
Shadow Monarch In Naruto

A man dies and gets an opportunity to reincarnate in his favorite world with some wishes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This novel contain bl content. So reader's not interested can leave. This is only a time pass writing, so update will be irregular.

Male_storm · Cómic
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6 Chs

Steam Country

It's been two months and we're ready to get out of this land for good. I did get a lot of shadow soldiers with kekkei genkai. I only went for the dead ninjas, I didn't go for the civilians.

After getting as much shadow soldiers from ninjas I stopped extracting shadows and started to plan out my next move.

With my power and Haku's we can join any one of the remaining villages, but I wanted to go to the leaf village so that I could meet up with the main characters but I also wanted to see other villages too. So I decided thet we would go to the leaf village after we see every other villages. And since we had shadow soldiers we just had to sneak in and out of each village without alerting the ninjas for safe journey. So I decided that I would enter the leaf village at the age of eight, that is I'll be traveling around places for two years.

So with that planned out I called out for Haku and we went to the ship that has been in the sea for couple of months. We didn't have swim as I used shadow transfer to the ship and ordered hundred shadows to be spies in water country.

As everything was ready we started to sail through the seas for the time being.


It's been two weeks since we left the water country and we have traveled in the sea as far as possible in stealth. We have been training jutsu that I copied from Kirigakure and from different clans. The jutsu scroll from yuki clan is in the custody of Haku.

We did check our elemental affinity, with that we figured that Haku have water and wind affinity with ice release as kekkei genkai. As for me I had affinity towards wind, water and fire, with shadow release as kekkei genkai. That means both Haku and me have affinity towards Yin. But to our surprise when we checked our Yin-Yang affinity, Haku had more Yin energy than me and I had more Yang energy than him. So we just decided to leave it at that.

As we're sailing in the sea Haku came out from his room with a messy clothing. When he saw me he smiled and came towards me and stood beside me. We didn't speak for a sometime, we just enjoyed the sea breeze and stood there in silence.

Couple of minutes later he spoke to me "Where will we be going from here?"

"First we'll go to the land of steam. There I'll let all my shadow soldiers to infiltrate in every hidden village and capital. After that we'll leave from there towards South, land of tea will be our first destination from there we'll decided."

"Alright" Saying that he went back to his room.


We reached the land of Steam but we didn't go go to crowded places at all. Before reaching the shore I sent rest of the normal grade soldiers that are left from the infiltration of water country.

Since we are hear we decided to explore this country a bit and then leave.

After touring and buying some clothes we went back to our ship. Food and other things were simply borrowed using shadow soldiers.

As we were inside the ship, Haku was showing me the clothes he bought without my knowledge, And all of them were unisex clothes. He did ask me about my opinion about the clothes he should wear and I pointed out clothes with less skin exposure.

He then seperated them from the pile and started to wear each of them right in front of me. Even though I'm only six years old, I still had a mind of sixteen years old. And I do get aroused in these kind of situation in my mind. So not to become a pedophile I moved out of the room to give him som privacy.




∆∆∆∆∆Chapter 3 End∆∆∆∆∆