
A Leisure Time with Louise

Morning arrived as golden threads pierced through the cracks of the curtain. The warmth felt like a mother's hand, inviting Batu to a brand new day.

And a morning of realization that this whole thing wasn't all just a nightmare.

Batu groaned awake; the bright, golden rays blinded him momentarily. He tried to move away from the blinding light, but he felt as if something was anchoring him in place.

He looked down.

It was Louise, squeezing him in a tight hold like he was a big, cuddly teddy bear. Even when she was sleeping, she was still cute.

Was he still dreaming? He quickly pinched himself. Nope, not a dream.

Batu had the urge to poke her face. He didn't know why; perhaps, it was out of weird curiosity. It was a stupid reason, but hey, everybody done things for stupid reasons.

So, why not?

His finger wormed its way towards Louise's face while she was blissfully unaware of it. Target sighted, it was time to deploy. His finger descended from above like a cruise missile, accurate and precise.

T-5 till impact. Five, four, three, two, one.


Batu poked her soft and squishy cheek. Well done, mission accomplished.

"Ugnn," Louise furrowed her brows. Batu quickly pulled his finger away in panic before she wakes up.

No, wait. She was still asleep.

Let's try that one more time. He poked her again, a little harder this time.

"Ngnn..." she groaned again. Louise unconsciously hid her face inside the blanket.

Then, a mischievous smile made its way to Batu's lips. Instead of a little cruise missile, he was going to drop an atomic bomb on her.

"Even I fear for what will happen next," he shook his head in remorse. Fuck it.

Batu, like a devil up to no good, slowly lifted the blanket off of her. He quietly turned around and aimed his fart cannon directly at her face. Point blank range. It was finally time to wake her up.


Poisonous fart gas spewed from his chocolate starfish and directly at Louise's line of sight.

It was menacing, deadly and most certainly a war crime.

Batu then quickly threw the blanket over Louise and held it down so she wouldn't escape.

Now he just needed to wait.




"AGGGH, BATU!" Louise screamed in rage under the blanket. She kicked and punched her way out, trying to escape the poisonous fart, "YOU ARE SO FREAKING GROSS! LET ME OUT ALREADY!"

Batu laughed out loud. Louise was going to kill him, but it was totally worth it.

Louise managed to break free from her prison; her hair was in a tangled mess, but her eyes; they were like two pairs of raging wildfires.

"I'm going to kill you!" Louise charged at him with intent to tear him to pieces.

Batu immediately ran away from her in fear for his own life. They ran around in circles like a game of cat and mouse, but Louise was like a relentless tiger that chased her prey.

"Woah!" Batu suddenly tripped over his own foot and fell face first onto the floor.

Doom was the only thing that awaited him now.

Louise quickly jumped on top of Batu and pinned him to the ground. This time, Batu would pay dearly for her suffering.

"Wait, Louise," Batu raised his hands up in surrender; he was genuinely scared now. "I was just playing around."

Louise cracked her knuckles, "I think this useless master of mine deserves a bit of punishment."

One ass whooping later...

Batu sat in the corner with his arms wrapped around his knees. He had been put into timeout to rethink his life decisions.

Meanwhile, Louise had finished her bathe. It was refreshing and certainly made her fair skin much smoother. God forbid a noble like her to go on a day without a bath.

Steam billowed from the bathroom as Louise made her way out. Her beautiful, pink hair was dripping wet, and she quickly wrapped her wet hair in a white towel.

There was one slight problem., however.

She was still naked.

Batu's eyes bulged out from their sockets as he gazed at Louise in her birthday suit, burning her body into his memories.

God damn. Now that was a view he wasn't expecting, but it was a welcoming one, indeed.

She was small, petite. Though Louise wasn't as curvy or busty as some woman, she had her own charms.

"Can you tell me why are you still naked?" Batu asked. "Aren't you a little bit embarrassed?"


"Why would I be?" Louise walked towards the mirror and dried her hair. She then slipped into her school uniform all while Batu was staring at her intently.

Batu now remembered. She was the same girl that had Saito dress her. Maybe I should ask if she needed help? Not to be lewd or anything, of course.

"Alright, let's go," she donned on her cape, looking as cute as ever.

"Huh, already?" Batu was still enjoying that.

"We don't have all day," Louise rolled her eyes at him.

"Sure, sure," Batu lazily got up from the floor and followed Louise out of the door. They went shortly across the hall and knocked on Chin's door.

No answer.

"Hey, Chin, open up!" Batu banged on the door louder this time.

"I'm comin', I'm comin'! Sheesh!" Chin yelled from the other side.

It took a full minute before the door finally unlocked. And then Chin popped out in nothing but his undergarments. His hair was messy, and he reeked of alcohol.

"What's ya want so early in the morning?" he asked in annoyance.

"You've been drinking?"

"A man's gotta loosen up somewhat, boy," he answered.

"Anyways, we were wondering if you wanna come shopping with us?"

"...no," Chin suddenly slammed the door right in Batu's face.

"Forget about that alcoholic," Louise walked away. "C'mon, let's go."

As they made their way downstairs, they suddenly noticed Lu Mei talking to the receptionist at the counter. Lu Mei also noticed them, but more so on Batu.

"Well, look who it is," Lu Mei threw a mocking smirk at him. "If it isn't Batu."

Batu's eye twitch with irritation. Why did he had to encounter her again? What was she even doing at this inn?

Whatever. Batu didn't want to deal with her, so he just ignored her and walked towards the exit.

"Woah, hold on there, tough guy," Lu Mei suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking him from the exit. "Why the rush? I just wanna talk to you."

"Oh, Lu Mei... I didn't see you there," he lied terribly.

"I'm sure you didn't," Lu Mei wrapped an arm around him. "Why don't ya stick around a bit? I'm sure you haven't eaten yet. A big, strong, tough guy like you gotta eat." She teased him.

"Hey, Lu Mei, leave the kid alone," the receptionist butted in.

She was still chilling by the counter with TV remote, flicking through different channels.

"C'mon, Lucia, I'm just playing with him."

"That's enough already. Is this how an Angel's Servant's supposed to act?"

"Tch," Lu Mei clicked her tongue and pushed Batu away. "You got lucky this time." She said to him.

Batu stole one final glance at Lu Mei before he grabbed Louise's hand and walked out of the door.

more slice of life chapters ahead!! I’m still planning out what my next game event will be like, so for now, you will have to deal with a bot of fillers sorry :(.

ASpyFromMarscreators' thoughts
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