
Silver Serenade

In a world filled with shadows and secrets, Aurelia's life takes an unexpected turn when her father, a notorious Mafia leader, commands her to marry the enigmatic and feared Mr. Leo Shadowson, who happens to be a mysterious mafia boss. Forced into a dangerous union, she grapples with an uncertain future, her resilience tested in the face of a powerful and mysterious adversary. As the story unfolds, Aurelia's journey is marked by sacrifice, survival, and an undeniable human spirit. 'Silver Serenade' is a compelling Mafia romance interwoven with supernatural elements, where love and danger entwine, leaving readers captivated and eagerly awaiting what comes next.

Rara_Jasmin · Fantasía
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9 Chs


Aurelia's pov

The murmur of my father's voice drifted from the dining hall as I eavesdropped from the confines of my room. "Make her beautiful, so she'll capture everyone's eye," he commanded, his tone resonating with an air of authority. Seated at the dining table, he conversed with my mother, and despite my attempts to block it out, their conversation reached my ears.

"Why should we dress her so beautifully? Is there a party tonight, sir?" My mother inquired, her voice tinged with a familiar subservient deference that she reserved exclusively for my father. To the world, he was a well-known Mafia gang member, a man who seemed impervious to the nuances of love and tenderness.

"I said to dress her beautifully. Don't make me repeat " he barked at my mother, emphasizing his point.

"Call her," he ordered with a request.

"Okay, sir," my mother acquiesced, and with a deep sigh, she made her way to my room. Her gentle knock preceded her entrance.

"Honey... honey... Daddy is calling you," she softly relayed the message.

"Girl, why do you look so forlorn?" My mother asked, her brows furrowing with concern as she took in my visibly deflated countenance.

"Nothing, Mom. Why does Dad want me to dress so elegantly?" I queried, forcing a smile that I hoped appeared genuine.

"I don't know, my dear. Perhaps he has good intentions. I hope it is not something dangerous," she replied, her fingers tenderly combing through my hair.

"Yes, I hope so too," I said and, with a heavy heart, I made my way to face my father.

"Father, did you call for me?" I inquired, trying to maintain my politeness.

"Yes, please, have a seat," he responded, his expression an impenetrable mask. I took my place and met the stern gaze of his eyes.

"All right. You are going to marry Mr. Leo Shadowson tonight," my father announced, his voice devoid of emotion. My heart plummeted as I grappled with the cruelty of a father delivering such news to his own daughter.

"What? Mr. Leo? Me? No way, Dad! I won't marry him. He's the number one mafia, and I'm only 17," I protested, breathless and desperate.

"You will. It is my decision. Behave well in front of him. Wear something nice. If he doesn't wish to marry you, then you will meet your end at my hands," he declared coldly before departing, leaving me reeling.

Back in the sanctuary of my room, the world blurred as I rushed through a torrent of tears. "Why is my life like this? I am just 17. Do I have no rights in this world?" I lamented, questioning the circumstances that had befallen me. My mother attempted to comfort me, her touch a fragile attempt to console the turmoil within me.

As the day progressed, it was time for lunch. I hadn't even noticed when my mother left to attend to her daily tasks.

My mother called me to eat, but my appetite had withered away. I despised the world and resented my father for casting this shadow over my life.

A knock echoed through my door. "May I come in?" It was my brother, Richard Andrew, the sole source of solace during moments of despair.

"Yes," I replied, my voice barely rising above a whisper.

Richard entered and settled himself beside my bed. "Are you crying, my dear Aurelia?" he inquired, genuine concern etched across his features.

"No," I replied softly, my voice barely holding together.

"I heard about it from Dad. What is your decision? I will support you," he assured.

"How, brother?" I asked, aware that our father's authority was absolute and unquestionable.

"I am ready to marry him," I declared, stifling my true emotions and concealing the turmoil within.

"Why, Aurelia? He is the number one mafia gangster. I've heard about him. He kills without mercy. He is shrouded in mystery, rarely seen in public. No one knows his true face, and there are no photographs of him. He could be an old man," Richard said, his voice heavy with concern.

"Rich, what choice do I have? I must be prepared for this marriage. If he does not favour me, Dad will have me killed. Do you wish to witness my lifeless body? No one can rescue me from this fate, so I will accept it. I am ready," I said, my face a blank canvas devoid of emotion.

"I am sorry, Aurelia. I am a helpless brother," he admitted, tenderly kissing my forehead before departing, leaving me alone with the weight of my destiny.

As I sat alone in my room, the gravity of my situation settled upon me like a heavy shroud. The prospect of marrying Mr. Leo Shadowson, a feared figure in the criminal underworld, was a chilling one. I tried to imagine what kind of man he was, hidden behind the shadows, his true face known to so few.

I had heard stories about him, whispered in hushed tones by those who dared to speak of the enigmatic figure. Mr. Shadowson was said to be ruthless, a man who eliminated his rivals with a cold, calculated precision. The absence of photographs or public appearances had only added to his mystique. Some speculated that he was much older than me, while others believed he possessed an ageless quality, as if time itself couldn't touch him.

Despite the fear and uncertainty that swirled around Mr. Shadowson, my fate was now bound to his. It was a destiny I hadn't chosen, a path I was forced to walk. The weight of my father's expectations and the harsh consequences of failure loomed over me, leaving me with little room to resist.

The afternoon sun cast long shadows in my room, and I found myself lost in thought, contemplating the choices that had brought me to this moment. It was a bitter reality to accept, but I knew that I had to find a way to survive in this world of darkness and intrigue.

As the hours passed, I began to steel myself for the evening ahead. I would have to face Mr. Shadowson, a man whose intentions and desires were a mystery to me. I knew that I needed to present myself in the best possible light, as my father had commanded. It was a small semblance of control in a situation where I had none.

With a heavy heart, I opened my wardrobe and began sifting through the dresses, searching for something that would make me appear beautiful and desirable. It was a hollow task, but it was a role I had to play if I hoped to survive the night.

As I carefully selected a dress, the soft rustling of fabric served as a stark reminder of the weight of my circumstances. I was just a pawn in a dangerous game, and I had to play my part well. The room seemed to close in on me, suffocating and oppressive.

The evening approached, and with each passing moment, my anxiety grew. I wished for a glimmer of hope, a chance to escape this fate. But the walls of my room felt like a prison, and the future was filled with full of unknown question

Eventually, the time came for me to prepare for my inevitable meeting with Mr. Leo Shadowson, a man who would determine the course of my life. The daunting prospect of this encounter left me with a sense of foreboding that was difficult to shake.

As I carefully donned the chosen dress and scrutinized my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a surge of defiance. If I were to face this enigmatic mafia figure, I would do so on my terms, not merely as a pawn in my father's game.

With my preparations complete, I took a deep breath and left my room, ready to confront a future that held more uncertainty than I had ever imagined.

Here is the first chapter of the story 'Silver Serenade.' If you enjoy this chapter, please share your reviews and thoughts about it.

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