
I will not be the CEO

Aron asked what are the conditions. Kim said, " Aron if you want us to be friends can I ask you to be normal when you are with me? ". upon hearing this Aron laughed and said, " Be normal? what do you find abnormal about me?". Kim suddenly realized how weird her words sounded. But before she could say anything Aron said, " Kim don't worry I know what you want to say and don't worry you are being friends with Aron the person and not the CEO so it will be very normal and low key. Just consider me as any of your other friends. " Kim nodded and finally said ok let's be super good friends and shook hands with Aron. Aron didn't know why but felt like he has won a great battle but seeing being at ease and finally accepting his friendship he felt good.

After some chit chat both of them left the place. After that day they casually talked to each other or sometimes exchanged messages. Two months passed. Kim was flipping the calendar planning her work and schedule suddenly her eyes glittered she remembered that it is Aron's birthday next weekend. She excitedly messaged Aron asking about his birthday plans but the next moment she felt guilty as she thought Aron must be having an extravagant plan regarding his birthday and it might seem that Kim is desperate to be a part of it. She bit her lower lip, rolled her eyes and regretted her decision.

But to her surprise Aron messaged back saying he used to throw a party a day before his birthday for his work and business circle and on his birthday he doesn't like to do anything exaggerated.

Kim was puzzled and wanted to ask the reason but before she could do so Aron's message flashed on screen. Kim was surprised, the message read..

[Kim if you are free can you join me for dinner on my birthday, Joy will also be coming and I will ask Ann to come also.Will it be Ok? ]

Kim was obviously reluctant and just was typing to deny when she received a call from Aron. She picked it up and Aron again invited her. He also stated that Kim didn't have to worry or feel awkward as on his birthday he likes to spend it with his friends and family in a very low key manner. His parents are out of the country for the time and he wanted to spend his birthday with his friends so a simple dinner will be great. After he said Kim was no way in a position to deny and accepted the invitation. Apart from that they had a small casual talk and finally hung up.

Aron was happy and Kim confused. She started thinking about what gift would be proper for giving to a CEO who possesses all wordly luxuries and can have anything he wants in the blink of an eye.

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