorro, oños. Hen ñuqir, perzys. Hen morghot, glaeson." The voice was screaming by now, and the fire began pulling me towards itself.

I am telling you, No. I started resisting the flame, The pull was getting stronger with each time the red bitch chanted that stupid chant, and while I was panicked, I wasn't truly worried. As long as I could resist the pull long enough for Melisandre to bring back Jon Snow there will be no vessel for me to enter and I will return here, I read too much LNs to be surprised by something of this level, after all!

"Hen syndrorro, oños. Hen ñuqir, perzys. Hen morghot, glaeson." The chanting reached its highest volume yet. and the pull of the flame got all the stronger for it. Thankfully, I was still a bit too far away for the flame to reach me. Yes, I will win this!

The flame seemed to realize it since it gave up on pulling, Instead, It began to spread trying to reach me.

Oh, Shit. No, I am not going to Westeros, You hear me. I am going to kill myself if I do!

Whether the flame heard my thoughts or not it didn't seem to stop growing, enlarging the scene of R'hllor's priestess bringing back 'The Prince Who Was Promised'.

I managed to back away from the flames, hitting and absorbing three marbles on my escape. One had four red eyes that seemed to radiate bloodlust and was covered in tribal tattoos, one had blue-emerald galaxy color to it with a black bandana and spiky white hair, and the last one had a shadow like presence and wooden wheel that wouldn't be strange to find something like it on the helm of a ship.

Alas, My brief game of cat and mouse with the flame came to an end when it touched me and the final chant was whispered in desperation.

"Hen syndrorro, oños. Hen ñuqir, perzys. Hen morghot, glaeson." As soon as the words were finished I started to lose consciousness again knowing that I will wake up soon and will surely not like what I see.

"Please," The whisper was so faint that I thought I was imagining it, but I knew that it was the last thing the Red Woman said in the show.

Melisandre, You bitch.

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