
Shade -Shop of the night (On Hiatus)

Akirai had been "Unique" ever since she was a child- Orphan, unwanted, stubborn- a street rat. But Akirai became "Unique" in another way after she died in an unfortunate hiking accident, a landslide- there was nothing to be done. But of course Akirai´s stubborn self didn´t let it end there.

Lumina_Wraith · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs

Beast feed

"Yeah, Sylvie, hit me." Akirai requested, sitting on the counter and admiring her creation.

Sylvie then listed a short list of items, they didn´t seem very interesting and didn´t have any super effects... well except the last three and those were very light.


[This Beast feed raises the regeneration rate of Beasts after consumption for a limited amount of time.]




[This Beast feed temporarily raises the Beasts intelligence after consumption.]




[This Beast feed temporarily raises the Beasts comprehension after consumption.]



Coincidently those three Beast feeds were the only Bronze-ranked items Sylvie had produced, the others were all No-grades and didn´t have any effects outside of the intended use.

Akirai tapped her thighs in thought, "Tell me, Sylvie, can you mix the Feed together?" She asked after a while.

"Yes, but the effects may weaken." She replied and Akirai nodded.

"Alright, let´s feed the new Beasts, and Lynn." She said... "Where´s the feed at?"

"One moment, Host." Sylvie asked and not a moment after did the floor in front of her, one of the only spots not covered in plants, get covered in packaged goods, some were in glasses, some were in bottles and others in bags, the variety wasn´t very big, but they were plentyfull.

Akirai read the lables and willed the food products into the shelves, some in the shelves behind the counter, and the others in the shelves in the store, the Bronze-grade beast food floated behind the counter and into the small, little, hidden corner and in the shelves directly by the wall facing the wall leading to the entrance.

Only three bags were left open and on the counter, Akirai picked two bowls from a cardboard box on the floor and opened all three bags before filling the bowl with a mixed of all three, although the Spring feed took up 50% of the mixture.

She took the bowls and headed back to the nursery, stepping inside and setting the bowl down in front of the listless snake, and then the owl.

Neither even made a move to touch the bowls contents

She pondered for a bit before sighing.

"Sylvie? Balance." She said with a tired sigh.

"46 Points" She answered.

"Nee, the Bronze-grade realm was 10 Points?" She asked as she went to go get Lynna, who was currently napping on her bed.

"Correct, do you want to enter? Would you like to recieve the reward for your quest first?"


"Sylvie? What Quest?" Akirai felt stupid, where were these quests coming from, and why were they complete?

"The Beginner Quest, enter a Pact with a Beast and bring it up a grade." She informed her clueless Host.

"What are the rewards?"

"100 Points." Sylvie replied "And a System Level up, congratulations, we´re at level 2." Akirai nodded, not very interested in either.

"Nice job, Sylvie." She congratulated her System and left it at that.

"So, I need a contract with both Beasts and a No-grade Realm." She said, a plan already forming in her mind.

"?" "What do you plan to do Host?" Her assistant probed.

"The Beasts recover from every injury sustained if they revive, yes?"

"That is correct, do you plan on killing both Beasts?"

"No, I´ll see how far they go before they die, and train Lynn a bit more."

And that was her plan, those Beasts were hers now, so she´d see what she could do for them, and both seemes to suffer from injuries she couldn´t treat, so maybe this was the quickest and relatively painless method, she´d see how they fought and let them at it, if they died, they died, if they fought, then that´s great too.

"Ah, a temporary contract costs 1 Point per grade, for example, a No-grade costs 1 Point, a Bronze grade will cost 2 Points and so forth." Sylvie informed her Host.

"That´s pretty cheap." She said, not really bothered by this, but still wanting to comment on this, "Come to think of it, most things you offer are really cheap too, is it a beginner phase bonus or just normal?" She asked, not used to things just falling into her lap.

"No, it´s not a beginner bonus, and if you´re worried about them being cheap, I can garuantee you, it won´t stay this cheap, so save Points."

"Huh, that´s good to know." She replied, "But first, I´ll go shopping for some supplies, my clothes got shredded." She said and dressed, ready to go shopping for things she´d need.


The lower shop area was covered in plants, Jonas thought as he entered the small Beast store after debating if he was in the right place for a good while.

Normally he´d have never come to a place like this, but he ran out of Beast feed that he needed to feed his partner and this, whether he wanted it to be or not, was the closest store where he could get some.

"Hello?" He called, not seeing any clerk behind the counter or in the shop, of course he could just have missed them, the plants were everywhere.

"Just a moment!" A female voice called back from... somewhere.

He heard a door opening to his right and watched as a woman stepped out from behind the opened door, she had a mop of red hair and a Moth like Beast on her shoulder, unlike any he´d seen before, not that he´d seen them all.

She greeted him with a nod and sat down in a chair. "What can I help you with?"

"I need Beast feed, two bags, suitable for bird types." He replied, having a feeling that the woman in front of him wasn´t one for sensless small talk, she nodded and grabbed behind her on a shelf, she pulled two labled bags down.

"It´s called Summer, don´t ask why, it should do well for your Beast." He looked at the bag, and nodded.

"Can I call out my Beast?" He asked, knowing some shop owners didn´t like this, but she only nodded and ripped one of the bags open at the top before leaning back in her chair, the moth settling on her lap, resembeling a cat for some reason.

He called out his companion of three years, an Eagle like creature with red plummage and yellow glowing eyes, his companion settled on his outstretched arm as he motioned to the opened bag, his partner looked at it before flapping his wings and settling next to the bag, he took a small sample and creed in delight, he smiled and asked for the price.

"A Hundred credits per bag will do." She said and he rose a brow, that was pretty cheap for good Beast feed, and his partner was a picky eater, but she just nodded back so he made the transfer of two-hundred Credits and left, resolving to come back for more if he was around, even if the shop resembled a greenhouse more than a Beast store.