
Ash what are you planning?

"You're pathetic, I can't believe you're my son. Do you really think that that piece of crap God is right? And not your own father? You deserve to die just like your mother and brother."

" I hate you dad! You're a monster God is right he is gonna save kids like me, and right now he is protecting mom and big brother right now you bastard!"

"GO DIE!''

Shadows' eyes then opened as it glowed red and he woke up in a cold sweat. He then looked over and saw Akin.

"Shadow are you okay?" Akin asked, sounding worried.

"Yes i'm fine, but can you tell me why im here?" Shadow asked Akin worryingly.

"Oh yeah you passed out after your fight with Ash". She said, informing him of what had happened.


As Shadow began to look up as he saw the dust in the air. He knew that he had to do something, so he began to manipulate the blood in his body. After that 20 solid blood needles appeared behind Shadow as he said


After that the blood needles went through the dust as Mr. Roughster asked

"Shadow, Akin, do you two can handle this while I evacuate?" He asked.

"Yes" they responded assuring him that they'd be fine.

"Okay Akin I'm going to go into the dust I have at most 10 minutes before the dust hurts me. Since I can still manipulate his blood, but I don't know his location so my powers won't be as effective." Shadow informed Akin.

"Okay Shadow I'll go and try to find an object or find someone who can clear out the dust. Do your best Shadow, and please try not to get hurt." Akin said

"Yeah I will try my best Akin"

Shadow ran in as he then tried sensing his blood which is what people have to use in order to use their powers. As it was hard due to all of the dust in the air he couldn't properly identify where he was as he was starting to cough a little.

"Seems as if I only have four minutes left dang it this isn't good," he said calmly but at the same time worried.

After that Shadow said " I have to stay calm or it's over and I won't be able to control my blood properly meaning I won't be able to use my powers well.

Shadow then took a deep breath as he started sensing blood energy as he was slowly detecting someone.

" I've found you Ash" Shadow said as he started running

"So Ash you've been trying to hide why? Are you scared of getting in trouble or are you getting into something malicious". Shadow said demanding an answer to his question.

"Haha Shadow stop tryna be all tuff you may have beat me those other times but this time I will win you piece of crap".

"Fine let's go you moron" Shadow said

After that Ash made a dust drill as Shadow also made a blood drill.

"Haha use another move and stop COPYING me" he said with angry laugh

Shadow then spoke up " Stop crying I just wanted to show you how weak you are and that i'll always be stronger than you.

After that the two boys sent their attacks at each other as the attacks started to clash. After that Shadow's blood drill went right at Ash.

As Ash then said " No way i'm gonna die"

After that Shadow turned the blood back into a liquid as Shadow then went right through it as there was blood in his white hair. After that he came down as he punched Ash right in his face. As blood then came from Ash's nose as he then flew back and then fell to the ground. After that Shadow ran over to him.

"You lose Ash now lets go" Shadow said

Ash then smirked as Shadow then looked at him confused.

"What's so funny As-"


Shadow then looked up as he saw a zipline come down and a man with a all black outfit on as the man grabbed Ash.

As Ash then said "Bye Shadow you dumb loser"

"ASH you bastard!"

As Shadow then passed out.

*Back to present time*

Shadow then said "Now I remember Ash left with this weird person"

After that Akin said "We need to go tell the principal but you can go back home and shower so you can get ready to meet us at 6:30 at the principal office".

Shadow then said "Yeah you're right see you then" As Shadow got up and left.

Shadow was walking back to his dorm as he then thought "Oh yeah I forgot I can absorb his blood so I can use his dust to track him".

After that Shadow ran back to the Martial arts room as he saw the janitors about to clean as he ran right pass them and pulled out a syringe as the blood was inside he put it in a bag then ran back to his dorm to get ready for what's to come.

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