
sherlock the mage

When one goes to another world they will usually get a cheat or a system that will make them dominate. But not for Sherlock until he was 128 years old he got something similar to the system but its not system.

dakoma · Fantasía
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3 Chs

chapter 2 last mission(2)

Sherlock flew fast but he felt strange because at this speed he should have reached the city long ago but he was still in the black forest.

When he looked down he realized that he had flown past the old hut!

He immediately broke into a cold sweat and kept flying but not long after he saw below him the same old hut.

Feeling the illusion he used the [eye of truth] spell, then continued to fly but he still looked back at the old hut.

"Could it be that this is not an illusion but space magic?", Sherlock was afraid that if what he thought was the truth, it would mean he would have to destroy the matrix of matrices created by this old hut.

Unfortunately destroying the matrix is not as easy as it seems, it takes a lot of ritual, spell, and energy if the matrix that traps the person is not so strong.

But Sherlock tried anyway, he came down not far from the old hut.

Then he took out ritual tools from his space tool.

Portable altar, candles, 10-sided star symbol, sigil, wand, athame, bell, and herbs and animal body parts.

Sherlock rang the bell in his hand then said "I cleaned this room and declared it for magical work"

He took the athame and carved a sigil with it while creating special geometric shapes with energy using the athame on the altar.

"I opened an infinite portal of chaos, destruction, and emptiness. Come and help me with this work"

The portal suddenly lit up and gave energy to the altar, immediately all the items on the altar were filled with void energy that was full of chaos and destruction.

He took a wand, and lit a candle, then carved in the air eastward a pentagram star.

"I call you mighty magus ancestors, rulers of the east, come!"

Then he moved to the north and made the same symbol.

"I call upon you charming witch ancestors, lord of the north, come!"

Continue moving westward by carving the same symbol.

"I call you the forgotten ancestor of the sorcerers, lord of the west, come"

Then head south with the same symbol.

"I call you the ancestor of the domineering wizards, lord of the south, come"

He imagined the pentagram stars in the 4 cardinal directions shining with different brilliance and each of them connected with magical ancestors.

After that he imagined the hexagram on his chest and said, "I am shining the hexagram, the symbol of the universe, the power of mages. I call you, O mage, the strongest mage in this world, help me Axapirios"

Then he looked into his mind, directed his soul to the spiritual world and formed a pentagram symbol in the inner world, "I invite you invisible shaman ancestors, rulers of the invisible inner world, come! help me"

He then pointed his wand up towards the sky, "I am pulling you down, O ancestor of magicians, father of magician. The crow rules the night. Star wizard and star king. Lend me your power."

Then he pointed his wand down and said, "I am calling you from inferno and chaos, O warlock ancestor who broke the pact of all things, help me"

Then he gathered energy from 8 different sources towards the candle engraved with the sigil, "I direct the power of 8 mighty magic ancestors, may my wish come true"

Suddenly the candle flame turned black, he saw in the pitch black flame a very complex and numerous matrix began to burn.

But as soon as the burnt part started to grow again vigorously and counterattacked, the fire was extinguished and the altar shattered into pieces.


A massive magical energy reaction hit him causing him to be thrown far back.

Luckily the magic shield he put on protected him otherwise he would be cursed for 7 years, of course he could remove it with a ritual.

His magic shield shattered to protect him and he woke up staring at the old hut in horror, clearly this was no match for him at all.

The difficulty of this mission even he believes is not at Zelanthor's level, according to him only Philosopus can destroy this matrix.

What he didn't know was that even a high mage couldn't necessarily destroy the matrix that trapped him.

He took the magical cell phone out of his pocket and saw that he couldn't send messages or get any signal at all, then he took out the spiritual book and found the book unusable.

All access to the outside world has been blocked by this matrix which indicates this is not an ordinary matrix and the level may even be far above mage master, Sherlock doesn't really know how strong this matrix is but clearly he has been trapped here and it is impossible to get out unless...

Sherlock looked at the hut reluctantly "seems the only way out is in the tiger's mouth"

He walked towards the hut and as soon as he touched the handle he heard a woman's voice, "John"

He immediately got goosebumps because this voice reminded him of his dark past, the voice of this body's older sister whom he had killed.


Behind her was a blonde haired woman in a white dress covered in blood, her beautiful face had now turned like burnt flesh, her hands, feet, and entire skin were full of burns.

Sherlock looked at his "older sister" in front of him and couldn't help but smile, "what a sly to use guilt to frame me, unfortunately I never felt guilty killing my own family"

Sherlock kept the door open and entered the old hut, but found not a wooden interior but a large courtyard with a large manor in the center.

This scene reminds Sherlock of the old days, when he first became John Reido. A kind-hearted innocent noble boy.