
She's mine now!don't touch.

Lilly used to be a housewife always doing her best for her two kids and husband until she discovers some shocking facts about her happy life and decide to follow her dream of higher education. What will happen on the road to self-discovery will she trust again?

Lielie900 · Ciudad
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6 Chs

×Information Page ×

Sorry ppl, I just want to say thank you for giving my book a try. I'm gonna be honest with you English is not my first language so if I make mistakes please don't be mean and I don't mind opinions or even ideas for the story but please don't be mean. I love reading books so I'm trying to write my first book ever! 🤩

🧐Do not copy my story or claim it as your work! I have a full copy of Wrights to this story! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

For those who would like to know a bit about me, I'm from South Africa and my home language is Afrikaans so it will be implemented in my story but don't worry I will translate it!❤️

Our main character is the heroine

Name: Lilly Viljoen

County origin: South Africa

Age: 22.

our main girl has flowing golden hair with light blue eyes she also has a very pale complexion.

The kids are 2 girls.

Ava Smith.

Age:3 years old.

Ava is a little heart breaker with her good looks she got from her mother she has sky blue eyes and has blond curly hair.

Olivia smith.

Age: 1-year-old.

Olivia is someone who is exceptionally smart and way ahead of her peer is the development phase as see can already talk and do most thing girls her age cant but because of this, she tends to be shy and quiet around strange people as they tend to stare and make her unconvertible. She also has the family trade of blue eyes and blond hair.


Steven Smith.

Age: 28 years old.

Job: Bank branch manager.

Please note that this is just an intro page so you know the main characters of the story a bit more.

please also note I will not tolerate someone who is bashing my story for no good reason if you want to correct me on something and do it nicely I will thank you as English is not my first language and I am trying my best thank you for giving my story a chance.

Please vote and comment on the story and let me know if you like the story...

Thanks for reading my story please support me in this story. :)

please give this book a chance I know it may process slowly as I am currently studying and a stay-at-home mom of 2 so I please ask for your patients and support.

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