A New mind in Sirius Black. Watch the new Sirius changes the plot and expands his family to one he always wanted. I do not own any characts or anything Harry Potter related at all.
Azkaban, the worst prison in the world to find yourself in. Cold bitter weather, worn-out straw mattresses, bland food. However, what makes this the worst of all prisons to find yourself in, it is due to the original inhabitants of the island who are used as wardens and tortures... Dementors. These amortal being can never be killed only driven away, these creatures feed off happiness and force those they feed on to relived horrible memories. For those criminals who are unlucky they sometimes go too far and feed off of your soul leaving you alive but the soulless husk of a person.
One such unlucky person lay on his cell floor a dementor having just sucked his soul from his body after indulging in its instincts too much. This man who was malnourished and had a haggard look was none other than Sirius Black. This man falsely imprisoned for a crime he did not commit now lay soulless... Until Someone else awoke within his body.
Kevin Fox had a skewed life; he had a great childhood with loving parents and greats sisters. However, once he got out of school his life turned around for the worse; family died, no true friends and most relationships have been abysmal to say the least and finally when he thought he found someone to spend his life with and have a family like the one he grew up with he found out that he was sterile which caused that relationship to crumble. After his life which finally ended alone in his apartment with nobody to care after him all he could think about was the family he had growing up and the family he couldn't have. He lay there wishing that he could have had a large family and being able to give them whatever they wanted... And with that his life faded away. Only to wake up in a cell.
"Huh?" Before another word could be spoken a flood of information flew into my head.
Magic, James and Lilly and little Ivy. Hogwarts, Voldemort, Sirius.
"Holy Fuck!" I spoke aloud. I am in the Harry Potter world; well, I guess Ivy Potter world now as it seems James and Lilly had a daughter instead of a son.
As someone who spent a lot of time alone, I naturally used that time on various hobbies, one of the big ones being reading and what better things to read than fantasy. So, I was well versed in both Harry Potter as well as the general concept of reincarnated in another world.
"Status... System... Menu... Link Start... CocQasmoke... nothing huh well fuck so no system and I don't remember meeting any deity or administrator, so I guess I just got lucky and ended up in this world." That's when it hit me that I was Sirius Black and was currently in Azkaban and if my memory or rather former Sirius Black's memory was right then he just got his soul sucked out, so I guess with Ivy Potter being in this world instead Sirius was supposed to die in prison but instead I got his body.
It's been at least 3 years since I got dumbed in here or rather, he got dumped in here, wow talk about an identity crisis, but I guess with his memories and his body but my soul I guess we are the same person now, so I'll get used to it eventually.
Now normally if someone where in his shoes they would probably be freaking out and curing whoever put them here but for Kevin now Sirius he thanked his luck as with this new chance if he can get free he might be able to have a family, at the minimum he has a god-daughter to take care of and a former fiancé who his new body still yearns for oddly enough.
"Amelia... Ivy... I'm coming" With that a plan started to form in my head.