
Siti rosmizah

Autor: ztysyahh04
En Curso · 1.1K Visitas
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What is Siti rosmizah

Lee la novela Siti rosmizah escrita por el autor ztysyahh04 publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Magical Meteorite, The Past

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Porter X

if only things were as easy as God had planned. during creation, God had created 9 worlds with various species to habit it while creating a TREE to govern them. it was said to be the most beautiful tree among all God had created and as such every species created where deprived the right to eat from it and among those species were Man who later on Disobeyed. God felt heartbroken and angered but he couldn't destroy all he had created but instead left man punishment to the hands of the Tree later known to man as "THE WORLD TREE" and to others as "YGGDRASIL" while he sealed up the heavens and just watch from above. Feeling angered towards man for stealing from its precious fruit the TREE sought out all means necessary to retrieve back the long lost fruit that had been eaten which had contained substance later known as Mana had change the genetic structures of some of the humans giving them magic powers or ability after birth while those who werent blessed with powers became the regular among the others. Before man decided to give birth, the tree had meet up with other species from other worlds since it was link to them and entice them with his fruit of magic, those that fell became its pawn and those that didnt ignored but what they expected were different until man gave birth to it first child which came about the first dungeon. History has it that it took 500 years after mans population had grown spontaneously to even shut down one of the oldest dungeons after countless outbreak that almost made the human species extinct. It was at that period a prophecy came into the ears of every race and those who knew began preparing for the future while those who knew and where working for YGGDRASIL became willing to secretly kill the child of prophecy while hiding most of all the truths of the past from reality. Meanwhile at this present age the so called child of prophecy had began to live his life just to make sure that he survives with his kid sister and those he made friends with while he secretly questions his lost of memories and lack of ability. but things changed after he came face to face with death... →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

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