
Gotta get them all.

{A/N; Some of you will find that I genderbend Luffy bit disturbing. While he is a great shounen charachter, it's not my cup of tea with how he acts. I don't think I can write good Luffy so I changed him to something I can write. There might be other genderbends or not. but expect changes in every world that MC will visit. I don't want to write exact same things over and over again. you could just read the original series once more.}


Duke's ship is gently traveling with the breeze in the middle of an unending ocean.

It's easy to see why East Blue is dubbed the "most peaceful" of the four blues. Duke and Lucy had been sailing for four days and hadn't spotted a single ship, let alone a pirate.

It's not that there are no pirates; rather, it's their lack of number that makes East Blue safer. Other blues, at the very least, have much more pirate crews than this one. As a result, East Blue does not have a Marine with a rank higher than Captain, although other blues have Commodores or even Rear-Admirals.

Lucy was doing push-ups on the deck while Duke instructed her. While she is very strong for a blue sea, her chances in the Grand Line are not very high. Duke wants to start training her in Haki as soon as possible, but her body can't handle Armament Haki, and Observation and Conquerors Haki require her to mature.

Duke was approached by a shadow knight. Duke gathered strong knights from the pirates he killed in Grand Line over the years. When compared to normal knights of Duke's height, these knights are at least three heads taller and have bulkier bodies.

Knight kneeled in front of him and pointed something at the horizon. Two ships, one very large and white in color, and the other very small and pink in comparison to the white. Pink ship has a black flag with a jolly roger and a heart on it.

The cruise ship appears to be being attacked by pirates.

'Finally.' Duke smiled and ordered the knights to sail towards the ships.

In One Piece manga and anime, straw hats journeys are presented at high speed while not showing the actual time of sailing between islands. Duke thought he would counter the Alvida Pirates a day later departing from Foosha Village.

"Are we going to fight?!?" Lucy asked, a bright grin on her face.

"Of course, we are Marines after all. You handle the crew while I find their captain." Duke explained.

Lucy bent her knees and used her devil fruit to control the wooden deck and throw herself like a catapult when their ship got close enough.

"Oi, after the fight, fix this!" Duke yelled from behind her, his gaze fixed on the opened-up ship deck.

Lucy took to the skies and positioned herself above the ships. She transformed her legs into massive wooden ones at the highest altitude and accelerated towards the unlucky pirate crew. She crashed through several ship decks like a meteor.

Duke shook his head as he stepped onto the cruise ship calmly. His shadow grew slowly, impaling any pirate who tried to attack him. He approached an overweight woman, carrying a heavy iron club.

"Iron Mace Alvida, 5 million belly bounty. You are under arrest." Duke said, putting his hand on the sword hilt.

"Hah! As if one Marine could stop me!" She raised her club to smash Duke, only to hit an after image of him.

Duke reappeared a few meters away, clicking his sword back into place.

Alvida's iron club was sliced into pieces with the cleanest cuts imaginable. After seeing it, the entire commotion on the deck came to a halt. Alvida stared at her club with her mouth agape.

"I'm curious if any pirates would resign from the start. After all, it becomes monotonous." Duke let out a sigh. With a single step forward, he appeared in front of Alvida and struck her in the face with a well-placed punch, knocking her off her feet.

He turned to face Alvida's crew. "Is anyone still up for a fight?" They shook their heads and dropped their weapons.

"That's great." Duke gave an eye-smile. The pirates and Alvida were escorted to the holding cells on the lower deck of the Marine ship by knights.

Lucy dashed through the deck, clutching a short, chubby young boy with light pink hair who shivered in her arms. "Duke! I caught a pirate!" She hurled the boy at Duke.

"P-please h-help, I-I'm not a pirate!" Duke almost burst into laughter seeing the young boy's snotty face. He looks like he is going to die if Duke looks at him sternly.

"Not a pirate? Why are you on the ship then? You don't look like part of the cruise ship crew."

"A-Alvida captured me and made me her c-chore boy."

"That's unfortunate of you… Say what is your name young man." Duke asked, his hands folded at his back.

"K-Koby, sir."

"What do you want to be Koby? I can see that you don't like pirates."

Koby's eyes widened at the sudden question, but steeled himself and answered. "I want to be a Marine, sir. I want to protect weak people like me."

Duke only nodded and returned to his ship. Lucy followed him, unconcerned about what was going on between them. Duke turned to face Koby as they boarded the ship.

"What exactly are you waiting for? Get going. Your training will begin tomorrow." He walked into the Captain's Quarters, leaving a shell-shocked Koby behind.

"Yes, Captain!" Koby quickly boarded the ship, and the knights sailed to the nearest Marine branch to drop off the pirates, which happened to be the next destination on Duke's list.

At Captain Quarters, Duke was reading the latest news when he seemed to speak to no one.

"You are welcome to come out. There is no treasure or bounty money to be found here."

A young woman with short orange hair emerged from around the corner. She's dressed in a dark blue tee and black pants. She also wears a red sash around her waist and a black bandana.

'How did he find me? Even Arlong can't find me.' She considered her options while looking for escape routes, but they were all blocked by shadow knights who appeared out of nowhere.

"Trying to rob a Marine ship is extremely dangerous." Duke said this with a calm smile on his face. He stood up and approached the thieving cat. He towered over her and pressed her up against the wall. "You know, I can arrest you right now."

"Haha… how about no!" she with swift motion, kicked Duke in his crotch. Instead of the familiar high-pitched scream, she felt her leg bones cracking with pain!

"What the hell are you made of!? Are you even a man!?" she yelled, holding her leg.

Duke just smiled. "I'm well prepared for cheap tricks." You wouldn't believe how many times Armament Haki saved him from going barren.

"I'll add attacking a Marine to your crimes… Hmm, what punishment would be good for you…" Duke paced back and forth, seemed in deep thought. Knights were already holding the girl in place.

"Ah! I got it. Bring her." Duke exited the room with knights and a thief behind him.

They entered the lower deck, specifically the kitchen.

"You see, I have a rather large stomach, or maybe a black hole, to fill and my cooking isn't cutting it anymore. Until I find a promising chef, you will cook us three nutritious meals a day." He said and walked away.

"No! I will not be your slave!" but her shouts fall deaf on his ears.

The next two days went very smoothly. Duke meticulously trained both Lucy and Koby while Nami, the thief, cooked their food but always complained to Duke for two hours straight.

In just two days, Koby actually showed great changes. His chubby face starts to get leaner while muscles start to show up a little. While he is still the weakest, even Nami can beat his ass up, his techniques improved quickly.

It is no wonder that he became Marine captain in just two years from the start of his first training. He can compete with Smoker and other great Marines in talent alone.

He is getting a bit mature too, but still a scrawny brat.

'Should I get him a devil fruit? I mean he was strong with just physical strength alone, but Devil Fruit can shine on his talent.' Duke noted this for later and continued to train them when Nami came to their side.

"We are getting close to the island."

Duke raised an eyebrow at her. "How do you know that? All the maps are locked in my room." Of course, he knows the reason, but can't have them know right?

Nami snorted and folded her arms across her chest." I am the best Navigator in East Blue; this is second nature to me."

"Navigator you say…" Duke chuckled mysteriously, sending chills down Nami's spine.

'What is he thinking this time?' She shook her head and returned to her unvoluntary cooking job.

And just like she said, they arrived at Shells Town a few hours later. Duke stood at the bow of the ship with a grin.

'Now it is time for you, moss-head.'

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