
Small Pearly Lights

They Are Really Small, But I Will Follow Them All The Way Down To HELL "Hah, what is this?" *** "Sometimes, when I talk to you, I feel like... I feel like I'm talking to an adult" *** "And on this day forward, no one dare and call Anne the street girl, because her name is Anne Jefferson" *** "Please take him and promise me that, he will have a happy life... unlike his mother" *** genre: comdy, thriller, horror, action,

The_time_watcher · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 14 A Red Line

Anne Glanced down at Joshua. His tone of voice got her confused at why were he sad. And hearing his next words made her more out of place.

"You're not mad at me are you?"

Anne sighed and rested her cheek on his head again, and said.

"No I'm not. How can I be mad at you... I can't"

Joshua smiled and breathed deeply in and out. Those words from Anne means to him alot.

Because Anne is his daughter, Lil sister, and the child he promised himself to take care of.

"I can't be mad at you since you do care about me, you love me and I can see that, I know how does it feel to have a dad because of you, but..."

Joshua is heart skipped a beat because of her words, and he stopped from walking out of worry.

"I just don't understand why aren't the rest of your family accept me the way you did. Maybe grandma and Judy but... Uncle Roland and uncle Clark, they don't seem to think of me anything but a lunatic girl not even a maid"

Those words were like daggers to Joshua is heart, making him tighting his grip on Anne is hold and start walking again, saying with confidence.

"Ann, you don't need them for you to feel better. And I promise you that I will adopt you and that's for sure"

Anne felt flattered, it made her think about one thing,

"(I think there's god... Somewhere)"


The view of the big mansion made her shivers a little bit, but Joshua went from carrying her on his back to carry her between his arms just like how does someone carry a baby on their shoulder, and he kept walking.

Patting on her head so she could relax, making her close her eyes and think of herself just like a little girl being carried by her dad back home.

"Ann we are back home"

Anne suddenly opened her eyes wide and her expression were one of worry, seeing this Joshua smiled softly and said patting on her head,

"Don't worry Ann, I got someone to get what do you need for tonight is dinner, so now just rest easy in your room till this person come okay?. And don't open the door for him I will do it"

Anne smiled happily at him hugging his neck as she says with a low voice so her grandma can't hear her,

"Thanks thanks thanks!!!"

Joshua eventually let Anne down and she went to the stairs, but she were interrupted by her grandma's voice calling Joshua, making him take a long breath in and out while walking to the living room.

Anne were curious as to why will she call him, so she went hiding behind the wall near the door of the living room.

Joshua went sitting on the couch opposite of his mom and spoke with a smile on his face,

"Yes mom, is something wrong?"

"No son, just wanted to know the reason as to why did you make the whole public see you carrying Anne along all the way from the market to home today?"

"Mom tell me is that another one of your so ways to know what am I doing at the moment or is it really the normal way to know about every news by woman's ways?"

Anne is ears were more with them after hearing those words that she didn't understand,

"This shouldn't corner you, and now tell me, why?"

Joshua went from staring at his mom to look at the fire, leaning on his elbow on the couch is arm, putting his cheek on his palm, saying with somewhat lost mind.

"Just wanted for all of them to know how much Ann is a red line, and don't try to hurt her again, or is your so cute exiled eavesdropper didn't tell you this?"

Now Anne got more stunned, what does exiled means?. Meanwhile,

On Joshua's last words, he looked at his mom with somewhat angry eyes, making his mom's eyes widen at her son is tone of voice and his words with her, she didn't know that Joshua reached this level of thinking of Anne as an actual person. His stare and his words... Were an enough prove of his feelings now towards Anne, and if she wanted to be honest with herself, she doesn't mind.

"No, my eavesdropper told me about the whole thing. You can go now"

"Before I go, where will Anne is adoption date take place?"

Anne is eyes widened more at the mention of her adoption date, it made her want to scream to the whole world of how much she's a lucky girl. Not wanting to try and understand anything from what they are saying.