
Researcher's Notes

Day 1 -

We found a different version of the well known creation myth, this proves that the Dream god really does exist and it appears we might be able to find a way to free him.

Day 6 -

Research has been slow, it's hard to find a way to break a seal made by gods, or even find where it's located but I'm sure with enough time I will find the answer.

Day 13 -

I've had a major break through, i cant believe ive never thought of this before now. Dreams, that is how I will find a way to break the seal. It makes sense doesn't it, using dreams to free the Dream god.

Day 27 -

Invading dreams is harder than I thought but I have created the perfect potion, all you need is a spider eye and a phantom member and of course a water bottle, but with this potion I have seen the dreams of a cow and a chicken so far but I will start using more intelligent animals soon.

Day 46 -

I have been capturing some of the followers who come to worship the Sun god to use in my experiments, they are just being used for a more important cause, but the problem is they keep dying after just one dream potion, it makes it hard for me to further my research, I will need to find a solution soon.

Day 74 -

HAHHAHAHHAHAHA, I'VE DONE IT, I'VE FOUND A SOLUTION. It happened accidentally when I was getting more phantom membranes it hit me and smash the dream potion I had and, I SAW IT THE SEAL, RIGHT THERE BEFORE MY VERY EYES, of course it was in the one monster that is related to dream, I feel so stupid for not figuring this out before. I'm sure I am close now, I just need a little more time.

Day 159 -

I need more time, I'm so close, I just need more time, more time, more time, time, time, time, time. So close, it's right there just out of reach, so close yet so far, i'm almost there i'm sure, I just need mor______


to all those who may read this, the last researcher has lost their mind. With further research we have determined that because phantoms show up when you don't sleep they are like a physical representation of your dreams, therefore when using the dream potion to enter their minds you see what you are dreaming of most, as a side effect you begin losing your mind. You will also start to lose your mind when entering anythings mind, but it is faster with phantoms.

This is Based off of Shadow Slave with some Minecraft elements and my own twist.

Loona_Moonacreators' thoughts