
Happy family

A bulky and muscular man with a handsome face and blonde hair enters an establishment, the place looks like a mixture of a lounge, hub and bar. As the clock struck 6:30 pm, neon lights bathed the exterior of the futuristic hunter center in an otherworldly glow. The entrance, adorned with sleek metallic accents, opened into a lobby resembling a high-tech lounge. A reception area stood adjacent to the entrance, serving as the quest hub. Adventurers gathered, discussing bounties and sharing tales of their exploits.

Beyond the lively lobby, a transition led to the main nightclub area. Pulse-pounding music reverberated through the air, accompanied by the rhythmic hum of advanced technology. The dance floor glowed with dynamic LED patterns, and holographic projections created an immersive atmosphere.

The backroom, accessible through discreet doors, provided a more secluded space for elite hunters to strategize and exchange information. Dim lighting and futuristic decor set a mysterious tone, allowing hunters to discuss sensitive matters away from the energetic bustle of the main area. This multifaceted venue seamlessly blended the thrill of nightlife with the strategic pursuits of skilled hunters.

The man walked into the backroom where another man with a much more tame build and black hair sat. "Oh, done with your mission so fast Calvin, I thought it was supposed to take at least a day to complete." The black haired man said. "Yeah, it was supposed to take a whole day, but you know me, always doing things quick and efficiently." Calvin replied. "Well, the boss isn't here right now, something about a meeting in the big city so you just have to come back tomorrow for your reward." The man said. "Really, what could be so important that he, nevermind, I'll be back tomorrow." Calvin said. "Goodbye Calvin, stay safe." The man said. "You too." Calvin replied as he walked out of the backroom and left the establishment altogether.

Nestled in a quaint neighborhood, the house of a small family exuded warmth and coziness. A well-maintained garden adorned the front, with flowers and greenery framing the entrance. The exterior, painted in soft hues, reflected a timeless charm.

Inside, the living room served as the heart of the home. Comfortable furniture surrounded a fireplace, where the grandparents often shared stories with the younger members of the family. Family photographs adorned the walls, capturing precious moments spanning generations.

The kitchen, always filled with enticing aromas, became a hub of culinary traditions. The mother, skilled in her culinary craft, often prepared meals that brought the family together around the dining table. The gentle hum of family conversations and laughter echoed within the walls.

Bedrooms upstairs reflected the individual personalities of each family member. The son's room, filled with toys and books, displayed a vibrant energy. The grandparents' room, adorned with cherished memories, exuded a sense of serenity.

Throughout the house, a sense of love and connection permeated, creating a haven where the small family shared joys, faced challenges, and built lasting memories together.

Tonight this small family was gathered in the dining room ready to eat their meal that was lavishly set up on the table in the middle of the room, the family consisted of two grandparents, a mother and a son. The mother was a very beautiful and curvious woman, she was quite slender and her hair was a blonde colour. "Mommy, when is daddy coming home?" Her 7 year old boy asked, he also had blonde hair just like the mother and then the two grandparents. "I don't know honey, he's a little late." She said as she checked the time which was now 7:00pm. As she lifted her head the sound of the house door opening could be heard as the Calvin entered the house. "Daddy." The boy said as he ran to his father who swiftly picked him up and spun around for a while before hugging him. "Haha, how's my little angel doing, did you miss me?" Calvin asked. "You're late Calvin, what took you so long?" The mother asked before the child could answer. "I was a little busy with work that's all, you don't need to be so worried." Calvin said to his wife. "Well try not to be late next time anyway dinner's ready so come and eat." The wife said.

After the fulfilling meal the family went to sleep in their various rooms.

11:00pm, a dark shadowy aura envelopes the inside of the young boy's room as a figure covered in dark aura stood over the boy. A few minutes later the boy wakes up and goes to his parents room not seeing the figure. "Mommy, daddy, there is a wierd feeling in my room." The boy said as he wakes his parents. "Come here Caden, come and sleep by mommy." The mother said as she gets up, picks him up and places him next to her as they both go back to sleep.

12:00am, the entire house gets covered by a very deep shadow fog. "Ahhhh." A blood curtling scream woke up the whole neighborhood. As the parents and their son all wake up at the same time the grandmother runs out of her room towards them, but before she was able to get there a purple beam flies through her head as she drops to the ground with blood leaking from her head. Slowly the shadowy figure walked out of the room, Calvin jumps off the bed as his whole body gets covered by a very thick armour of muscles. He then closed the distance between him and the figure in a split second as he aims his fist towards the figure's head, the fist flies through the figure as he looked unaffected, then a shadow sword formed in it's hand as it swiftly decapitated Calvin faster than the blink of an eye. Before the mother could move the figure threw the sword into her head. Then walking towards the traumatized child he placed his hand on Caden's head, a bright light followed and then, nothing, as the figure disappeared and Caden lost consciousness.