
Chapter 60: Dongsoo: So Azaroth is behind all of this..?

As dinner wound down, the atmosphere in the apartment was filled with a pleasant warmth.

Jinah, having grown more comfortable throughout the evening, cleaned the table and this time the one helping her was none other than our kind young master Azaroth himself.

Jinah was surprised to see Azaroth help stack plates alongside her.

"Umm, You don't need to help," she protested.

"Oh is that so~, but then how am I supposed to have a private conversation with my friend huh?" Azaroth said with an eyebrow raised.

She had her fair neck exposed, her height was 5'2. She looked so sisterly and so breedable at the moment.

She didn't have the apron now and her red T-shirt was unable to suppress her big beautiful boobs and her blue shorts were showing her fair legs.

Azaroth was 6'2 and when he looked at her from the side he could see the sisterly glistening cleavage of cute Jinah.

Her scent was alluring and if he didn't possess enough self-control he would fuck her…

"T.. That.."

Seeing her condition he decided to change the topic.

"How's school been treating you these days?" he inquired.

"Ah! That? Um.. It's been the same routine," she responded, setting a stack of dishes on the counter. "But everyone's been curious about your absence. I guess being the youngest S-rank in Korea means you have more important duties now..? Well, I miss— we all -I MEAN- Song Yi and the other girls in our class are always asking about you."

"Ah! So Song Yi and others miss me huh, but not you?" He asked with a grin.

"M-Me too.. I.. umh.. I too miss you, so.. but don't get any strange ideas!!" She started slow but literally yelled the last part.

"Is that so? I'm flattered." Azaroth chuckled.

Azaroth let out a long breath, and then a hint of longing flashed in his gaze. "Ah, those two months of school days. I do miss them, but after being an S-rank did I mention becoming a squad leader? it's tough to keep up with regular attendance. But don't worry, I'll make sure to be present for exams. Can't let my academic reputation suffer, right? Wasn't I quite the model student?"

"Wait! You became a Squad leader!?" She exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and awe.

"Why are you looking so surprised?" he replied, his face beaming with pride.

"When did this happen!?" she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Heh heh Just today," He chuckled. "And not only that, but my team set a new record today. It'll be all over the news tomorrow."

"Wa Wa What!? And instead of celebrating, y-you're here having dinner with us?" she questioned in disbelief.

He leaned closer to her face. His bright blue eyes looked at her with sincerity, "Don't say it like it's a small thing."

He looked like he meant it, " Having dinner with you is a special occasion for me," he said with a genuine smile.

"Plus, your homemade kimchi was the best I've ever had." His words were sincere and made her heart skip a beat and her mind shut down for a second.


"That was a nice talk, Jinah. And also thank you for cooking." Azaroth said at the apartment door.

"Hehe. I wish this guy also appreciated his sister like you" She said while poking Jinwoo from her elbow.

"I-I always say thanks though..." Jinwoo muttered. "Ask Mr. Azaroth, I had even praised you when we were coming here"

"R-really?" Jinah beamed at her brother. 

Azaroth nodded in agreement. "Absolutely Jinah. You have a real talent. I really don't think I can go back to Roger's cooking now. I'll have to come over more often for dinner."

Jinwoo raised his eyebrow, "You.. you will not take my sister as a maid, right? Mr. Azaroth.."

Azaroth chuckled, his gaze lingering on Jinah. "Well, if it means more evenings like this, then yes."

Jinah's cheeks flushed again, but she seemed.... pleased? by the sentiment...?

Suddenly Azaroth took out his phone and looked at the time. 

"Oh, it's already late. I think I should get going now," He said while waving his hand, "And yeah Jinwoo, if you wanna fight as a hunter then call me. I guess you know what I mean..."

 He paused for a moment, remembering their conversation in the car. "And yeah, don't forget what I said in the car~ Now see ya"

Azaroth entered his sleek black car and started toward home. As he pulled onto the main road, his phone buzzed on the dashboard.

He glanced at the caller ID - it was news reporter Chaerin Kim. An earpiece formed out of thin air on his left ear and he tapped it to accept the call, a small smile forming.

"Ah! Miss Chaerin, I was wondering when you would call, heh."

Azaroth greeted smoothly.

"Ah! Hello Mr Morningstar! How are you today!" 

A loud and excited girlish voice came from the other side.

"I'm doing great. But first, can Miss Chaerin tell me about the purpose of her call?" 

Miss Chaerin updated Azaroth eagerly. "Mr. Azaroth, you were right. Just as you said, Hwang Dongsoo visited our News building at 8 PM today and spoke with me."

'Took him long enough~'

Azaroth looked ahead as his car stopped at a red light. "And what did he say to our Miss Chaerin?~" he asked Chaerin in amusement.

"He wasn't happy about the report I did on his brother's corruption charges," she replied.

"He also asked why we are covering this 'misleading' information and 'fake' case and if we know anything about Dongsuk's current location" She added.

Azaroth's eyes hardened in thought. "Did he hurt you or anythi—"

"Ah! No, he just asked and didn't do anything stupid!" She explained hurriedly having butterflies in her stomach thinking someone powerful and handsome like Azaroth Morningstar was caring for her.

"Dongsoo just threatened retaliation if we continued spreading 'misinformation'."

Azaroth glanced at the now-green light and continued driving as his conversation with Chaerin continued.

"And what did our Miss Chaerin say to Dongsoo?" he asked.

He had found it amusing to talk like this with her hehe.

"Oh! Hehe. Just as you previously instructed, I bowed as low as possible and apologized profusely," Chaerin reported.

"I told him if his brother was truly innocent, we could even offer compensation for the report."

"And.. Pfft.. And you know what.. You should have been there to see the look on his face puhaha.."Chaerin let out a goblin laugh. "He seemed totally baffled! He wasn't sure what to make of it. He grumbled and left in a huff."

(News reporter Chaerin's image)

"Oh! Pfft.. at least send the CCTV footage so I can see that and good work defusing the situation," Azaroth praised while laughing.

Her laugh was so funny that it nearly made him lose character while talking to her.

 "And don't worry~ I'll take care if he decides to do anything stupid~" He said.

"Thanks for your guidance~" Chaerin sounded really happy.

"Heh, it's all Miss Chaerin's own intelligence that she decided to be a good girl and followed my orders, now stay being a good girl, and Keep me informed of any further developments~"

Azaroth ended the call with Chaerin.

As the line went dead, he glanced at his mobile screen, and with a few taps in a complex sequence, a hidden app opened.

A futuristic interface emerged, filled with a lot of green lines of code and streaming data like those of movies.

Through his nanotech, Azaroth was able to hack financial systems with ease. 

Well, if he had an AI like JARVIS, he would have just given it a command but sigh* he has to do stuff by his own hands nonetheless.

 his virus infiltrated offshore no-name accounts used by criminal elements to launder money and fund illicit operations.

He took 1 billion dollars by stealing small negligible amounts from all those shady accounts to his anonymous account which was well hidden from the world and then erased all his traces.

The account holders will not even get a mobile notification of someone withdrawing. keke.

And even if they find out that they are 100 dollars short. What the fuck can they do? That's the great thing about black money lol.

Now, our Miss Chaerin's gift-

A processed transaction of one million dollars was automatically initiated and discretely transmitted through a randomized global network of accounts.

Within seconds, the funds materialized safely in Chaerin's designated Swiss bank account - all without leaving any trace of the original source.

'Haa~ even though I thought to restrain myself. I ended up taking a billion dollars huh? *sigh*'

As Azaroth drove on through the darkened city streets, his mind turned over the next steps.

Even if he could use nanotech to make a self-driving car or have a driver drive him, he didn't because he simply enjoyed driving and without a driving license to boot.

Inside the private restaurant room, Dongsoo tapped his fingers impatiently as Rose took a sip of wine, smiling softly. His irritation grew - why was she stalling?

"So~ Your investigation hasn't gotten any lead huh~," She said.

"Ah! Just come to the fucking point damit!"

She seemed to sense his irritation but just smiled mischievously, setting her glass down with a sigh. "As I said earlier, Mr. Hwang, my reasons for coming to Korea are complicated."

Rose launched into her story - being in Korea to smoothen things between Azaroth and his father Lucas Morningstar, But she doesn't have Azaroth's new number, and upon contacting Azaroth's uncle Choi Jong-in...?

 "All he did was shout and hang up!"

Rose said with gritted teeth.

She took a frustrated sip of wine. "Jong-in refused to say where Azaroth went. Ah! So like what should I even do, right?"

Dongsoo didn't say anything. He didn't know what this woman was blabbering about nonetheless decided to at least hear her out and just nodded.

Seeing him nod Rose smiled like sunshine, 

"And therefore, I decided to do some digging on him by using my contacts from the Berserkers."

Calmer, Rose said, "You know that he has a peculiar relation with a social media model Yoo SooHyun right?~"

Dongsoo leaned forward, suddenly interested.


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