

From a once feeble soul to a force now feared by the entire galaxy, his journey echoes the resilience that transforms weakness into unbridled strength.

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30 Chs


As Veer, the Heaven Devouring Emperor, continued his sacred task of purifying the energies within the starry sky, his mastery over both dark and light principles reached unprecedented heights. His unwavering dedication and the flourishing influence of the World Tree marked him as a paragon of cultivation. In a momentous evolution, Veer transcended the boundaries of an Immortal Emperor to become the first Supreme Immortal of the starry sky.

Veer's Ascension to Supreme Immortal:

Culmination of Mastery: Veer's profound understanding of dark and light principles, coupled with the flourishing energy of the World Tree, elevated him to the pinnacle of cultivation. The celestial energies resonated with his essence, marking the culmination of a journey that began with the inheritance of the Ancient Devouring Beast.

Harmony of Cosmic Forces: Veer's ascension epitomized the harmonious integration of cosmic forces within him. The balance between darkness and light, the synergy with the World Tree, and the profound insights gained through decades of seclusion propelled him to a realm beyond that of a conventional Immortal Emperor.

Seclusion and Unseen Threats:

Isolation in Seclusion: Veer's focus on cosmic purification led him to seclude himself from the affairs of the starry sky. In this period of isolation, he delved into the depths of cultivation, unaware of the unfolding events beyond the celestial boundaries.

Ominous Intruders: Unbeknownst to Veer, a veil of secrecy concealed the fact that the starry sky faced an imminent threat. Outsiders, drawn by the newfound vitality and energy radiating from the transformed starry sky, began to infiltrate its celestial borders, their intentions shrouded in shadows.

The novel unfolded with the starry sky flourishing under Veer's stewardship, now designated as the Supreme Immortal. The celestial realm, once teetering on the edge of darkness, basked in the radiant energies of the World Tree. However, the unsuspecting Veer remained unaware of the ominous intruders who sought to exploit the revitalized starry sky for their mysterious objectives.

As Veer opened his eyes, the celestial energies within him pulsated in harmony with the cosmic forces. His ascension to the rank of Supreme Immortal had granted him an unparalleled perspective—a god-like figure overseeing the starry sky. With a mere thought, he extended his divine sense, a cosmic awareness that transcended the physical realm.

Veer's Divine Insight:

God-like Perception: The moment Veer opened his eyes, he became a transcendent figure, perceiving the starry sky with unparalleled clarity. His senses extended beyond the celestial expanse, reaching into the very fabric of the cosmos.

Cosmic Awareness: Veer's divine sense, honed by years of cultivation and cosmic purification, allowed him to discern the ebb and flow of energies within the starry sky. It became a conduit through which he could unravel the mysteries veiled from mortal perception.

Starry Sky's Peril:

Invasion by Sky Pirates: Veer's celestial gaze revealed an unsettling truth—the starry sky was under siege. A nefarious group known as the Bald Shark, comprised of ten Immortal Emperors and led by a formidable half-step Supreme, had invaded the celestial realm.

Losses Among Immortal Emperors: Veer's divine sense extended to the battles raging within the starry sky. The unfortunate news reached him that Farmer, along with three other Immortal Emperors and their allies, had fallen victim to the overwhelming might of the Sky Pirates.

The Cosmic Chessboard Unfolds:

Bald Shark's Threat: The revelation of the Sky Pirates and their formidable leader sent ripples through the cosmic tapestry. Veer understood the imminent danger posed by this audacious invasion, threatening the delicate balance he had worked so hard to restore.

Losses Among Allies: The news of Farmer and his allies succumbing to the Bald Shark underscored the severity of the threat. Veer's heart resonated with a resolute determination to safeguard the starry sky against the encroaching darkness.

Veer's Response:

Cosmic Intervention: Veer, now embodying the essence of a Supreme Immortal, prepared to intervene. His cosmic presence surged with a newfound vigor, and the radiance of the World Tree bolstered his resolve.

Astral Vigilance: Veer, with his divine sense as his guide, set forth to confront the Sky Pirates. The starry sky, once a realm of peace and cultivation, now became the cosmic battleground where the fate of immortals and mortals hung in the balance.

As the celestial rage coursed through Veer, the starry sky itself responded to his tumultuous emotions. Dark clouds gathered, eclipsing the once serene expanse. With each step he took upon the void, the cosmic energies bent to his will, transforming him into a god-like figure draped in the shadows of his wrath.

Anguish of the Starry Sky:

Veil of Darkness: The starry sky, reflective of Veer's emotions, succumbed to an ominous darkness. The celestial bodies dimmed, and an otherworldly gloom settled over the once vibrant realm.

Cosmic Turmoil: The very fabric of the starry sky quivered in response to Veer's anger. It was a manifestation of his cosmic authority, an assertion of power that echoed through the cosmos.

Veer's Astral Dominion:

Void-Like Presence: Veer's ascent into the void mirrored his god-like stature. The shadows clung to him, and the cosmic forces bowed to the Supreme Immortal who now stood as an embodiment of cosmic retribution.

Consuming Anguish: With a mere thought, Veer invoked the dark powers within him. The void around him became a canvas of ethereal shadows as he slowly devoured the life essence of the Sky Pirates, each drop of their blood adding to the cosmic symphony of his wrath.

Confrontation with the Sky Pirate Leader:

Terrifying Presence: The Sky Pirate Leader, witnessing Veer's astral dominion, felt an overwhelming terror. The very essence of the starry sky seemed to converge upon the enraged Supreme Immortal.

Escape Attempt: In a desperate bid to escape the impending doom, the Sky Pirate Leader tried to flee the encroaching darkness. However, Veer, with his mastery over the cosmic void, locked the would-be escapee within an inescapable cocoon of shadows.

Darkness as Punishment:

Erosion of the Body: The imprisoned Sky Pirate Leader, enveloped in the consuming darkness, felt the erosion of his physical and spiritual being. It was a punishment wrought by the very forces he sought to defy.

Desperate Pleas: Begging for forgiveness, the Sky Pirate Leader pleaded for mercy. Yet, Veer, fueled by the anguish of the starry sky and the betrayal suffered, remained resolute in his cosmic judgment.

Rise of the Blood-Devouring Emperor:

Devouring Cosmic Essence: As Veer slowly devoured the blood of the Sky Pirate Leader, a transformation occurred. The once-defiant invader succumbed to the cosmic forces, and his essence became intertwined with Veer's consuming power.

Feared and Respected: The members of the starry sky, witnessing this celestial spectacle, stood in awe and trepidation. Veer's shadowy silhouette, now adorned with the mantle of the Blood-Devouring Emperor, became a figure both feared and respected by all who beheld his cosmic wrath.