Synopsis: Reborn into a peaceful modern world devoid of monsters, dungeons, and magic, Drix finds himself in the body of a newborn, carrying the immense power of the Shadow Monarch. With no threats to face and no enemies to fight, Drix embraces his new life, honing his abilities in secret while enjoying the tranquility of a normal existence. Over the years, he grows to accept this world as his sanctuary—a place where he alone wields power in a calm and ordinary society. But just as he begins to fully settle into this quiet life, an unsettling, familiar sensation pierces the calm. Mana—an energy he thought impossible in this world—begins to emerge, spreading slowly but surely. As the once-ordinary world starts to shift, Drix must prepare for whatever lies ahead. Author; i don't really expect anything that this story will be good because i only made this in chatgpt cuz im suck in English, i only made this to share my ideas and if somebody willing to remake this i will gladly accept it.