
The Jester

On the planet of Skypiea, a mysterious figure named Jester, hailing from the land of Rakuzan, roamed from Kingdom to Kingdom in search of the absolute strongest Egoists. His reputation as an unmatched traveler spread far and wide.

One day, Jester found himself at the bustling pub called Bikini Bottom, where he caught wind of a rising star named Infinity. Intrigued, Jester decided to seek out this enigmatic newcomer. Infinity, casually enjoying Mike and Ike's while strolling through the streets of Celestia, suddenly felt a powerful presence. His sweets dropped as he swiftly intercepted a punch aimed at him, discovering Jester standing before him.

Jester states: "I am surprised you could react to that Lipfinity!" Infinity exclaims: "You made me drop my Mike and Ikes! What do you want from me?" Jester smiles and says: "I simply want a fight. A test perhaps! They say you are the strongest New Gen fighter in Celestia!" Infinity responds: "That's the claim! You owe me a new Mike and Ikes after I beat your ass!" Jester unleashes a barrage of Ego enforced punches. Infinity attempts to block the attacks but gets overwhelmed and sent flying through multiple buildings.

Infinity grimaces and gets up. Jester gives Infinity no time to recover and hits him with two consecutive ego kicks. Jester acknowledges Infinity as he attempts a third kick : "You are weak, but you have potential!" Infinity says: "You Can Think That" Jester looks down in confusion. He hadn't moved from that spot he initially stood. He looks up only to find Infinity's fist closing in on his face. Jester whispers under his breath: "It's time to get serious"