
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · Acción
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23 Chs


<p>WEIRD WOMAN, MEAN BOSS <br/><br/>Rhida's hand was forced away from his collar by the security and they dragged her away. <br/>Iver quickly rushed inside his office with Donald. All the employees are left dumped folded by the strange woman. They knew she was dead already because they knew their boss won't forgive her they knew he will never do something good to her. <br/><br/>" I'm sorry, I caused this" Donald apologize as he apply treatments to his injured neck. The collar made a cut on his neck as she dragged him. <br/>"Make sure she settles in well and make sure no one bullied her for what happened this morning," Iver said and Donald looked at his boss, he rubbed his ear and eyes twice to make sure he is not dreaming. He couldn't believe his boss will let someone who even make him injured go away like this. He never knew a day like this will come. <br/>" Yes... Yes sir" He said and Iver closed his eyes <br/>" She... She recognizes me" Donald said and Iver turned to him <br/>" Then did you also recognize her? If you do then, I'm going to tell her I'm the one that..." <br/>" I don't know her!" Donald shouted and Iver turned away. Donald wondered why his boss and Dave have the same idea. But he is not sure if he can pull up with the lies well. <br/><br/>Rhida bowed her head a little in front of the haggard man in front of her, she crossed her hands at her back and waited for the man, who seemed like the leader of the team to speak <br/>" I have a bad feeling about you, today is your first day and you are already causing trouble to the big boss of all people. Did you wish to get fired on your first day at work!" He hollered at her <br/>" No sir," She said in a polite low voice. <br/>" I don't seem to hear what you said, louder!" <br/>" No sir," She said loudly and he gestured for her to leave his front <br/>" Stress," He said, touching the back of his neck <br/><br/>Rhida went to sit at the last sit of the office and saw the strange employees there, haggard, and some of them are unkempt. Their hair was rough and some hairs smelled.<br/><br/>Rhida decided to keep to herself and focus on her work. She didn't want to draw attention to herself or be seen as nosy. <br/><br/>Rhida decided to focus on getting settled in her new workspace instead of engaging with the peculiar employees. She unpacked her bag and organized her belongings, making sure to set up her desk in a neat and orderly manner. As she settled into her seat, she couldn't help but notice that the employees around her seemed engrossed in their work, despite their disheveled appearances.<br/><br/>Rhida took a deep breath and reminded herself that appearances can often be misleading. Perhaps these employees were simply dedicated and hardworking individuals who didn't put much importance on their personal appearance.<br/><br/>Wanting to make a good impression, Rhida decided to focus on her own tasks and responsibilities. She opened her laptop and started familiarizing herself with the company's systems and processes. As she navigated through her first assignments, her attention was drawn back to the basket of noodles and nylon on her left.<br/><br/>Curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist taking a quick peek inside the basket. To her surprise, she found an assortment of different types of noodles, all neatly packed in separate containers. Beside them were a few rolls of nylon, seemingly unrelated to the noodles. Rhida couldn't figure out why these items were here.<br/><br/>At a time they called a break, a haggard woman walked up to Rhida and gave her a coffee <br/>She looked up at her, surprised, and collected the coffee politely <br/>" You see, keep praying to your creator, our boss is a terrible person, he doesn't forgive easily," The woman said, whispering and Rhida looked at her instead of saying a word <br/>" I'm sorry, I thought he is my..." Rhida was saying when the woman cuts in <br/>" Your ex?" She said and Rhida looked up which make the woman laugh <br/>" Don't ever think that way. Our boss is..." She then moves closer to her ear, as if saying a top secret <br/>" A gay," She said and Rhida's eyes brightened <br/>" Yes, you realized we are not ourselves lately, actually he just called off his engagement with Jenny. You know her right?" The woman said and Rhida looked at her <br/>"Is she perhaps the one I'm thinking?" Rhida asked and the woman give her a look <br/>" The almighty famous actress Jenny. Then everyone starts saying the rumor about him being gay is true. We have to pull all-nighters to make sure the rumor dried down. It almost affects our shares" The woman said and Rhida stare at her with a pitiful look <br/>" No no, don't look at me like that, you are also one of us now. Welcome to the dreadful, hell-like PR team of Collins Co." The woman said and clapped then worked away, going back to her work. <br/>Rhida looked away and spotted the nylons and Noodles in the basket<br/><br/>Conflicted between her desire to fit in and her growing intrigue, Rhida decided to take a chance and strike up a conversation with her. She turned to her<br/><br/>"Excuse me," Rhida said tentatively, "I couldn't help but notice the basket of noodles and nylon. Is there a particular reason they're here?"<br/><br/>The woman looked up from her work, her tired eyes meeting Rhida's curious gaze. She let out a soft chuckle, her unkempt hair bouncing with each movement.<br/><br/>"Ah, the noodles and nylon," she said with a playful grin. "You've stumbled upon our little office tradition. You see, every Friday, we have a 'Noodle and Nylon Day'."<br/><br/>Rhida's confusion deepened as she tried to process this unusual tradition. Sensing her curiosity, the woman continued.<br/><br/>"It's a way to relieve stress and keep things light-hearted. We bring different types of noodles for lunch and use nylon to create silly art or decorations for our desks. It's a way to have some fun and bond as a team."<br/><br/>Rhida couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie and creativity behind this unconventional tradition. It was a stark contrast to the initial impression she had of her colleagues.<br/><br/>"Thank you for explaining," Rhida said, genuinely intrigued. "I admire how you all find ways to make work enjoyable."<br/><br/>The woman chuckled again, her tired eyes sparkling with warmth. "Well, if you ever want to join us for a Noodle and Nylon Day, you're more than welcome. It's a great way to unwind and get to know everyone."<br/><br/>Rhida nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of relief that she hadn't caused any trouble by asking about the strange items. She realized that these employees, with their disheveled appearances, were not as strange as they seemed at first. They were simply a group of unique individuals who found joy amidst their daily grind.<br/><br/>Embracing the spirit of Noodle and Nylon Day, Rhida went back to her work, determined to make her mark within the quirky and lively office environment <br/><br/>Iver stare at her from a distance and saw that she was doing a great job adjusting to the new environment.<br/>He smiled as she saw her smiling with other members of her team. Now that he have saw her this close he couldn't help but want her more. He quickly calls Donald to call for an impromptu meeting. He just wanted to see her more closely than before. <br/><br/>As the impromptu meeting was called, Iver found himself eagerly awaiting her arrival. He couldn't shake off the magnetic pull he felt towards her as she walked into the meeting room, Iver's heart skipped a beat. Her confidence and grace exuded from every step she took. He found it hard to focus on the meeting's agenda, his attention consumed by her presence.<br/><br/>Throughout the meeting, Iver stole glances at her whenever he could, captivated by her beauty and charisma. He admired the way she keep looking at her colleague's faces as they talk. He couldn't help but chuckle a little which make everyone go silent and Donald quickly gestured for them to continue. Iver watched her again as she stares at one of her colleagues as she engaged with her team, offering insightful suggestions and sharing her perspectives.<br/><br/>Just then message chimed on her phone which make a very loud noise. Not noticing her surroundings she pick up her phone and clicks on the message, smiled at it, and replied. She looked up and saw all eyes on her. The first eye she met was her boss's cold face which make her tremble. <br/>She has offended this devil-hearted boss and now again. She then looked at their group leader. He looked at her <br/>" You are dead!" Firing at his eyes and she gulped <br/>" Mrs Summer? Can you excuse us?" Donald said and Rhida pack her things and then rushed out of the meeting room <br/>" I apologize for her behavior, she is only a newbie and...." The team leader was saying <br/>" Let's end the meeting," Iver said and stood up <br/>'The person he came for has left so what is he waiting for?' He left the meeting room with Donald <br/><br/>The team leader turned to others <br/>" How about I fire her myself? She is such bad luck!" The team leader ranted as he left the meeting room angrily <br/>The other team members stare at each other as they also left the meeting room <br/><br/>" Isn't she too cute?" Iver said with a smile and Donald looked at him, seeing the new side of him is so surprising <br/>" She is weird and cute. Such a weird woman" Iver said and smiled <br/>Donald couldn't believe this was the boss he had known for eight years. It was just like a dream <br/><br/>Throughout the day, Rhida was like she was walking on eggshells. This was not how she planned her first day at the PR team. it's all ruined thanks to the mean boss who has many rules. <br/><br/>At closing time, everyone departed, the PR team was really happy that they are going home after many days at the office <br/><br/>Rhida stood in front of the elevator, ready to go home. Then the elevator opened and she was surprised to see that person she avoid all-day <br/>" Aren't you coming in?" The voice jerk her off from her thoughts and she rushed in <br/>" I apologize," she said, bowing down <br/><br/>As she entered, everywhere was silent and she desperately wished he would not bring up the morning incident and her prayers were answered and it remain just a floor to get to her destination when her fruit fall down. It was the gift the weird woman from earlier gave her as a welcome party. <br/>She bit down her lips, she is doing a good job to not look at him but this weird apple... <br/>Iver picked it up and saw that the apples have eyes, nose and mouth thanks to her drawing. <br/>He wanted to give her the apple then the elevator door open and she rushed away <br/>" Here..." He was saying and he stopped seeing how fast she was. He laughs <br/>" She is one weird woman. She really is. She drives me crazy" He said and ran his hand through his hair and left for the garage<br/><br/>Rhida arrived outside the company <br/>" Holy God, what was that? Is he trying to use that innocent apple to bring up what I did in the morning? Such a meanie. I hope I don't get fired" She said and called a taxi and head home...</p>