
Chapter 22: Farm Field

3rd person's POV

After having lunch, the kids felt sleepy and they went to their on room to sleep and only the adults are left cleaning

"Right! Mother we already have some grains and vegetables seeds ready to plant. Where do you think we can plant these?" Hunter asked.

"Wait, I'll just go get the map." Aki brought the map of the whole Abandoned Forest so that they can plan and know where to plow.

"Why don't we just plant them where we planted them before?" Red asked.

"Oh yeah! That's a good place the soil there is surely already fertilize by the fallen leaves of the trees there during this past years." Hunter said.

"We'll just have to pull out the trees there plus the soil will also be loosened after we pull out the trees so the soil will be easy to plow. " Randolf said.

"Oh! Killing two birds in one stone! HAHAHA!!!" Leona added.

"You are right! HAHAHA!!!" Aki said.

They chose the land where they plant in the past. After planning where to plow, they started working altogether.

The others went to the kitchen with Aki so that they can make some snacks and beverages to energised the workers after their work on making the farm field.

Those who have [Earth Element] and those warriors with super strength started to pull out the trees in the 2,000 acres of land where the farm field will be made.

"Heave ho! Heave ho! Heave ho!" The warriors roar rang through the forest.

"Thud!" Then sounds of trees falling.

When the trees have been all up rooted they took aside all the leaves from those trees using wind magic and then they will turn it into fertilizer later, while the trunks of the trees will be made into furnitures or materials for housing.

After cleaning up the place, all of those who has a class job [Farmer] started their job by preparing the loose soil to be planted.

Using native harrow is a tool that was made with wood and has a metal teeth, so that they can pulverise the left over chunks of soil and to level the land and it was pulled by a beast called [Caraboa],

[Caraboa] is a tier 2 beast that has a strength of 30 men and they have a body of a carabao but has a poisonous long black snake as a tail and a horizontal black horn on its head. It is a docile beast but it will ram or its snake tail will bite or spew a poisonous liquid to the one who raged it.

After the land preparation, those who have [Water Element] started to irrigate the land that has been prepared, they stopped irrigating the land when the water was already 5 cm deep.

Then some people brought the rice seeds. Those who have [Wood Element] used their magic to grow the seeds into seedlings.

After that, the farmers started placing the seedlings in the irrigated land and arranging them properly. After all the hard work, the farm field is finally done.

Aki and others went to the farm field carrying some snacks and beverages. They found a shady place and they place a long wooden table there then all the things they were carrying was put on top of the table.

Then a woman in a farmer's clothes rush to them. "You trained them well Marisa." Aki said as he pat the shoulder of the woman called Marisa.

Marisa patted her chest and then she said proudly, "Of course! It's always been my dream to train Farmers to an army of level 10 Farmers! HAHAHA!!"

Marisa saw the snacks in the table and then she shouted happily to the workers in the field. "Ok, you guys come here! The snacks are already done too! Get some refreshments!"

The workers went to where Aki and the others are standing. The workers help themselves by choosing what to eat in the long wooden table. There are a lot of snacks in there; breads, pastries, ice cream and cold beverages.

While they were eating and resting, Aki begin to inspect the farm field, he walked around the whole 2,000 acres of land. After being satisfied at what he sees he went back to the shady place where the workers are eating and resting.

After having their rest, they started to get all the tools they use for farming and some of the warriors carried the tree trunks back to the orphanage.

When they got the the orphanage, they heard the kids laughing and then they saw the all children playing in the open area.

When they saw the adults coming back, they rush to them to asked what they did.

"We planted rice." Aki said.

"Woah! Can we see it?" The children asked excitedly.

"Yes of course!" Aki answered.

"Yehey!!! Let's go!!! Let's go grandma!!!" The kids started to pull Aki to take them to the farm field.

"Kids! Don't tire grandma okay?" Red said.

"Yeah!" The kids said and then they went to the farm field with Aki.

"Woah! Such a big paddy fields!!!" The kids exclaimed.

"You've never seen big paddy fields before?" Aki asked.

"No we didn't, we never stepped outside the walls of the city before." A teen boy answered.

"Oh, okay."

"Can we play here grandma?" The kids asked.

"Yeah but don't go to the paddy fields because they have already been planted, okay?"

"Yes! Thank you grandma!" The kids thanked Aki and then they played near the paddy fields.

When the dark started to cover the the sky, the children and Aki went back to the orphanage. The kitchen was already noisy because the cooks are already cooking for dinner, then the kids went to take a bath.

Aki wanted to help cooking in the kitchen but he was rejected by the cooks and they said that Aki needs a rest that's why Aki went to have a bath.

And when the dinner is ready, they ate at the open area again, since it was dark, those who have [Light Element] made a ball of light that can float above them.

After having dinner some of the adults stayed to clean up the place and the kids went to their respective rooms to sleep. When the cleaning was done the adults went to sleep too.

"Okay! Its time for work!" Aki said.

Then, a scepter came out of Aki's hand, he closed his eyes, waved the scepter in his hand and then he started chanting.

"I, the guardian of dreams, Makilionezfreidrich use thy power to guide the children in their slumber, [Dream Cloud]!"

Aki's eyes and hair suddenly glowed, a mix of violet, blue and gray sparkling smoke came out of Aki's body and began to spread all over the abandoned forest.

That night, every living beings that are in the abandoned forest slept well with Aki's power.