
Show Yourself To Me (Victuuri Story) (DISCONTINUED FN)

This is a Yuri on Ice Femboy Hooters AU. I don't know the plot yet PS: This isn't my picture

Precious_Gamegirl · Cómic
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18 Chs

Meet Some of The Characters

This is my first Wattpad fanfiction. This came from Wattpad so there are pictures that I can't show. I don't know much about Femboy Hooters, so this may be a little inaccurate. The ages will be modified to fit the story. This won't be a smut/lemon story.

Here are the characters I have thought of so far. Comment people/ships you think I should add.


Yuri Katsuki:

Age: 23


Works at Hooters to pay his tuition and rent

A college senior, friend and roomate of Phichit

Heavy case of anxiety, but has a whole new attitude once on the clock

Victor Nikifrov:

Age: 23

Nickname is Vitya


Has rich parents

Also a senior and friend of Chris

Yurio is his roomate

Can be a bit of an airhead sometimes, but a really nice guy

Yuri Plisetsky:

Age: 18

Nicknames are Yura, Yurio, and Yurochka

Queer or Bi (I haven't decided yet)

Works at Hooters to pay rent

College freshman roomate of Victor. Acts all tough, but really caring once you get to know him

Otabek Altin:

Age: 18

Nickname is Beka

Works as a mechanic to pay for his tuition

Also a freshman and roomate of Seung-gil Lee

Very silent and doesn't socialize

Cristophe Giacometti

Age: 23

Nickname is Chris


Senior, friend and roomate of Victor

Very flirty, but is a pretty nice guy

Phichit Chulanont

Age: 23


Senior and supports his friend Yuri

Has 3 hampsters and works as a cashier

Very kind and sociable, loves social media

Jean-Jacques Leroy

Age: 23



Senior and has a crush on a young junior

Insecure and takes out his worries on others

Kenjirou Minami:

Age: 18


Works at Hooters to pay his tuition

College freshman and roomate of Guang Hong Ji

Very energetic, sociable, and nice

He's a big fan of Yuri


Sorry, that was really long >_<

I'll right the next chapter once I think of a decent plot. I may add more issues to characters for those of you who like stories with depression, harassment, etc.

Ps: My sentence fluency sucks, so this'll be bad. Please point out things that make the story look garbage.

See ya -_-