
Shut in's Adventure in the Apocalypse

Rachel Usof is a shut in high school girl who reads sci fi novels. After not hearing her parents for a week, she opens the door. She finds out there are zombies everywhere. After she accidentally kills a zombie, then a message popped up. "Congratulations! You have been chosen to have the "Golden Finger" system!". Equipped with a system, (that isn't what it seems to be.) and with her cat. She meets many new adventures... (Multiple edits made to the summary.)

Kist · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs

Zombie dummies

Hazel was in the house again, with the dead zombie. She pushed it over to the kitchen before heading to her room. She saw the outfit on her bed and it looked better then she thought it was. She put it on, googles and everything. Then asked a question.

"Do I need to act like those cold protagonists who destroy everything?"

"That would be the best way to earn style points."

"Hmmm... are there any acting classes????"

"No, but we can exchange memories of other hosts to you for free."

"Oh! Ok!"

The system transferred memories of other hosts who used to be actors. After Hazel absorbed it, she walked out of the apartment and started looking around.

Hazel saw 2 zombies ahead of her, so and grabbed her whip a bit scared.

"System, I just have to imagine to move to whip right?" She thought.


Hazel tried to get a sneak attack with her whip,but it failed. The 2 zombies started heading towards her. Hazel managed to get a hit in with her whip but it only stunned the zombie.

"System! Why is the whip so weak?" She thought while dodging.

"The whips power reflects on your strength, You got lucky you killed that zombie because you aimed for it's head."

Hazel had an idea. She controlled the whip so that the point was facing the zombies, and she stabbed it through the first zombie. Hazel quickly pulled it out and killed the other zombie.

"You have gained a level!" said the system.


"The system means levels that you gained in the apocalypse. If I showed the level you would be at before the apocalypse, you would be level 4. Your stats didn't say anything earlier because you didn't have a level in the apocalypse."

"Ah I see, so I get stat points too right?"

"Correct, but you only get one."

"Let me see the stats again."

Hazel Usof

Age: 17

Level: 1



Stamina: 3

Agility :5

Intelligence: 10

defense: 2

Quote: Almost as strong as a normal person.

"Quote?" Hazel asked.

"It's like the system's opinion." The system explained.

"Oh ok, but why did some of my stats move up while some didn't?"

"It's because you used those stats is battle. You did use your intelligence, but it isn't enough. Plus you didn't get hurt so your defense is the same."

"Ok then I will pick... Agility."

"Ding! Agililty is now 6!"

"Ok now I need to find more zombies..."

Hazel managed to kill 3 more zombies, but didn't level up. Her strength,stamina, and agility went up 1.

It was now nighttime and Hazel didn't want to stick around, So she went back into her house and slept.

As I said before grammer bad yada yada. Motivation will fuel these chapters until im bored and yeah. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Edit: I tried to fix this chapter, -Koru

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