
Shuangwen heroine she doesn't want to become popular

《爽文女主她不想爆红》 爽文女主她不想爆红 [作者]:大哥喝冰阔落 [类别]:言情 [状态]:连载中 tag: Shuangwen Entertainment sand sculpture system flow variety show heroine wear book modern and modern time travelling love Romance After Shi Zhi diligently completed the 999th fast-passing mission, she could finally choose a world for retirement. Shi Zhi stretched her fingers to put forward the conditions - to be beautiful, to have a good figure, to have money, and to have a lot of money. Then, with the wish of welcoming a better new life, she dressed as the heroine of Shuangwen in the entertainment industry. She is beautiful and has a good figure, but she has no money, notoriety, and heavy debts. Shi Zhi: ? ? ? System: The host boldly rushes forward, rips and stomps, and hurry up. After becoming the top streamer, you can be discovered by the richest butler and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes! Shi Zhi: Where does it need such trouble, she is here to retire. He turned his head and went directly to the rich butler, "Dear, do you think I look like the daughter of your deceased master?" The billionaire property get√. ...The audience discovered that the 18th-tier female artist who was riddled with black material changed Shi Zhi. Become lazy and Buddha. When other female stars wore skirts with the least fabric and shivered in the cold wind and were beautiful and frozen, she walked across the red carpet wrapped in a down jacket like an uncle walking. The other artists' hobbies are either singing or dancing, and the last time is reading. The question is "A Brief History of Time", Shi Zhi, "fishing, playing chess, planting flowers." I especially like flowers, and have money to spend. Shi Zhi's agent felt that this artist did not need to be rescued, and most of them were abandoned. Shi Zhi planned to withdraw from the entertainment circle with her billions of properties, and live a normal life in a big bed of 300 square meters. Then she was on fire. Tens of millions of fans called her, what kind of treasure girl is this, Miss Shi Zhi gave me fire! Going around in circles, after all, she has become the appearance of the heroine of Shuangwen? [The copy was written on 4.18 and screenshots have been taken] The idea: everyone is their own life

Sader_Flores · Ciudad
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114 Chs

Chapter 67 I don't want to be popular Chapter 67

  Everyone knows that Shi Zhi is a master of fishing. Shi Zhi didn't want to show his hands at first, and even praised the uncle, the fish is so beautiful, and he catches a lot.

  Assistant: Pretty fish warning!

  So... does teriyaki leave a whole body?

  But Uncle Fishing is really enthusiastic, "Come on, give it a try, give it a try."

  "Do you want me to teach you?"

  At this time, Shi Zhi didn't want to tell lies, and there was a photographer shouting beside him.

  "Mr. Shi Zhi, can I have lunch today?"

  Everyone lives in local houses, the crew pays them rent, and the local residents cook the meals. In fact, the food is not bad, but everyone is happy to add a dish or something.

  Shi Zhi: Add it.

  She took the fishing rod and told the uncle, "Actually, I know a little bit."

  million points.

  At this time, the uncle didn't realize what he was about to face at all, and he was simple and happy. He felt that this beautiful little girl would definitely not be caught.

  The fish on their mountain, each of which is more refined, is not the kind of stupid city fish.

  The cameraman pointed the lens at Shi Zhi, and the rest of the team also took out the equipment.

  They felt that if they could add words to Shi Zhi, it would probably be—

  Time to show off the real technology!


  Shi Zhi lived up to expectations and seduced the coolest fish with the most leisurely attitude. The fish offered their heads one after another, and the swaying body seemed to be talking.

  Let me come first, let me come first.

  The uncle was completely stupid. He looked at the several fish that Shi Zhi had harvested in a short time, and murmured, "Today's fish... why are you so stupid?"

  It's too frustrating!

  Cameraman: Uncle, still too young.

  Shi Zhi borrowed the uncle's fishing rod to catch a few fish. He felt that it was almost enough to eat, so he didn't continue. It was a waste to catch too much.

  She thanked the uncle for his fishing rod, and temporarily borrowed his bucket from the uncle.

  The uncle brought two buckets.

  "I'll give it back to you when I'm done. Where do you live?"

  Shi Zhi asked where the uncle's house was, and even if he didn't know, he could find it quickly.

  The assistant next to her was already helping Shizhi to carry the bucket, "Sister Shi, take a rest."

  When Sister Shi was fishing, they contributed, which was fair.

  When Zhi Zhi left, the uncle continued to study fishing there. He felt that he was a fool, so he would catch more fish while today's fish were stupid.

  Then it's the same as before.

  uncle:? ? ? Is it his way of fishing? Or...

  The uncle recalled what Shi Zhi was wearing.

  What if he wasn't wearing a sparkly dress?


  When Shi Zhi went out to take a photo, she accidentally caught a few fatty fish. She didn't let the cooking aunt do it, but did the cooking herself.

  There is a large pot and a gas stove where she lives. This time, Shi Zhi chose to use a large pot for cooking. Firewood is readily available. Cooking in a large pot is a different feeling. Shi Zhi not only stewed fish, but also around Covered with pancakes.

  Not only the team members were waiting eagerly, but even the crew members were waiting aside, wanting to ask Shi Zhi if they could hurry up.

  Really fragrant!

  The cauldron was big enough, and Shi Zhi felt that the amount was enough, but at the end there was nothing left, and everyone still felt that they were not full.

  Shi Zhi spread out his hands, "I don't have enough to eat."

  She was tired, and the raw materials were used.

  Shi Zhi was going to return the bucket to Uncle Fishing, but he didn't expect Uncle Fishing to come to the door.

  Shi Zhi, "Master, I'm going to bring you a bucket."

  The uncle waved his hand and said with a smile, "You don't need to pay it back, I'll give you the bucket... just treat it as the old man's apprenticeship ceremony."

  Crew: ? ? ?

  Shi Zhi: ? ? ?

  The uncle used a bucket and wanted to worship Shi Zhi as his teacher. In fact, he wanted to learn fishing techniques from Shi Zhi.

  Shi Zhi relied on one-handed fishing skills to successfully make the uncle bend down.

  Shi Zhi, the master, felt that he couldn't be the best, so he could learn from each other?

  Shi Zhi was still willing to talk about some fishing tips. The uncle not only learned it by himself, but also brought friends and a few uncles to learn together.

  When Shizhi was fishing, he was still showing off.

  "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

  Shi Zhi had to return the bucket to the uncle after teaching the uncle fishing tips, but the uncle would not accept anything. Not only did he not accept the bucket, he would also send fish to Shi Zhi when the harvest was good, along with the rest of the fruits and vegetables. .

  After using Shizhi's fishing skills, his fishing skills were enhanced, and he caught more fish than usual.

  Shi Zhi didn't want the uncle's fish, but the uncle was anxious.

  "Take it!"

  "The vegetables are grown by my family, they are not worth the money... Don't you like it?"

  Of course, I won't look down on it. This is the real organic vegetable, which is natural and pollution-free.

  Shi Zhi thanked the uncle.

  It's not bad if we have come and go, and the assistant also feels that this place is more human.

  "That's great," she muttered softly.


  When Shi Zhi came to the mountains to make a movie, many people knew about it even if she didn't try to promote it.

  Bai Wu and Ning Jiachi expressed their concern.

  Bai Wu, "Zhizhi, how are you over there, isn't it very inconvenient?"

  Ning Jiachi, "Sister Shi, if you need something, I'll send you some!"

  It wasn't as hard as they thought.

  Although Shi Zhi was in the mountains, it was not isolated from the world. Everything that should be there was there. The director came early and the arrangement was quite appropriate, but the signal was a little bit poor.

  Shi Zhi first told Bai Wu that it was very convenient.

  Then he said to Ning Jiachi, "Don't send me anything."

  The express delivery is more troublesome here. I have to go down the mountain to pick it up. Shi Zhi thinks about how to go up the mountain, and then goes down again, and the whole person is dizzy.

  She lacks everything and doesn't want to go down the mountain to get it.

  The housekeeper called Shi Zhi when Shi Zhi first came over. He wanted to drop supplies and people to Shi Zhi by air, but Shi Zhi strongly refused.

  No need, really no need.

  She was still quite happy.

  But everyone didn't seem to believe it. Bai Wu even felt that Shi Zhi was holding back so as not to worry her. In order to verify her statement, Shi Zhi directly sent photos to Bai Wu and Ning Jiachi.

  Bai Wu, Ning Jiachi: ! ! !

  Can they apply to play? !

  Not only did Shi Zhi receive greetings from acquaintances, but also strangers added her WeChat. There was no reason for the stranger to apply, and there was no name remark, but Shi Zhi looked at it and added it.

  As soon as they added each other, they couldn't wait to share a few photos.

  The feasting of city life.

  There are large meals, high-end restaurants, and KTV.

  As if deliberately trying to get angry.

  Shi Zhi was not angry, and she also shared a few videos.

  She made delicious mountain delicacies, field scenery, flowers beside her meals, streams at her feet, and KTV in the open air.

  The entertainment of the people on the mountain is no less than the fun in the city, and there are beautiful girls singing folk songs.

  The other side played a string of ellipsis.

  I originally wanted to be angry with Shizhi, but I didn't expect that she was actually resentful. Watching the video felt that Shizhi was living a fairy life...

  After Shi Zhi sent a message to the stranger, he went to communicate with the director, but it took a while to see that the other party sent another message.

  "Aren't you curious who I am?"

  Shi Zhi never asked about the identity of the other party. Not only did she add her, but she also communicated with her normally, which made Shi Zhi unpredictable over there.

  how? Shi Zhi didn't have any curiosity at all?

  Her circle of friends is hidden from Shi Zhi.

  Or is it that Shi Zhi is so big-hearted in the first place, why is there no self-consciousness of being a female star at all!

  Shi Zhi can actually see that the other party probably doesn't want her to know her identity (?), so she has not exposed it, but since the other party has asked.

  Shi Zhi, "Tang Yunling, do you want to change your avatar?" Shi Zhi made a sincere suggestion.

  Although the other party hides the circle of friends, the name is a string of English letters, and there is no clue at all, and the person in the photo does not appear in the photo, and he cannot even tell the gender.

  But the head portrait is Tang Yunling's photo, and it's the kind that is very homey.


  As soon as Shi Zhi's words came out, there was no movement there.

  The person who sent the message to Shi Zhi was Tang Yunling. She was lying on the sofa now, kicking her legs and uttering a series of "Come on!"

  After a hundred secrets, she forgot to change her avatar!

  Tang Yunling knew from Shi Zhi's little girl Zhong Jiaxin that Shi Zhi went to the mountains. In fact, even if she didn't come from Zhong Jiaxin, Tang Yunling would know.

  She couldn't tell why, anyway, she suddenly wanted to add Shizhi to WeChat to show her the happy life in the big city, irritating her.

  Then she was pissed off by Shi Zhi, and she turned out to be in a state of dislocation the whole time.

  Tang Yunling felt that she was about to die, so let her be alone and quietly embarrassed. The key is that she only slowed down a little and saw a message sent over there.

  Shi Zhi, "I need to pretend, didn't I recognize you?"

  "Do it all over again if necessary?"

  Very sweet.

  Tang Yunling; …

  She doesn't need such kindness.

  Sure enough, there is aura between people, and what she hates most in the entertainment industry is Shi Zhi.


  Tang Yunling felt that he had lost face with Shi Zhi, as if he had experienced a social death.

  Shi Zhi was chatting with the director about the script.

  The background of "Wild Grass in the Distant Mountains" takes place in a remote mountainous area, and the heroine is also the role played by Shi Zhi called Yang Zhaodi.

  From this name, it can be seen that Yang Zhaodi lives in a family that prefers sons to daughters. Zhaodi Zhaodi, even her parents are looking forward to letting her recruit a younger brother.

  Not only Yang Zhaodi himself, but the whole movie has this tone. In the story, the distant mountains are silent and tall, standing in the middle of the night, as if they are pressing on people's hearts. There are many residual regulations here, women are not allowed to eat at the table. , to be polite, to be virtuous, to be a good wife and mother.

  A good wife and good mother is probably reflected in the fact that they are diligent and capable, one person is responsible for three people, they have to cook and work, and have children, and the focus is on giving birth to sons.

  Director Ding Yi is a very delicate person. Although he is not famous, he has been able to polish a script for so many years. Everything in his script is remarks. Shi Zhi borrowed it from the director after seeing it, and he did get it. some deeper experience.

  When he talked about the plot, there was a special light in his eyes.

  Ding Yi himself knew his devotion to and love for the film, but he didn't expect that the more he chatted with Shi Zhi, the more compatible he became.

  "It's actually quite heavy, isn't it?" he said to Shi Zhi.

  "Looks like a slap in the face."

  "Shi Zhi, thank you, I really didn't expect you to promise to play Yuan Shan."

  He thanked Shi Zhi, and Shi Zhi's ability to act in his film would add a little more popularity to the film, and he also knew that Shi Zhi would give up many opportunities to make money by making this film.

  In particular, he is not the kind of famous director and has no background. Even if Shi Zhi wants to win the award, it is more advantageous to cooperate with director Wang Mingchun.

  Shi Zhi, "I want to thank you, I would like to make a movie like this."

  I would like to put such a story on the big screen. Ding Yi is still a man, but he can feel the same way.

  The assistant director sighed on the side.

  "Well, there aren't many things like this anymore, right?"

  Shi Zhi shook his head.

  No, there are many more.

  Yang Zhaodi and Zhang Mingxia, in fact, there is not much difference in essence, they are both women who are suppressed by the "mountain".


  Shi Zhi's usual style must not be used in the movie, and the director also specifically discussed with Shi Zhi.

  "Maybe it won't look too good."

  Shi Zhi's face is actually not ugly even if it is artificial, but it must be in line with Yang Zhaodi in the story.

  Ding Yi felt that it was a great success to get Shi Zhi to come over. If Shi Zhi really didn't want to lose her beauty, she could just grit her teeth and compromise.

  Now the actors all need to be beautiful, even in war movies, they still need delicate makeup, semi-permanent eyebrows, and a Bao-colored lipstick.

  Shi Zhi, "You can come as you want."

  Don't take her thoughts into consideration.

  Now that he has decided to film, Shi Zhi is ready, so he must be close to the character, or else he will not be allowed to feign death?

  The stylist can start with confidence and boldness

  Thick twisted braids, the complexion is specially khaki and black, and the lips are not only unable to apply lipstick and lipstick, but even add a little makeup, which is dry and cracked...

  Shi Zhi was still wearing gray clothes, and everyone in the team was shocked when she came out.

  who are you?

  Are you still Mrs. !

  Anyway, I really made Shi Zhi a good idea, and it was a bad idea, but it did meet the needs of the character.

  Brother Quan really can't laugh or cry, absolutely, Shi Zhi put such good conditions, many fairy dramas, or the role of the most beautiful person in the world in costume dramas casts for him, Shi Zhi did not act, but now he is directly develop in another direction.

  Shi Zhi took a bench and held pancakes and green onions in his hands, which made him look more presentable.

  Brother Quan remembered that when Shi Zhi ate the pancakes given to her by the little model before, he shouted to add green onions. At that time, Brother Quan also said that it did not fit the image of a female star.

  He can now reasonably suspect that Shi Zhi took the show to wear this kind of clothes and eat pancake rolls with green onions!


  The shooting went smoothly, and Shi Zhi perfectly integrated into the mountain life without any discomfort.

  Originally, the team members were still a little uncomfortable, but sometimes Zhili took the lead, and they quickly experienced the fun of being in the mountains.

  The consumption here is really low, and the scenery is good. You still need to spend money to go to the villa to experience the original ecology. Isn't this free?

  Of course, Zhi Zhi burns some food to feed everyone from time to time.

  The team members originally thought that coming here would be unaccustomed to the environment, so they should lose weight. I didn't expect everyone to gain weight and have an extra layer of flesh on their stomachs. Let's stop the great cause of weight loss.

  What's even more amazing is that many local people around are familiar with Shi Zhi.

  Needless to say, Uncle Fishing. When Zhi Zhi was walking on the road, someone greeted her. It was not the kind of greeting from fans who saw idols, or the kind of people Zhi knew at the time.

  On the side of the road, there was also an old grandmother and Shi Zhi selling her own things, "Do you want to buy some?"

  "Bodhisattva, bless you and be safe." She didn't speak Mandarin, just a local accent, but Shi Zhi had been here for a while and could almost understand it.

  Shi Zhi squatted down and took a look. It looked very clear, but it was actually made of plastic, but the meaning was very good, and the grandmother had a lot on hand.

  Shi Zhi chatted with the old grandmother, she gestured, she was already eighty-three years old, she had a long life at this age, she had already retired, she was still selling outside, and wanted to earn some money to support her family.

  Grandma like this, and many more.


  Shi Zhi was like a fish in water in the mountains, and the team members even saw that Shi Zhi had unlocked the skills of riding a big bicycle and driving a tractor.

  Shi Zhi chugs on the tractor.

  Brother Quan: ? ? ?

  He didn't know how many surprises Shi Zhi had.

  "When did you learn to drive a tractor?"

  Shi Zhi, "I always know." Brother Shi Zhiquan didn't know that, and there was no place to drive a tractor before.

  The only thing she regrets is that she didn't bring the fishing rod. At that time, she didn't want to go fishing in the mountains, so she could only borrow the uncle's. .

  Brother Quan was not idle either. When Shi Zhi was making a movie, he thought that Shi Zhi was also very fun in the mountains, so he cut a volg for Shi Zhi.

  The vlog contains scenes of Shi Zhi shooting a blockbuster with the sea of ​​flowers as the background, as well as Shi Zhi and the uncle playing fishing together, and making cauldrons for fish...

  Brother Quan made a vlog for Shi Zhi before, but it was to create Shi Xiaozhi, and the whole process was edited.

  Of course, soon, Shi Zhi used his strength to consolidate his uncle character, and Shi Xiaozhi planned to go bankrupt as soon as he played.

  This time, Brother Quan didn't deceive himself anymore. Shi Zhi was filming a blockbuster in the sea of ​​​​flowers. When the camera turned, he was still wearing trousers and water shoes, and he directly pinned his skirt to his trousers... These episodes are actually fun and more real.

  Before gardenia, I was worried that Shizhi would be overwhelmed by going to the mountains, and Shizhi was not very active in business at first, but now it is over, and there is nothing to see.

  I didn't expect to release a vlog at this time.

  Different from the bitterness in everyone's impression, Shi Zhi's vlog in the mountains is so interesting!

  The painting style is relaxed and cheerful, with a kind of vigorous vitality.

  The blue sky, white clouds and sunshine are as fresh as a picture scroll.

  "It feels so fun."

  "Where is this, fuck it, it's too beautiful."

  "Princess Shi Zhi was hiding, and Uncle Shi Zhi was released again. Is it alright to drive a tractor?"

  "I'm more craving for the things Shizhi made. I really want to eat them. I can feel the deliciousness through the screen. I'm sending myself here now. Can I eat the delicious food that Shizhi made by himself?"

  It was quick to get a response from the rest.

  No, you think a little too much.

  Shi Zhi's first vlog in the mountains ushered in a lot of discussion. Brother Quan thought, eh? It works!

  So the rest of the vlogs are also coming out.

  Shi Zhi also flipped through the message, and she felt that it could promote local tourism.

  It's really nice here, the scenery is good, the people are good, but it's a little bit blocked. If you can get publicity through her, it will be an unexpected joy.

  Shi Zhi has already asked the housekeeper to buy land here, giving him another place for his retirement.


  Shi Zhi also grows vegetables and flowers in her spare time during filming.

  There is not much else here, just a lot of land.

  There is a large yard in front of the house where Guang Shizhi lives, and there is a place for melons, fruits and vegetables, which Shizhi can pick.

  Moreover, with the consent of the owner, Shi Zhi also planted some plants that can mature quickly.

  Cucumbers, green beans, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, peppers...

  These harvests are relatively fast, and they have already begun to bear fruit.

  There are also new varieties in Shizhi's menu, which are grown by themselves.

  This also appeared in her new vlog. Gardenia said that just by watching the gardenia grow vegetables and picking vegetables, you can spend a day looking at them.

  They almost watched helplessly as the cherry tomatoes sprouted, then grew bigger and bigger, and small fruits came out, which turned from green to red.

  Shi Zhi also said to the camera in the vlog, "Isn't it particularly interesting, it feels like I'm watching my own children?"

  Netizen: Yes, yes, this is the feeling, very fulfilling.

  Then it was picked by Shizhi, washed and eaten.

  "..." If Shi Zhi hadn't mentioned the child before, it would be fine, but the child would eat it...

  Is it a little subtle?

  Shi Zhi also commented, "It's really sweet." Sure enough, the fruits that grew up were extraordinarily sweet.


  Shi Zhi's vlog not only appeared in her figure, but also the others, the local girl who sang very well, and the cattle herder who worked very smoothly.

  There are also children.

  The children invited Shi Zhi to play in the mud with them. Generally speaking, adults are not very good at playing with children. Shi Zhi readily agreed.

  She is no ordinary person.

  When I saw this vlog, netizens felt warm and healing.

  Under the setting sun, Shi Zhi and a group of children were squatting and playing in the mud. They chatted and communicated without any sense of discord.

  It was really warm and healing, until Shi Zhi took the first place in the mud playing contest.

  Shi Zhi didn't let the children at all, she won.

  Netizen: ? ? ?

  Shi Zhi, what's the matter with you?

  Shi Zhi also crowned herself, "I won."

  On one side is the champion who won the mud playing contest, and on the other side is the stunned child.

  One of them burst into tears.

  Shi Zhi told him, "We have to have some Olympic spirit, we have to be able to lose, we have to endure the setbacks in life, what is this... There are still many setbacks on the road of life!"

  Netizen: So, this is the reason why you let the children get frustrated?

  And behind it was a mouthful of poisonous chicken soup.

  The child doesn't care about the Olympic spirit, he cried very energetically.

  While crying, she complained, "She... bullied me."

  Shi Zhi finally managed to stop his tears by taking the child to the canteen. The child held a lollipop in his hand and laughed through tears. After Shi Zhi's guidance, he said to the screen.

  "Shi Zhi, she's a good person, I love her."

  No principle.

  Netizen: Little boy, how can you be bought by a lollipop? When Shi Zhi is rich, you should ask her for two!

  Gardenia's summary: Another day of punching Nanshan Nursing Home and kicking Beihai Kindergarten.

  Everyone is howling Modo Modo every day. There can be more vlogs like this. Shi Zhi relied on one person to form a new "Our Village" variety show. These days are too comfortable and beautiful.

  Abruptly chased after the feeling of watching a variety show.

  Many people are really moved to the idea of ​​traveling.


  The star groups in the circle originally saw Shi Zhi going to Dashan for several months, and felt that Shi Zhi was about to finish.

  "Yin and Yang Snack Bar" hasn't been broadcast yet, and Shi Zhi has no dramas on air either. She went to the mountains and it was obvious that those shows and variety shows had nothing to do with her, and they were all tossing about... Shi Zhi is crazy. ?

  When it was hot, I actually went to squat in the mountains.

  Then Shizhi Mountain vlog was born.

  They were dumbfounded.

  This works.