
Shinmara Kil

Greetings, welcome to my first shot at a story!

I just wanted to start by mentioning that this story will be entirely slice of life and no such things as other worlds and such, so no fantasy basically. This story may contain a number of slice-of-life anime characters that may be conglomerated into this world of our MC as well. This is also a harem fanfic, and my choices for members have already been decided.

Finally, I would like to thank my good friend for suggesting I try this out. You may know him on here as ConstantReign. This is my first time doing something like this, so please be gentle my dudes and dudettes.





Shinmara Kil.

He was never the most sociable person, not even close. In fact, he barely ever really talked to anyone at all. It wasn't that he despised interaction with his peers or others, it was mainly just the fact that it was honestly just troublesome for him to start a conversation out of nowhere. He just found it troublesome to introduce himself.

He wouldn't mind if someone else walked up to him and introduced themselves, he was actually pretty good at socialising if you get him into the mood. Though, it seemed that no one got the whole memo on that and had kept their distance from him, aside from a few that went up to him and just bullied him due to thinking he was an outcast.

Well, he didn't exactly LET them bully him...

Why would he?

He wouldn't say he punched them for going too far sometimes. More like he was just physically expressing himself accordingly, let's go with that.

Anyway, Kil was actually sitting at the back of the classroom at his desk silently as he crossed both of his arms behind his head. He was wearing the standard uniform issued to the students, though he did wear his signature black hoodie underneath his school shirt with the hood up and covering his entire face.

He never liked showing his appearance to others, mainly because it had caused numerous issues in the past that he really didn't want to revisit. Though, this also seemed to have caused its own problems as that was why people thought he was some kind of delinquent and/or outcast due to his rather dark appearance with the hood and all.

Aside from all that though, he appeared to have a rather lean body, though it was hard to see it completely due to his clothes. While his hoodie covered up the majority of his arms, you could still see his hands, which revealed that his skin was a fair colouration. However, you couldn't make out his hair colour or eye colour, due to the hood of course.

Along with seeing his skin, you could see that he also had on black wristbands on each of his wrists, each of them having a dark royal blue strip on each of them.

"Yo, dark stuff!"

"What do you want?" Kil frowned heavily under his hood as he recognised the voice in an instant. It wasn't exactly a happy recognition either as he honestly despised the person who had just called out to him. He slightly tilted his head upwards as he shifted his gaze to look at the person that called him out. "You need something, Manabara?"

This person was Manabara Kenji, who was a rather tall male with short black hair and a pair of sharp black eyes to go with it, his skin being slightly tanned as he wore the standard male uniform. He had this whole arrogant air around him, and it really irked Kil seeing the smug look that was currently on the guy's face.

The reason why he despised this guy so much was the fact that he had been the one 'bullying' Kil the entire time he had been in this highschool. They had only entered highschool at the start of the year, which was a term ago. Today was the first day of the second term. It seemed that he was already going to be annoying Kil.

"I heard that you're transferring to a different school today, why did you even bother coming here this morning?"


It was true.

The reason he even bothered coming to school was that it was what he was asked to do over the phone by the people who were at his new school. They had told him they needed to do the paperwork for transferring him at the school, so it would be easier if he just came to school and they would be able to pick him up at the same time.

"Whatever. You're probably transferring to some trashy school, fitting for you honestly." Manabara scoffed as he looked at the carefree hooded male in front of him. He then gave a smirk. "At least you'll be gone, no one here will miss you. I feel bad for the people that will have to be with you at the new school, though they're probably trash as well."

"I'm honestly amazed. With how damn annoying you are, I would honestly think you're different species altogether. Didn't think a human could become so freaking retarded, holy shit..." Kil said in a surprised and blunt manner. The students that were listening in the whole time couldn't help but snicker, causing Manabara to glare at them before grabbing Kil by the collar.

"Shut the hell up, asshole!"

"Thanks for speaking my words for me."

"Y-You fu-!" Manabara tightened his grip on Kil's collar as he was seriously getting pissed off. Kil just scoffed before taking hold of Manabara's hand before squeezing it, causing the tall male to recoil in pain as he actually knelt on the ground due to how strong Kil's grip was. "M-My hand...!"

"Look, Manabara. I've kicked your ass more times than I think I've looked at myself in the mirror, if you don't want to increase that number, then hall ass." Kil clicked his tongue after saying this. He then looked at the two lackeys that were with Manabara. 'I honestly didn't even register them... Were they here this whole time?'

The two that were with Manabara were two bullies that had previously picked on Kil, much like this asshole did. Though, after having learnt the first time, they stopped immediately after having been brought to pain by Kil. When he turned his gaze to look at them, they shivered instantly despite not being able to see his face under the hood.

"Do you want to fight too? If not, then take this idiot and leave, understand?"

"R-Right!" The two immediately responded.

"Good, at least you can learn." Kil scoffed in amusement as he looked down at the still knelt form of Manabara. "Why can't you do the same? Is your intelligence defective?"

Kil then let got of Manabara's hand as the dude released a groan of pain as the two quickly helped the guy up before sprinting out of the room with fear present on their faces. Kil then looked at the other students who were watching the entire time, they all quickly averted their gazes as they didn't want to suffer from him as Manabara did.

'What a pain...'

Kil then turned and was about to sit down when someone ran into the room.

"Sh-Shinmara!" The person that had called out to him was none other than the homeroom teacher, she appeared to also have a nervous and panicked look on her face. "Y-Y-You have a few guests who want to speak with you..."

"Oh, they must be here already..." Kil muttered to himself. He saw the other students whispering curiously to one another as they all saw two rather large men walk into the classroom, they were wearing full-on black suits and black tinted glasses. Kil didn't appear at all surprised as he picked up his backpack before walking on over.

When he arrived at the front, he looked up at the two males, who looked back at him as well. It didn't take long before one of them took out some kind of card and held it in front of himself as all the students looked at it curiously. "We are here on behalf of the Ashun Academic Highschool Institution, also known as AAHI."

When this was stated, all the students erupted in surprise as they all released a scream of surprise simultaneously. The reason for this was obvious, the AAHI was an educational institution known to be the best in the whole world. They were known and popular due to their incredible facilities and more, and it was very well known that every graduate was guaranteed incredible success in life.

Pretty much all of the professional entrepreneurs and more all studied at the institution, as well as the greatest sports players, and also those within the entertainment industry and more. It was every person's dream to enter into such a place, they would be set for life. Well, if they could actually get through the program that is.

The school hand branched out schools that were also known famously across the globe for their own specified fields, let it be for idols, sports, cooking, etc. If Kil remembered correctly, the AAHI owned a rather famous school known as Totsuki or whatever it was, he couldn't honestly remember at all. He wasn't really that into cooking.

Though, those branching schools were nothing compared to the AAHI. For example, getting into Totsuki was apparently incredibly difficult, but getting into the AAHI was far more difficult due to the examination tests that comprised of a total of fifteen different tests that were required to be completed to a satisfactory level over the course of three days.

Those examination papers were apparently considered far above university level, probably even higher than college.


"It can't be... right?"

"Why are they..."

"No way..."

The comments flooding their direction from all the students in his class were heard throughout the entire room as Kil just ignored them entirely and continued looking up at the two males with his usual calm posture. He didn't seem to really react at all to the words spoken as the other students stared at him in confusion.

"Are you the one known as Shinmara Kil?"

"That is me."

"We would like you to remove your hood so we can see that you are truly him." The other male of the two spoke. Kil frowned underneath his hood, it seemed that he had no choice but to comply. There were reasons why he didn't want to have himself exposed. He just sighed before reaching up at his hood and pulling it off.

When he did, he heard numerous gasps come from his peers. Including his homeroom teacher, even she had never seen him without his hood.

As he had taken off the hood, his appearance could now be seen by everyone. He had straight black hair with a pair of royal blue dark eyes that had a slightly tired look to them, though that seemed to add quite the charm to his appearance. He didn't notice, but pretty much every single female had red appear on their faces as they stared at him.


[Kil's Appearance Image]


'He's hot!'

'No way!'

"We have confirmed that you are indeed Shinmara Kil. We shall be your escorts to the AAHI, Master Shinmara." Kil blinked his eyes a bit in surprise by the way they addressed and bowed at him before just nodding. They then motioned for him to follow them as he just calmly did so as all the students, as well as his homeroom teacher, just stared as they left.






Kil was now sitting silently in the back of the armoured limousine that the two escorts of his had told him was going to take them to the institute, he was staring out the window with his hood now placed back over his head. He felt naked honestly without it on, and after so long of having it on all the time, he didn't want to have it off for too long.

He knew that the school was thankfully not too far away from the city area that his house was located, so he at least didn't need to take a long drive or walk back home from the school. Speaking of the school, they were almost there as they were now crossing over the bridge that was leading over towards the school.

Unlike normal schools, this school was something else.

Ashun had their own rather large island at the centre of the city, the school honestly looked like a miniature city itself. Which wasn't surprising as the school was known not only for supplying classrooms, obviously, and other facilities for different classes. But also shopping malls, theme parks, sports stadiums, and more.

There was even a helicopter, taxi, boat, and train service to allow students to be taken all over the place within the school. He even had heard that they apparently had their own airport, though that was only used for special occasions. Whatever those occasions were, he didn't exactly know.

For those that didn't live near the school at all, there were even houses built for them to rent out. Ashun honestly didn't find any reason for renting one, his house was already as close as it could be in terms of being out of school property. His house was better than the school's ones, and that was really saying something.

"There are a few things first off that you should know." One of the men that had come to escort him voice as Kil looked away from the window toward said person. "School at Ashun begins at nine in the morning and ends at three in the afternoon. You'll get your schedule from the principal and everything else will be explained to you upon arrival."

"I see, thank you."

Kil nodded before turning to look out the window again as he released a small sigh. He wasn't sure what he was getting himself into coming into this school, but he had hoped it will turn out better than the previous school. Hopefully there weren't people like Manabara here, he would hope there weren't since everyone here are definitely much smarter than that guy.

He'll have to see...


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