
Sign in to the Ancient Relics at the beginning

[No waste wood, no licking dogs, Tianjiao fights for hegemony and is invincible] Jun travels through the fantasy world and becomes the son of the ancient family, with an invincible background, amazing talent, and a sign-in system, and a Dacheng Ancient Holy Body at the beginning. Sign in at the Taiyue Ancient Monument and get a six-star reward, and the gods will suppress the prison spirit! Sign in at the 10-year-old banquet and get a seven-star reward, Supreme Bone! Sign in at the Bronze Immortal Palace, get an eight-star reward, and the mother of all things! Sign in at the Borderless Sea, get a ten-star reward, and he is free to Dafa! Countless years later, Jun Xiaoyao sat in the nine heavens, pointing at the sky and said: "Nine heavens and ten earths, my lord ups and downs, at the end of the fairy road, I am the peak!"

DaoistdJk5Ja · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Sign in to the Holy Sacrament, the vision of the pilgrimage of all saints!

荒天仙域,三千道州之一,是荒古世家和君家的家居.君家是仙域这边无比辉煌的势力,传承了无数纪元,祖宗也出过无上帝.在这段时间里,整个黄州,甚至荒天仙域都在颤抖.有一条龙凤虚影,围绕着君家所在的虚空神岛,发出龙吟和凤凰吼.有传言说,是因为君家有一位传奇人物的继承人,已经怀孕十年,终于要出生了...君甲虚神岛,在天帝宫内.不少君家长老此刻都呼吸急促,看着裹着襁褓的婴儿.从出生起,宝宝就没有哭过一句话,但大眼睛里却是茫然的神色.但族人一直关心的,是这个婴儿,全身都是金色的光芒,宛如一条年轻的真龙."这...远古圣体?"一位族长老深吸一口气说道."没错,肯定是上古圣体,苍天怎么这么对待我君家!"另一位族长老悲哀的喊道.上古圣体从族中出来,非但没有惊讶,反而捶胸腩,十分失望.原因很简单,在上古年代,圣体确实很强,在三千体质中可以排在前五,可以与永恒仙体,混沌神体,天霸体等至尊体质相媲美.大成圣体,甚至可以称为坂古皇帝.然而,在远古时代,天地法则已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,环境已经不再适合修炼上古圣体.甚至十个镣铐从天而降,以抑制圣餐的成长.而此时此刻,婴儿,也就是君逍遥,却是茫然不知所措."我穿越过来,还带着一个带鸡肋的荒古圣体来了?"君逍遥前世是个孤儿,被一个盲人算命先生收养.瞎子说,虽然他这一世穷困潦倒,孤独寂寞,但下辈子一定会得到老天爷的眷顾,达到人生的巅峰.当时,君逍遥还挺不信的,但一场意外夺走了他的生命,他又睁开了眼睛,变成了一个婴儿."看来我确实是在生命的尽头出生的.君逍遥心想.从那些族长的话中,君逍遥听得出来,他所在的君家,是一个古老的家族,无比辉煌.可以说别人出生在起跑线上,但君逍遥却直接出生在终点线."只是...生在这么不敬虔的家庭,怎么我的体质是废体,难不成是浪费柴火开始游戏?就在这时,他的脑海中响起了机械的声音."叮,恭喜房东拿到了入住系统!""叮,签到位置刷新了,出生地,天帝宫!""叮,这次签到触发新人的幸运暴击,可以获得五星以上稀有奖励,你签到吗?""真的有系统吗?"君逍遥并没有太过惊讶."登录!"君逍遥在心里默默地想着."叮,恭喜宿主,签到成功,获得八星稀有奖励,还有一件大成古圣体!"隆隆!在系统声音响起的那一刻,君逍遥只觉得一股无比的力量,如同火山一般,从他的体内喷发而出.在他的身体表面,出现了十个半虚幻的金色枷锁,正是那十个禁锢!"这是怎么回事?"各族长老都惊慌失措,目光一闪而过,看向君逍遥.Then, in the shocked gaze of the elders of the clans.Click!The first golden chain, shattered!Rumble!An incomparably terrifying qi and blood surged out.Click, the second golden chain shattered again!The entire Heavenly Emperor Palace is trembling, Haoguang is magnificent!Then came the third, fourth, fifth...In the end, the ten chains were shattered together!Rumble!Above the nine heavens, the wind and clouds changed, and the thunder surged!There are many saint phantoms emerging from the sky, densely packed, with more than 10,000 numbers, all of them worshipping in the direction of Junjia Divine Island!This scene of vision shocked the entire Desolate Heaven Immortal Domain!"Oh my God, what's going on, there is a saint phantom manifestation on the heavenly dome!""The direction of their worship is the Huangzhou Jun family!""It's definitely the Qi Linzi of the Jun family who has been pregnant for ten years was born, what kind of physique is he, and he actually triggered the vision of the pilgrimage of all saints?"The Desolate Heaven Immortal Domain, the Three Thousand Dao Prefectures, many ancient forces, and the big names of the Immortal Dynasty are marveling!Such a vision is rare in ancient times.Even when the Ancient Emperor was born, it was nothing more than that.Many people are curious, what kind of demonic physique is that unicorn of the Jun family?And at this moment, in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, a group of clan elders who were accustomed to seeing the vicissitudes of life also stayed in place with a confused face.One of the old men in the gold robe, with white hair, said with tears in his eyes."Haha, this is my grandson, my grandson has the appearance of an emperor!"The old man's name is Jun Zhantian, and he is a high-ranking and powerful clan elder of the Jun family, but at this moment, he is dancing like an old naughty boy, holding Jun free, and he can't help but be happy.Jun Xiaoyao heard this somewhat familiar sentence, and sweated slightly.He felt like an old general on the stage, with flags planted behind him.Sure enough, he is worthy of his own grandfather."Great, the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, which was born to break the shackles, is indeed unheard of, and I can't find a single body after searching the historical materials for millions of years!" a clan elder admired."With this son here, my monarch's family can compete for the throne!""Hehe, that ancient royal family ancestral dragon nest, there is a dragon Aotian with the blood of the emperor dragon, he dares to provoke our Jun family, saying that there is no one in the younger generation of our Jun family, it is really ridiculous!" Another clan elder laughed mockingly.Although their Jun family is in the Desolate Heavenly Immortal Domain and is extremely brilliant, it is not without enemies.The ancestral dragon nest, Wanhuang Lingshan and other primeval royal families are the forces that have enemies with the Jun family.There are also hidden dangers in places such as the forbidden area of life and the burial soil of the ancient world.However, the elders of the clan believe that all these hidden dangers will be solved with the arrival of Jun Yao.Because what their Jun family got was a Great Desolate Ancient Holy Body that broke the shackles!Thundered...In Jun Xiaoyao's body, golden blood flowed in the blood vessels.After breaking the shackles of the Eucharist, his aura also climbed.Refining tendons!Forge bones!Exchange blood!Know-how!Gather Spirits!In the stunned gaze of Jun Zhantian and the elders of the clan.Jun Yaoyao's cultivation is directly to break the five realms of the flesh.You must know that even some Heavenly Pride will take at least five years to reach the peak of the flesh, and that is still under the premise of being nourished by many holy medicines.But Jun Xiaoyao was only born for a quarter of an hour, and even breaking the five levels of the flesh will make a group of proud sons of heaven doubt life."The desolate ancient holy body that broke the shackles, it's really a fucking demon!" Rao is group of clan elders who have seen a lot of the world, and they couldn't help but say vulgar words.But there's more to come.Around Jun Xiaoyao, it seems that there are thousands of saints in the phantom of the ups and downs, singing and worshiping Jun Xiaoyao!"Is this a Eucharistic vision, a pilgrimage of all saints?"Jun Zhantian and the other clan elders were all a little numb with shock.Generally speaking, each Eucharist has its own unique vision."It is rumored that the Great Desolate Ancient Holy Body has six visions, and after all of them are awakened, the six visions form six reincarnations, which can push all enemies in the world!"Jun Zhantian smiled even more, as if he had seen the magnificent scene of all the clans coming to worship when his grandson became emperor in the future.Not to mention this group of clan elders, even Jun Xiaoyao himself sighed.His talent is invincible, his background is invincible, and he also comes with a sign-in system, how can other Tianjiao in this era live?Just when Jun Xiaoyao felt that he should be more low-key in the future.Once again, a systematic voice came through his head."Ding, congratulations to the host, the new check-in location has been refreshed!"The new book is opened, and the begging for votes has begun, and this powerful and perverted demon protagonist Jun Xiaoyao will definitely not disappoint you.(End of chapter)